4th Failure At K&k

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Hi Guys, Long time reader, first time poster Etc.

Allways finding the information Usefull ( All i read while at work )

I have a question for you though, as a newbie brewer i've prolly had 2 out of 7 or so batches acually turn out good !.
first issues were simple infections and i can fault myself on where i went wrong ( being Dodgey )

lately though ( last 4 batches ) i've had one issue that i can't find the problem.
- The beer bubbles for no more then 3 days, i don't see any major froffing, after that it just goes dead as a door nail, and when i open the fermentor its smells very sulfery or something similar.
Local HBS's state my pitching temps are too high, the last batches though have been pitched at nearly 22 exactly, and thats using Safale yeats ( problems ?? )
my Cleaning is close to anal Inside,outside, underneath the fermentor etc !
I have a heat pad and a temp controller to keep it at 21*C 24/7 so im not sure if temps the problem.

questions !, As i am anal with cleaning, could an over use of steralizer kill off the yeast trying to ferment ?
And possibly a major thing, the fermentors were once apon a time used to brew Clear spirits for a Still, meaning they have over 850grams of yeast and 9kg's of dextrose in them, of course they've been fully cleaned since those days, the HBS lads don't think its an issue, but im not sure.
the sucessfull brews were done in fermentors not used for spirit production.

Any Thoughts ?
if you use sanitising agent use these at recommended strengths.
rinse with clean cool water and then a quick rinse with boiled water pre use.
As for yeast... kit yeast are less viable the properly store sachets of yeast.

I am currently drinking a kit effort testing my kegging set up.
1 can of oz bitter with a 1 kgs of malt brought to boil and chucked into fermenter.
Safale S-23 pitched at 18 C then brought down to 14 C.
Fermented out in 10 days racked and chilled.
clean as a whistle.
I had to dry hop it with saaz pellets in the keg for flavour. A nice lawnmower beer ^_^
>The beer bubbles for no more then 3 days, i don't see any major froffing

This isn't uncommon, your ferment is just being completed quite quickly (I assume you're talking about the krausen).

>when i open the fermentor its smells very sulfery or something similar

That's just gasses created by the ferment, nothing to worry about :)

>the last batches though have been pitched at nearly 22 exactly, and thats using Safale yeats ( problems ?? )

Ideal temperature is 18-20, though 22 shouldn't be a problem- however, if you're using the strip thermometer on the outside it could be inaccurate as to the core temp. This is a maybe, though

>questions !, As i am anal with cleaning, could an over use of steralizer kill off the yeast trying to ferment ?

What are you using to sanitise your equipment?

>the HBS lads don't think its an issue, but im not sure.

I don't see a problem.

What is actually wrong with your beer?
Thanks For the Quick Responses.

Mr peas and corn -

What are you using to sanitize your equipment?

- Brewshield, At rates of about 30 mils to a liter of water ....

What is actually wrong with your beer?

- That allways varies usually the brew would include for example , Can + 1kg LME + 300 or so dex or more malt + 12grams finishing hops.
i've noticed with the 3 day ferm jobs the beer has practaclly no flavour what so ever !. - alittle bit more taste then water.
Im mixing it all up ok, well the same as i do with the sucessfull brews.

No Idea !, its all too hard, might go back to spirits, a monkey can brew bourbon !
I know nothing about brewshield, you need to find out whether it's a no-rinse sanitiser or not, that'll be important to know. As to your brew issues, not really sure exactly why it should have no flavour, however there are some infections that can strip flavour away
3 days fermenting then the beer stops sounds normal. Sanitation shouldn't be a problem since you say you're anal about it. Sometimes a beer will take 5 days, (or more) to ferment and I've had some go just under 3 (in hot weather), bottled them and they've been fine. If your temperatures are higher then often the fermentation will be sped up. The high temps can really affect the beer taste though so follow the range recommended on the kit for best results.

How do you know the latest batch is a failure? You should also check your specific gravity readings against the kit instructions before tossing it, if they match up you should have a fine brew worth bottling. Another thing, a lot of brewers would swear off opening the fermenter unless you're re-pitching yeast (from time to time I've done this when I've only had a fermentation go a day). Could be a reason for your infections if you're getting too curious and opening it up a bit.

Ahh good point with the brewshield, I know morgans for example states to leave to dry, yet brewshield says nothing except for Dilute to 30mls etc.
Might have to investigate that one.

Thanks for the Info !
Don't be discouraged, my first batch was awful and that put me off brewing for three years- that was three years I could have spent making beer! :) Hope your next batch goes well
Regarding Brewshield, thats what I use and it is a no rinse, and you dont have to let it dry. IMHO it's an awesome sanitiser
You need to describe your exact proceedures, what exact ingrediants etc.
I've had all sorts of problems too, but no one is going to find a possible cause/fault when you're just being general about the ingrediants, yeast, what you are trying to brew. Where and what temp it's bottled in, how you keep your equipment clean, what you brew in, how you clean the bottles, how you prime, sanatising caps etc.

It's a big ask I know, but if you have a fault, everything needs to be written out so people can spot it.
- That allways varies usually the brew would include for example , Can + 1kg LME + 300 or so dex or more malt + 12grams finishing hops.
i've noticed with the 3 day ferm jobs the beer has practaclly no flavour what so ever !. - alittle bit more taste then water.
Freemasha, How long do you let it ferment before you bottle it?
I wouldn't worry too much if the airlock stops bubbling. And I myself wouldn't go opening the fermenter all the time, & letting in the nasties.
The real test to see if it's fermenting is with your hydrometer.
Good luck mate.

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