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1. Jimboley - Kick Arse Dry Stout
What an awesome beer! I love a good stout and this is right up there, mate. Reminds me of Coopers Best Extra, yet with a drier finish. Yeast? Ticked all the boxes of Kickarsedness for me. Maybe this could be renamed '******' Awesome Stout'.
Fish - Had this while cooking dinner over the bbq. Very refreshing and the coffee flavour didn't over power it all. Much prefer this ti Coopers BES!!! JYO summed it up the best though.
NME - I totally agree with jyo. This stout kicks arse.big roasted/toasted malt backbone and a bit stout-like bitterness. It's certainly dry with a bit of a tannin-esqu type mouthfeel left behind. I stole a couple of fancy chocolates my fiance scored for her birthday and enjoyed them with this. Thanks James!! Awesome.
2. keifer33 - 10 Min Simcoe IPA
Biggo - a lovely Golden Colour , no haze. This beer has is nicely balanced with the hops and sweetness, its smooth with the bitterness and then BAM MANGO.. I assume this from the hops as this beer tastes good and I want more smile.gif Cheers Keifer.
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JYO- The clarity is great, pours a deep gold. Head is small but hangs around for the whole experience. Light carbonation, which allowed the malt to come through.
This is an outstanding APA. Very well balanced. Aroma is tropical fruits, rockmelon, subtle pineThis reminds me why Simcoe is my favourite American hop. Great work, Keifer. This is my kind of beer, mate.
Mikey - All i can say is WOW what an explosion of flavour, gentle carbonation good balance of bitterness vs malt backbone. Recipe please (have already bought myself some simcoe)
cdbrown - fantastic well rounded IPA. I actually drank this straight from the bottle so can't comment on the clarity or colour, but the aroma and flavour were great. I want more of this!
3. cdbrown - "Seedy's Brown Ale" American Brown
JYO- Dark brown with ruby highlights in the pint glass. Looks great.
Lovely fruity hop aroma. Good carb.
This is a well balanced beer that finishes with good residual bitterness, but not overpowering. Leans more to the sweet side, but not cloying. Nice choc malt flavours and some burnt toffee. The dark malt characters are really smooth, I'm guessing cold steeped? Thoroughly enjoyed this, mate.
Recipe please?
Mikey - Im usually disappointed with dark beer as its sharp and acrid. Not this one! Lovely hop aroma and sweet flavour, reminds me of when i had Karma Citra (nfi who made it but on tap at sail and anchor). Mild Roast and citrus aroma with a bitterness that lingers. Tasty drop. Low carb but i assume i have the same problem from bottling tongue.gif Tasty, Thanks man
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Markymoo - dark brown, nice and clear, some floaties, but who's lookin'. Sweet hop up front, with a nice light malt after taste, not a bitter after taste. Easy to drink with its low carbonation. nice beer.
NME - Oh man. What a beer!! The second this left the bottle, you could smell the hoppy aromas that have been dying to escape. It pours a really deep, clear, ruby colour with a thin white head. Flavourwise I get a pretty perfect balance between the deep roasted malt taste, followed by a big "piney" hop flavour. Top that off with a decent whack of bitterness, and there you have it. This beer is chokkas with flavour and it definitely tastes American. Awesome work Craig!!
Fish - loved the ruby colour. it was black when i poured it but once outside in the sunlight you could see the ruby coming through. My first sip gave me an impression of a stout more then a brown ale. very "thick" so to speak. enjoyed the chocolate flavour with the fruits coming also into the picture. I poured this into two glasses. one got a nice head and the other got a small finger head but the no matter it was a nice beer to drink while munching on marron. very nice craig.
4. sinkas - Kiwi Amber Ale ? Not too sure what I actually botteld, and it blew the keg, was meant to be a second runnings blonde..
JYO- Sinkas- "Labelled as Blonde Ale"
Not a blonde!!! Beautiful rich deep copper. Awesome colour, mate! Good clarity. Head lasted the whole glass.
