Currently drinking this APA/AIPA style brew. Lots of US style hop aroma and flavour.
1 tin Coopers Pale Ale
1 tin Coopers Light Malt
0.5kg Wheat DME
300g Medium Crystal, steeped
12g EACH of Simcoe, Cascade, Amarillo, Chinook at 20 min boil
12g EACh of Simcoe, Cascade, Amarillo, Chinook dry hop Day 0
12g EACh of Simcoe, Cascade, Amarillo, Chinook dry hop Day 7
1 tsp of Gypsum (I have very soft water in my area and the hoppy beers love a bit of Gypsum)
US-05 at 17degC for 15 days then crash chilled for 3 days at 1.5 degC. Bottled with 1tsp of sucrose. 6% ABV