3 Tier Brewing System In Byo Mag Nov 05

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In the Nov 05 BYO magazine they have an article about building a 3 Tier Brewing System. Now can someone explain to me what this system does and the advantages of it as I am only new to brewing but if it is going to help me make better beer (or beer easier!!) I am all for it. My father in law is a welder/metalworker so construction is not a problem i just need to know what it does and how you use it to make beer.

i gather it is like the brew-magic IV brewing sytem from SABCO Industries INC or am i wrong??
Its an all grain brewing system. The idea is to use gravity as much as possible in the process so youi avoid lifting or pumping hot liquid. If you are only new to brewing you are probably brewing from malt extract, which does not require a setup like this. Soon, of course, you will probably catch the all grain bug and THEN you'll be in the market for a 3 tier system! Until then, enjoy the simplicity of extract brewing while it lasts!! ;)
Sean ,

Making beer from grain and hops water and yeast can be as simple or as complex as you wish to make it .I am sure it is possible to make crap beer with the Sabco brew magic system .

Some of the better home brewers I hav ecome across have has the simplest of set ups.

I feel brewing is a bit of a craft which is quite a special thing if you can master it .

It is not technicallly difficult but there is some basic rules you need to follow .

You will learn a lot from reading and asking questions on forums such as this .

Brewing can take a certain amount of time but you will be well rewarded for your efforts .


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