Aroma- pleasant hoppy aroma, slight hint of lantana (in a good way) slight fruit, earthy, sweet grainy aromas. Caramel and jarrah on the nose. Firm bitterness, great malt backbone to support. Really enjoyable beer. More!
keifer33 - Brilliant color very amber/copper. Nice clarity and head retention was great and was a firm head indeed. Initial hit was kinda Dr Pepperish (don't know how to explain it) and nice caramel maltiness. Flavour was great with a nice firm bitterness but balanced. Mouthfeel was slighty cloying but not something that ruins the beer. Think this would go better with a bit more hopiness and renamed Amber Ale . Very enjoyable beer and still amazed with the head retention...Little Creatures could def learn something from you.
NME - Pours a delicious deep amber colour with a thin bright white head. The fun of this beer was having no real idea what it was. I picked up a honey and caramel type of aroma. Flavourwise is a bit of wow. I get a honey type flavour, backed with a roasted malt flavour which is topped of with a high, yet super smooth bitterness. Really well carbed too. I had a huge meal, and this finished it off perfectly. Thanks!
cdbrown - definitely not a blonde ale, deep cooper in colour, was slightly overcarbed with a large head. I think mine was infected as there was a strong smell of parmesan cheese / vomit which carried through in the flavour (although not a strong flavour) which after a while just became too much. I think I have another bottle of the stuff so will try that once it's chilled.
Fish - I agree not a blonde ale but an amber ale maybe. AN india pale ale is what it reminded me of. nice dark amber colour and fruit flavours. nice head but did dissipate a bit quick though. got the roasted malt and enjoyed the hop aroma and i would gladly sit down and have a session it. i really enjoyed it!
5. Edge - "Kurt's" American IPA
cdbrown - slightly undercarbed (due to our lack of experience using the cpbf), nice pale - golden colour, slight malt aroma not much upfront hop flavour but there is lingering bitterness. Actually reminds me a bit of JS IPA (or whatever stupid name it has now). Definitely easy to drink the way it is however I would prefer a little more late/dry hopping for the fresh hop flavour and aroma for an AIPA.
Fish - low carbed but as cd point first time use of the CPBF. nice pale colour which as it sits get better that it reminds me of a butter menthol. Fruity aroma and pleasant taste with the bitterness too. then i get a confused after taste, unsure but unpleasant. It does remind of boiled cabbage i am thinking now sad.gif sorry kurt i lack experience to provide anything further. Maybe my bad luck
keifer33 - Nice IPA, great color and decent clarity. Carbonation was a little low but was plenty enough to help it along. Low hop flavour and aroma but the bitterness was nice and lingering. Would benefit from some serious late/dry hopping to bump this up a notch. Great beer Kurt.
JYO- Mine was actually over carbed! Once it settled down had a great mousey head that lasted the whole glass. Lemon and orange sherbert hop aroma and flavour. Good medium mouth feel with a nice dry finish, resinous hops hung around. Thoroughly enjoyed.
6. spoonta - english pale ale
Fish - more like a whit beir. very cloudy and aroma of honey was pleasant and not over powering. a bit to carbonated for me as it seemed to kill some of the flavours. I couldn't taste the hops but maybe its cause i had killed my throat with 2 shot of straight JD due to a throat infection..
JYO- High carbonation, but settled down quickly to a nice persistent head. Love the EKG on the nose. Cloudy appearance.
This reminds me of the Little Creatures East Kent Goldings Pale Ale. Good bitterness levels and well balanced beer. Really enjoyed this beer, Michael. Good work.
keifer33 - Sorry Michael but think I got an infected bottle, unfortunately decided to gush for about 10 minutes before dying down. The small sample I got was quite thin and very carbonated but mostly clear which doesn't match the previous 2 review. Samples after it stopped gushing where full of yeast which added a metallic taste to the beer (possible yeast health issues). Your Mango Wheat Beer at the swap made up for any loss mate!
