6 Beers Wed Never Drink

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They don't all look bad to me:


Hefervisen :blink:

I suppose any random can write a beer article.
Until I got to two and one, I thought he was being ironic. Lambic, Randalised beer, Utopia, Scottish Tripel with pine sprouts, all interesting beers.... but I agree with him on the last two, tho I might taste them if I saw them.

"whole leaf hops"?


Interesting looking hopback..
Just goes to show. You don;t need to be clever to write to a blog...:lol:
I've had a few pints of Full Sail's ultra hoppy christmas seasonal IPA 'Wreck The Halls' pulled through a Randall stuffed full of Centenial flowers at the Horse Brass pub in Seattle, WA. They re-packed it half way through the keg. Hop insanity and one of the happiest days of my life.
Has anyone ever seen, or more importantly brewed a spruce beer? Has a very interesting history. Captain Cook had his own recipes which are still produced by a New Zealand brewery. Read all here - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spruce_beer
Belgian Beer..not to everyones taste, but Zymomonas...hey something Kurtz'z back brain says Zymomonas = Brewery Death, unable to quickly unearth my notes from a splendid, fantastic in fact course I did last year I took to the last resort of gambling man and googled it...
.Zymomonas spp. are Gram-negative aerotolerant anaerobes,
which are found in ales and in primed beer, i.e. beer
to which sugar is added. Zymomonas mobilis produces
high levels of acetaldehyde and hydrogen sulphide
It has also closed at least one brewery.....as to the Randall, well the Wig and Pen here have even incorporated a Jarrah Randall stand in their new bar...mmmm, and the DogFish Head on the Randaall, try DFH 120 min IPA for a total MF. I have had the Utopia and it is ''like wow".
Yeh..the guys a total whacker....

I thought this thread would be a rant about beers U wouldn't touch with a 10 foot beersommelier.

I refuse to participate further in this thread, except to mention that if that clown had heard of the Arrogant Bastard, it would have knocked a beer off that list:

My 6:
West End
Southwark Green Death
number 7 - Dr K's "House of Suffering" Zymomonas GSA

Seth :p

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