I’ve been doing BIAB in a crown urn and it’s stoopid easy and I make beers People seem really happy with. With wrapping the urn in a camping mat and some blankets it’ll hold temperature for 90 mins without any problem.
With cold crash with some gelatin my beers are always clear so I don’t think you are going to get much benefit out of the recirc. If you are hung up on efficiency then buy an extra 250g of grain.
With BIAB there No stuck sparges and cleaning is a doddle and less room for infections.
The only advantage I see with the pumped systems is better temp control on stepped mashes, but It’s never looked like a worthwhile payback for me.
I think you get better results in concentrating on the fermenting and packaging side.
ive got a brew tech brew bucket and it’s fantastic. but if you don’t have a fridge and temp controller I think you would be better off doing that and not worrying too much about the stainless yet. If you have a fridge then the stainless makes sense.
I’d get a couple of flasks and a stir plate to get a healthy yeast pitch. I’ve got half a dozen mason jars in the back of the fridge with different yeasts so that quickly pays for itself.
Kegs really are the next best and I’d much rather do that then spend money on mashing equipment.
less exposure to oxygen, less risk of infection and a heap less time spent through the process.