NME - I loved this beer. Had a bright white head that persisted the whole glass. Nice malty/honey taste with those earthy flavours not too far behind. I was maybe slightly overcarbed, but that just made me drink it slower. This is very English tasting and I enjoyed it a lot.
7. Evil G - honey wheat with nelson hops
cdbrown - first mouthfull or 2 seemed like a thin body, maybe an infection as I'd had that in my beers? Perhaps it was the nelson hops doing it or maybe it was some yeast stress in the early ferment stage. After it warmed a little I got more crystal malt coming through but unfortunately no honey (bump it up next time or scale back the crystal malt). To me wasn't suited for a summer drink but I did enjoy it once it warmed. Could have done with more carbonation - only had a slight head which disappeared quickly.
Great amber colour, mate, great head retention and lacing.
The honey comes through slightly in aroma and flavour. Oxidised flavour with a dry, tart finish. I found the crystal flavours came through more once warmed also. I can see where this was going. It had some funk about it which I didn't actually mind. Cheers.
NME - This one pours a really nice, clear, light amber colour. It's very lightly carbed with that Nelson lychee/grape type flavour all over it, backed up by another flavour I can't quite put my finger on. It might be the honey. I swear Nelson Sauvin never tastes this good when I use it. What's your secret?? Very light mouth feel and very refreshing. Not what I expected from a wheat beer at all. Thanks!
keifer33 - Pours nice and clean, low carbonation. Hint of crystal malt sweetness on the nose with the grapiness of NS. Body is a bit thin but once it warms up a little it becomes a nice drinker. I think if you do something similar again drop any crystal malts and run with wheat and honey as I think it detracts a little from where the beer is going.
8. jyo - Saaz Blonde (Bottled 13.11.11)
Mikey - who could turn down paris tongue.gif , poured lively a touch of chill haze, Creamy white head persisted and laced for the whole glass. Gentle aroma perfect drink for the end of a hot day running around doing last minute Christmas shopping. Thoroughly enjoyed haven't brewed such a low OG before, will have to try similar tongue.gif
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NME - Poured a hazy, very straw coloured blonde with a thin head. Aroma wise I got some nice fruity esters(?) it is a really nicely carbed beer, that for me, started with a kind of bubblegum taste, that was followed up by a nicely balanced bitterness with that floral saaz flavour. Perfect for a Friday evening! Cheers.
cdbrown - well carbonated with thick white heat, golden straw colour (no haze in my bottle), low malt, low bitterness, low hop flavour. Really well balanced. You've got a great session beer in this one. Recipe please!
keifer33 - First impressions made me rush to drinking this as I was stuffed and dying for a beer. Poured with a nice thick head, spot on carbonation. Aroma was clean but some form of esters which was slightly fruity. Well balanced and went down a charm and had a nice dry finish which made it even more drinkable. Great job JYO I think you need to throw up the recipe somewhere.
9. Biggo - APA ("sj APA" on lid) (Leave for a few weeks it was only just kegged then bottled)
Fish - I tried this today. low carbonation but nice amber colour and honey flavour. slight fruity aroma too. reminded me of Lil creatures Pale ale. I left it for a few weeks i guess carbonation would of been better. will gladly try again.
keifer33 - Nice clarity and carbonation but the head disappeared quickly. Malty aroma with a hint of fruityness maybe from us05/so4 fermented a bit warmer?. Nice and easy drinking beer but not quite into the APA range for hoppiness, get some late additions and dry hops in the next one. Great beer biggo its going down a treat.
JYO- Very low carbonation would not hold a head. Sorry, mate, there must have been something astray in my bottle. Had an oxidised cardboard flavour and strange dry tartness.
Braggot ("sj" on lid) (Drink now.. or later)
Fish - i tried the SJ Braggat - the 330ml bottle - nicely carbed but only head for a little while.maybe glass not so clean... Nice amber colour and head had a caramel look to it. the roasted malt? taste came though as a slight caramel taste but it was lacking some aroma. Again could just be me as dealing with sick kid again during tasting.
