4th AG brew problem

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Hi to anyone with advise.
I'm currently fermenting my 4th AG brew in a classic plastic fermenter.

My OG was 1.051 and estimated FG of 1.010.
I'm on day 18 and the gravity is 1.014 which is the same as yesterday. My brewing app says 90% complete.

The sample is ever so slightly carbonated but there is no more action in the airlock and hasn't been for about a week.
It had about 4days lag and never really took off like my previous brews. I'm using 8g of US-05 in an 11 litre batch which actually boiled down to a touch under 10L.

Should I bottle or chuck in some more yeast?

Any advise would be great. I don't want any bombs.
Bottle it - that’s a wide assed guess based on way too little information.
You have around 80% apparent attenuation, which is about what you would expect from US-05 (give or take).
Your alcohol is at or around 5.5% again close to what you would expect.

Without knowing the exact grain bill and the temperature and time you mashed at as I said a bit of guessing involved.
Had you mashed at over 70oC your final gravity would be even higher. Had you mashed closer to 60oC it should be lower. Perhaps even what your software predicted. How long you mashed and boiled will play a role...

But at 18 days in, get it off yeast into bottles ASAP, before you get yeast taint that will wreck the beer.