2nd Brew Plan

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Hi Everyone.

Well last night I bottled my 1st brew. ESB Australian Draught. SG 1040 FG 1010. 2 weeks total with Safale s-04. Had constant 1010 readings for the past 5 days at around 17C.

Now working on putting together my next brew.

Morgans Canadian Light
Dextrose 500 g
Light dried malt extract 250 g
Maltodextrin 250 g

I also want to take the next step and have been researching "Stepping Hops" as I don't think the wife will let me use the stove for boiling.

I am just not sure what hops I should use for the above kit. Was reading maybe Tettnang Hops???? Dont like overly bitter beer.

Do I just put say 10grams in 400ml of boiling water for 15 mins????

Do I then strain the water/hops before adding it?

Thanks in advance.

Personally i would drop the maltodextrin , lower dextrose to maybe 300g up the malt to 500g.

Get yourself any variety of noble hop - czech saaz, tettnang, hallertau, etc etc... for a little flavour and aroma boil 500mL of water, add 20g of hops, wait 15mins, add 20g, flame off and lid on for 5mins. Strain the mix into your fermentor, try and keep the hops out... but don't worry too much as it will settle anyway.

After maybe 5 days fermenting you could also add another 10g of saaz (known as dry hop).
I did a similar kit, cooper canadian blonde with a LDME mix with 10% wheat malt in it and dry hopped galaxy straight into the fermenter. It turned out great ! It had a nice passionfruit aroma and a citrus tang that my mates think is great. Personally i wouldn't wait 5 days to thow the hops on the fermenter i just chuck it in from the start.
I just put this one down with 1.5 kg of liquid malt extract, and 15g of Pride Of Ringwood, second fermenting today after 6 days in primary.

I noticed you wrote canadian "light", you might want to drop more sugars if your looking for a light style alcohol content.
Hi JaffaMan,

Morgans make a "Canadian Light", think its just the name not the alcohol content. Described as "Very pale and very lightly hopped, great summer quaffing beer. Colour 3.8 ebc, bitterness 16 IBU"

I also know that Coopers make a Canadian Blonde which I assume is very similar.


Not looking for a light in alcohol beer, but just something along the lines of a "blonde beer"
So now I am thinking:

Morgans Canadian Light or Coopers Canadian Blonde (which ever the HB shop has)
Dextrose 500 g
Dried malt extract 500 g

Safale s-04

10g Tettnang Hops Infused for 10 mins and added at the start.
Woops, too many brews last night, I thought we where talking about Coopers Canadian Blonde.

My Mistake :huh:
EEERR,,,,, OK,, Just wondering if there is any great difference between these two,(Canadian Light and the Canadian Blonde).

Hey JaffaMan, that recipe of yours sounds good.
EEERR,,,,, OK,, Just wondering if there is any great difference between these two,(Canadian Light and the Canadian Blonde).

Wouldent have a clue if there similair, would guess so.

Hey JaffaMan, that recipe of yours sounds good.

Thanks, still on the fairly basic brews (looking to upgrade to something a bit more challenging soon), but hoping this one will turn out allright.
So now I am thinking:

Morgans Canadian Light or Coopers Canadian Blonde (which ever the HB shop has)
Dextrose 500 g
Dried malt extract 500 g

Safale s-04

10g Tettnang Hops Infused for 10 mins and added at the start.

Sounds like a pretty good plan. I have made plenty of brews like this, but not so often with Tettnang. I have found that Hallertau (close to Tettnang) or Cascade are the nicest hops to add to a beer like this.

Going the 500g of light dry malt is definitely the go.

By the way, I also made the ESB Australian Draught some time ago. It turned out a really good beer but it did need a bit of time in the bottle to mellow.
Thanks everyone, Going to the HBS today and getting supplies. Hopefully put a brew on this afternoon.

Have just finished mixing up the batch.

Morgans Canadian Light 1.7kg
Dextrose 500 g
Dried malt extract 500 g
Safale s-04
15g Cascade Hops infused in boiling water for 10 mins and strained into the fermenter.

Had to get cascade because they were out 100g packets of tettnang and Hallertau hops.

Just waiting for the temp to reach 22C and will be pitching the yeast and then the long wait :(

Thanks for everyone's input.

I was trying to figure out if $6 was worth it for the safale s-04 or would it be the same if I just went the $2.50 Morgans Yeast or even the stock yeast that came with the kit???
I was trying to figure out if $6 was worth it for the safale s-04 or would it be the same if I just went the $2.50 Morgans Yeast or even the stock yeast that came with the kit???

Let's assume that since this is your 2nd brew that you are only trying to make a good tasting beer that you and your mates can enjoy. You aren't making a beer to enter in a comp or one that conforms to a particular style.

In this case I would say stick with the kit yeast until you have done a few more brews. I don't know what yeast you get with the Canadian Light but I have often used the Morgans Export range (Blue Mountains Lager, Stockman's Draught etc) and the yeast that comes with them is fine for making a good tasting beer.

If you buy a kit from the supermarket then, depending on the kit, I would be inclined to buy a better yeast. I think the more expensive kits from the HBS are worth the few extra dollars over what you get from the supermarket.

When you pay $6 for a yeast you could try to use it again for your next brew if you're game to try. See link.