NME - Been looking forward to this!! My only point of comparisson was my first attempt at a Braggot, and I still haven't had anything to compare that to tongue.gif Really nice burnt orange colour. I get a slight sourness on the nose, and that cardboard taste, but it's very minor. I can definitely taste more of the honey than I can the malt, and it's fermented very clean and very dry. My braggot was a lot sweeter, but I used a beer yeast. Nice work! I'd really like to try some of your other honey based creations!
JYO- Great colour. I have never had braggot before so did not know what to expect. The first couple of mouthfuls were tricky, yet I ended up really enjoying this. Nice dry finish, all malt and honey on the nose with minimal hops. Really refreshing! Cheers.
10. Fish13 Dark English Bitter
FISh - okay i guess creamy head and watery taste to it. can taste the bitterness due to coloumbus hops at the start of the boil. only used one carb drop to problems of over carbonation. i would leave till at least christmas or new years to see if it balances it out. More fuggles for aroma at the end would improve it.
keifer33 - Pours with a nice 1 finger head but this quickly dissipated due to the low carbonation I think. Good clarity and aroma is slightly sweet with a hint of fruitiness but mainly malty. Flavour does have a harsh bitterness but this doest destroy the flavour, maybe try using a different hop or reducing the boil time as it might not be suited to a full boil. Overall a good beer Fish but would be worthwhile looking after the yeast as there is a bit of mistreatment visible (well to my noise and pallet anyway)
NME - Very full beer with a hint of fruity hop goodness in the back and a fair whack of bitterness. Good beer to finish the night on! No problems with the carbonation here. It did pour with a nice head, but that didn't last too long. You're onto a good thing Fish, keep it up!
JYO-Really low carbonation, yet kept a thin head. Deep dark red, awesome colour. Burnt caramel on the nose, spicy hops. Slight aroma of oranges.
I enjoyed this beer. Good malt presence, backed up with some decent hop bitterness and aroma. This is a top effort, even more so for a new brewer. Good work, mate.
11. NME - Spring Ale
cdbrown - Very nicely balanced ale with a good back bone and very slight bitterness. Undercarbed unfortunately. But a very simple drink that would appeal to the masses (and me!)
Fish - very nice and clear ale. my intial mouthful had some of bigga's SJ in it so falavor could of been muddled but had a nice fruity/floral taste. Again undercarbed but it did hold a small head for a while. very smooth and easy to drink. agree with cd brown on this one.
JYO- Fantastic light golden colour. Is it EKG? Is there a touch of wheat here too? I'm with everyone else on this one. Very quaffable beer. I'm sitting here doing a boil at the moment on a 30+' day wishing I had another bottle of this. Great work, NME. Really enjoyed.
keifer33 - Unfortunately I cant really comment on this beer as something was up with my bottle (even has a bulging bottom of the pet bottle). Very carbed and had an aroma that I cant quite describe without sounding negative
. Nothing overly wrong with the flavour but presents a bit thin beer with not much oomph. Sorry NME wish I could add more.
12. Mikey - Belgium Temptation 8%
JYO- Amazing ruby colour and great clarity.
Bottle was "soft"
Such a shame that the lip of the bottle where it meets the seal had a slit which had allowed gas to escape and beer was nearly flat as a result.
Nontheless, great rich plum esters and typical 'Belgian" flavours. With carbonation, this would have been an absolutely amazing beer.
Cheers to Mikey for the offer of another bottle. Though not necessary, mate. Legend.
Bizier - Ditto on amazing appearance, the lowest of compliments, but as with Seedy's this was 100/100. I really enjoyed this beer. The overwhelming aspect is that it is dry and the alcohol is hidden. I had a sip and scoffed your 8% claim, though 5 mins later was in complete agreement. If anything the beer is a little munich/melanoiden heavy, but nothing drastic. Very drinkable, very enjoyable, very good work says a boozy Biz.
