5 kegs, 8kg meat...now thats what i call sunday lunch

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Ive been busy lately brewing up the beers for my sons bucks weekend.

Two pales, two IPAs and a not so bitter ESB.

Combine that lot with a spit roast.....mmm.

Iam ashamed to say that is a Carlton stubbie...there are some people that simply wont drink "homebrew"


I didnt stay for the whole weekend...there is no way i can drink for 4 days straight like a bunch of boys in thier 20's can anymore.

I believe the "a bit awkward in front of dad" activities are happening now that i have come home.
Now that sounds like a great weekend away. Yeh I still get the "Don't like homebrew either" saying. But I do admit that what I used to brew, Extract to AG haas made a massive difference :)

Believe it or not that ill fated 10 minute IPA was on of them and that keg was feeling pretty light whenI left.
GrumpyPaul said:
Believe it or not that ill fated 10 minute IPA was on of them and that keg was feeling pretty light whenI left.
I read that 10 min IPA on a school night thread. This was it yeah? If so, what was your take on the resultant beer? Do it again?
Pretty much the feel good thread title for 2013 so far.
Very nice...

What volume is that cooler?

I am taking 8 cornies to a mate's 3 day wedding event and was going to put them in 20 litre buckets with ice to serve, as there is limited refrigerator and cool room space at the venue.

Your option looks better, and I know where I can hire 80 Lt Techni ice coolers.
Or am I overthinking the the whole thing and the 20 litre buckets will suffice?
Dave70 said:
Pretty much the feel good thread title for 2013 so far.
I opened the thread thinking I may learn something about getting meat into kegs...
NewtownClown said:
Very nice...

What volume is that cooler?

I am taking 8 cornies to a mate's 3 day wedding event and was going to put them in 20 litre buckets with ice to serve, as there is limited refrigerator and cool room space at the venue.

Your option looks better, and I know where I can hire 80 Lt Techni ice coolers.
Or am I overthinking the the whole thing and the 20 litre buckets will suffice?

that cooler looks to be 100lt+, I'd defo be looking at a cooler or two, if you get some warm weather, the ice wont last long in buckets, the esky would be a much better option IMO...

sounds like a ripper of an event, watcha got brewed for it?
Thanks yob.
I took half a keg to the bucks BBQ and it was getting warmer (8-10c) after 6 hours with 2.5 kg of ice (and too much water) that we neglected to top up.
However, that keg was removed from a fridge at 2c and transported for only 30 mins before being put on ice (in a warm shed). The wedding kegs will have to travel 3 hours...
More peace of mind if I hire two 80 litre coolers...

2 Aus. Pale Ales
2 Ordinary Bitter
2 Hefeweissbier

EDIT: Apologies to the OP for the hijack
Esky idea would be improved with some aircell insulation cut to fit. Even a bit of bubblewrap would do for an overnighter.

Great idea though, i have a square 120litre evacool for the boat that would be perfect for 4 kegs. Would be well over half way up a keg.
Now I am thinking a couple of those 120 litre storage containers from kmart lined with camping mats - one for the kegs to stand in with ice and the other inverted and placed over the top of the kegs as a lid...

EDIT:Just checked dimensions. A 100 lt storage container on wheels at Office Works will fit 6 kegs...
Sorry guys, the esky belonged to someone else so i dont know the size.

When the kegs get dropped back to me aftervthe weekend i will ask
NewtownClown said:
Very nice...

What volume is that cooler?

I am taking 8 cornies to a mate's 3 day wedding event and was going to put them in 20 litre buckets with ice to serve, as there is limited refrigerator and cool room space at the venue.

Your option looks better, and I know where I can hire 80 Lt Techni ice coolers.
Or am I overthinking the the whole thing and the 20 litre buckets will suffice?
I got one of those plastic 220L\44Gal drums and cut it in half, could fit 4 cornies and plenty of ice around them in each half. Found it on eBay for ~$30 was used for fruit pulp not some nasty chemical.

EDIT: Like these
OzPaleAle said:
I got one of those plastic 220L\44Gal drums and cut it in half, could fit 4 cornies and plenty of ice around them in each half. Found it on eBay for ~$30 was used for fruit pulp not some nasty chemical.

EDIT: Like these
Thanks OPA
looks like another good option except no opportunity to get them befre the wedding
Place some rock salt over the ice lowers temp,or techni ice over the top..if you have a supagas store handy "dry Ice"only thing don't get it next to water
DU99 said:
Place some rock salt over the ice lowers temp,or techni ice over the top..if you have a supagas store handy "dry Ice"only thing don't get it next to water
Thanks, ALDI salt already purchased.
Not some.... Will take quite a few handfuls of salt to lower the freezing point of 30 odd litres of ice....