Fish - Lovely red colour slight head and it laced all the way to the bottom of the glass but i wasn't getting the plum flavour reminded me alot of rye, very pronounced through out the glass. i enjoyed it as a sipping beer. like drinking a really nice port. Wonder if it would go good warmish/room temp. agree with bizer and jyo a very enjoyable beer.
13. markymoo - Irish Red Ale
Fish - hmm first mouthful and its like mine but with out the wateryness i was talking about. very smooth to drink and very nice head. not to carbonated too. nice fruity aroma and after taste coming through - Seems like a bit of glacier or even amarillo hops used?
Could have a nice session on this one thats for sure
NME - Unfortunately when I poured this, I got a bit of a vinegary smell to it, and the flavour matches :/ I get a bit of a malty backbone, then that taste I can only really describe as wet cardboard. I used to have a similar problem with beers I bottled back in the day.
cdbrown - poured a beautiful ruby red colour. Found the flavour very deep and complex. Hints of roasted malts, perhaps a little smoke and some bacon - alot like a rauchbier. This is something that would be great during winter. Carbonation was spot on with a nice off white head lasting till the end. Good work
JYO- Deep red, fantastic colour. Persistent head. Earthy, slight fruity esters. Slight vinegar smell. Muted hops. Sorry, Mark, there was a flavour that I couldn't put my finger on that dried the beer right out and it finished with a tartness. Cheers, John.
14. Bizier - (glass bottle 'Biz') Brown Eye Ale
Markymoo - nice maltiness, I'd like this all through winter, lightly carbonated, clear mid-copper colour, lingering bitterness. Wouldnt call it a brown ale, rather a brown porter in my opinion due to the malt profile.
What an awesome beer! I love a good stout and this is right up there, mate. Reminds me of Coopers Best Extra, yet with a drier finish. Yeast? Ticked all the boxes of Kickarsedness for me. Maybe this could be renamed '******' Awesome Stout'.
Fish - Had this while cooking dinner over the bbq. Very refreshing and the coffee flavour didn't over power it all. Much prefer this ti Coopers BES!!! JYO summed it up the best though.
NME - I totally agree with jyo. This stout kicks arse.big roasted/toasted malt backbone and a bit stout-like bitterness. It's certainly dry with a bit of a tannin-esqu type mouthfeel left behind. I stole a couple of fancy chocolates my fiance scored for her birthday and enjoyed them with this. Thanks James!! Awesome.
2. keifer33 - 10 Min Simcoe IPA
Biggo - a lovely Golden Colour , no haze. This beer has is nicely balanced with the hops and sweetness, its smooth with the bitterness and then BAM MANGO.. I assume this from the hops as this beer tastes good and I want more smile.gif Cheers Keifer.
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JYO- The clarity is great, pours a deep gold. Head is small but hangs around for the whole experience. Light carbonation, which allowed the malt to come through.
This is an outstanding APA. Very well balanced. Aroma is tropical fruits, rockmelon, subtle pineThis reminds me why Simcoe is my favourite American hop. Great work, Keifer. This is my kind of beer, mate.
Mikey - All i can say is WOW what an explosion of flavour, gentle carbonation good balance of bitterness vs malt backbone. Recipe please (have already bought myself some simcoe)
cdbrown - fantastic well rounded IPA. I actually drank this straight from the bottle so can't comment on the clarity or colour, but the aroma and flavour were great. I want more of this!
3. cdbrown - "Seedy's Brown Ale" American Brown
JYO- Dark brown with ruby highlights in the pint glass. Looks great.
Lovely fruity hop aroma. Good carb.
This is a well balanced beer that finishes with good residual bitterness, but not overpowering. Leans more to the sweet side, but not cloying. Nice choc malt flavours and some burnt toffee. The dark malt characters are really smooth, I'm guessing cold steeped? Thoroughly enjoyed this, mate.
Recipe please?
Mikey - Im usually disappointed with dark beer as its sharp and acrid. Not this one! Lovely hop aroma and sweet flavour, reminds me of when i had Karma Citra (nfi who made it but on tap at sail and anchor). Mild Roast and citrus aroma with a bitterness that lingers. Tasty drop. Low carb but i assume i have the same problem from bottling tongue.gif Tasty, Thanks man
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Markymoo - dark brown, nice and clear, some floaties, but who's lookin'. Sweet hop up front, with a nice light malt after taste, not a bitter after taste. Easy to drink with its low carbonation. nice beer.
NME - Oh man. What a beer!! The second this left the bottle, you could smell the hoppy aromas that have been dying to escape. It pours a really deep, clear, ruby colour with a thin white head. Flavourwise I get a pretty perfect balance between the deep roasted malt taste, followed by a big "piney" hop flavour. Top that off with a decent whack of bitterness, and there you have it. This beer is chokkas with flavour and it definitely tastes American. Awesome work Craig!!
Fish - loved the ruby colour. it was black when i poured it but once outside in the sunlight you could see the ruby coming through. My first sip gave me an impression of a stout more then a brown ale. very "thick" so to speak. enjoyed the chocolate flavour with the fruits coming also into the picture. I poured this into two glasses. one got a nice head and the other got a small finger head but the no matter it was a nice beer to drink while munching on marron. very nice craig.
4. sinkas - Kiwi Amber Ale ? Not too sure what I actually botteld, and it blew the keg, was meant to be a second runnings blonde..
JYO- Sinkas- "Labelled as Blonde Ale"
Not a blonde!!! Beautiful rich deep copper. Awesome colour, mate! Good clarity. Head lasted the whole glass.
Aroma- pleasant hoppy aroma, slight hint of lantana (in a good way) slight fruit, earthy, sweet grainy aromas. Caramel and jarrah on the nose. Firm bitterness, great malt backbone to support. Really enjoyable beer. More!
keifer33 - Brilliant color very amber/copper. Nice clarity and head retention was great and was a firm head indeed. Initial hit was kinda Dr Pepperish (don't know how to explain it) and nice caramel maltiness. Flavour was great with a nice firm bitterness but balanced. Mouthfeel was slighty cloying but not something that ruins the beer. Think this would go better with a bit more hopiness and renamed Amber Ale . Very enjoyable beer and still amazed with the head retention...Little Creatures could def learn something from you.
NME - Pours a delicious deep amber colour with a thin bright white head. The fun of this beer was having no real idea what it was. I picked up a honey and caramel type of aroma. Flavourwise is a bit of wow. I get a honey type flavour, backed with a roasted malt flavour which is topped of with a high, yet super smooth bitterness. Really well carbed too. I had a huge meal, and this finished it off perfectly. Thanks!
cdbrown - definitely not a blonde ale, deep cooper in colour, was slightly overcarbed with a large head. I think mine was infected as there was a strong smell of parmesan cheese / vomit which carried through in the flavour (although not a strong flavour) which after a while just became too much. I think I have another bottle of the stuff so will try that once it's chilled.
Fish - I agree not a blonde ale but an amber ale maybe. AN india pale ale is what it reminded me of. nice dark amber colour and fruit flavours. nice head but did dissipate a bit quick though. got the roasted malt and enjoyed the hop aroma and i would gladly sit down and have a session it. i really enjoyed it!
5. Edge - "Kurt's" American IPA
cdbrown - slightly undercarbed (due to our lack of experience using the cpbf), nice pale - golden colour, slight malt aroma not much upfront hop flavour but there is lingering bitterness. Actually reminds me a bit of JS IPA (or whatever stupid name it has now). Definitely easy to drink the way it is however I would prefer a little more late/dry hopping for the fresh hop flavour and aroma for an AIPA.
Fish - low carbed but as cd point first time use of the CPBF. nice pale colour which as it sits get better that it reminds me of a butter menthol. Fruity aroma and pleasant taste with the bitterness too. then i get a confused after taste, unsure but unpleasant. It does remind of boiled cabbage i am thinking now sad.gif sorry kurt i lack experience to provide anything further. Maybe my bad luck
keifer33 - Nice IPA, great color and decent clarity. Carbonation was a little low but was plenty enough to help it along. Low hop flavour and aroma but the bitterness was nice and lingering. Would benefit from some serious late/dry hopping to bump this up a notch. Great beer Kurt.
JYO- Mine was actually over carbed! Once it settled down had a great mousey head that lasted the whole glass. Lemon and orange sherbert hop aroma and flavour. Good medium mouth feel with a nice dry finish, resinous hops hung around. Thoroughly enjoyed.
6. spoonta - english pale ale
Fish - more like a whit beir. very cloudy and aroma of honey was pleasant and not over powering. a bit to carbonated for me as it seemed to kill some of the flavours. I couldn't taste the hops but maybe its cause i had killed my throat with 2 shot of straight JD due to a throat infection..
JYO- High carbonation, but settled down quickly to a nice persistent head. Love the EKG on the nose. Cloudy appearance.
This reminds me of the Little Creatures East Kent Goldings Pale Ale. Good bitterness levels and well balanced beer. Really enjoyed this beer, Michael. Good work.
keifer33 - Sorry Michael but think I got an infected bottle, unfortunately decided to gush for about 10 minutes before dying down. The small sample I got was quite thin and very carbonated but mostly clear which doesn't match the previous 2 review. Samples after it stopped gushing where full of yeast which added a metallic taste to the beer (possible yeast health issues). Your Mango Wheat Beer at the swap made up for any loss mate!
NME - I loved this beer. Had a bright white head that persisted the whole glass. Nice malty/honey taste with those earthy flavours not too far behind. I was maybe slightly overcarbed, but that just made me drink it slower. This is very English tasting and I enjoyed it a lot.
7. Evil G - honey wheat with nelson hops
cdbrown - first mouthfull or 2 seemed like a thin body, maybe an infection as I'd had that in my beers? Perhaps it was the nelson hops doing it or maybe it was some yeast stress in the early ferment stage. After it warmed a little I got more crystal malt coming through but unfortunately no honey (bump it up next time or scale back the crystal malt). To me wasn't suited for a summer drink but I did enjoy it once it warmed. Could have done with more carbonation - only had a slight head which disappeared quickly.
Great amber colour, mate, great head retention and lacing.
The honey comes through slightly in aroma and flavour. Oxidised flavour with a dry, tart finish. I found the crystal flavours came through more once warmed also. I can see where this was going. It had some funk about it which I didn't actually mind. Cheers.
NME - This one pours a really nice, clear, light amber colour. It's very lightly carbed with that Nelson lychee/grape type flavour all over it, backed up by another flavour I can't quite put my finger on. It might be the honey. I swear Nelson Sauvin never tastes this good when I use it. What's your secret?? Very light mouth feel and very refreshing. Not what I expected from a wheat beer at all. Thanks!
keifer33 - Pours nice and clean, low carbonation. Hint of crystal malt sweetness on the nose with the grapiness of NS. Body is a bit thin but once it warms up a little it becomes a nice drinker. I think if you do something similar again drop any crystal malts and run with wheat and honey as I think it detracts a little from where the beer is going.
8. jyo - Saaz Blonde (Bottled 13.11.11)
Mikey - who could turn down paris tongue.gif , poured lively a touch of chill haze, Creamy white head persisted and laced for the whole glass. Gentle aroma perfect drink for the end of a hot day running around doing last minute Christmas shopping. Thoroughly enjoyed haven't brewed such a low OG before, will have to try similar tongue.gif
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NME - Poured a hazy, very straw coloured blonde with a thin head. Aroma wise I got some nice fruity esters(?) it is a really nicely carbed beer, that for me, started with a kind of bubblegum taste, that was followed up by a nicely balanced bitterness with that floral saaz flavour. Perfect for a Friday evening! Cheers.
cdbrown - well carbonated with thick white heat, golden straw colour (no haze in my bottle), low malt, low bitterness, low hop flavour. Really well balanced. You've got a great session beer in this one. Recipe please!
keifer33 - First impressions made me rush to drinking this as I was stuffed and dying for a beer. Poured with a nice thick head, spot on carbonation. Aroma was clean but some form of esters which was slightly fruity. Well balanced and went down a charm and had a nice dry finish which made it even more drinkable. Great job JYO I think you need to throw up the recipe somewhere.
9. Biggo - APA ("sj APA" on lid) (Leave for a few weeks it was only just kegged then bottled)
Fish - I tried this today. low carbonation but nice amber colour and honey flavour. slight fruity aroma too. reminded me of Lil creatures Pale ale. I left it for a few weeks i guess carbonation would of been better. will gladly try again.
keifer33 - Nice clarity and carbonation but the head disappeared quickly. Malty aroma with a hint of fruityness maybe from us05/so4 fermented a bit warmer?. Nice and easy drinking beer but not quite into the APA range for hoppiness, get some late additions and dry hops in the next one. Great beer biggo its going down a treat.
JYO- Very low carbonation would not hold a head. Sorry, mate, there must have been something astray in my bottle. Had an oxidised cardboard flavour and strange dry tartness.
Braggot ("sj" on lid) (Drink now.. or later)
Fish - i tried the SJ Braggat - the 330ml bottle - nicely carbed but only head for a little while.maybe glass not so clean... Nice amber colour and head had a caramel look to it. the roasted malt? taste came though as a slight caramel taste but it was lacking some aroma. Again could just be me as dealing with sick kid again during tasting.
NME - Been looking forward to this!! My only point of comparisson was my first attempt at a Braggot, and I still haven't had anything to compare that to tongue.gif Really nice burnt orange colour. I get a slight sourness on the nose, and that cardboard taste, but it's very minor. I can definitely taste more of the honey than I can the malt, and it's fermented very clean and very dry. My braggot was a lot sweeter, but I used a beer yeast. Nice work! I'd really like to try some of your other honey based creations!
JYO- Great colour. I have never had braggot before so did not know what to expect. The first couple of mouthfuls were tricky, yet I ended up really enjoying this. Nice dry finish, all malt and honey on the nose with minimal hops. Really refreshing! Cheers.
10. Fish13 Dark English Bitter
FISh - okay i guess creamy head and watery taste to it. can taste the bitterness due to coloumbus hops at the start of the boil. only used one carb drop to problems of over carbonation. i would leave till at least christmas or new years to see if it balances it out. More fuggles for aroma at the end would improve it.
keifer33 - Pours with a nice 1 finger head but this quickly dissipated due to the low carbonation I think. Good clarity and aroma is slightly sweet with a hint of fruitiness but mainly malty. Flavour does have a harsh bitterness but this doest destroy the flavour, maybe try using a different hop or reducing the boil time as it might not be suited to a full boil. Overall a good beer Fish but would be worthwhile looking after the yeast as there is a bit of mistreatment visible (well to my noise and pallet anyway)
NME - Very full beer with a hint of fruity hop goodness in the back and a fair whack of bitterness. Good beer to finish the night on! No problems with the carbonation here. It did pour with a nice head, but that didn't last too long. You're onto a good thing Fish, keep it up!
JYO-Really low carbonation, yet kept a thin head. Deep dark red, awesome colour. Burnt caramel on the nose, spicy hops. Slight aroma of oranges.
I enjoyed this beer. Good malt presence, backed up with some decent hop bitterness and aroma. This is a top effort, even more so for a new brewer. Good work, mate.
11. NME - Spring Ale
cdbrown - Very nicely balanced ale with a good back bone and very slight bitterness. Undercarbed unfortunately. But a very simple drink that would appeal to the masses (and me!)
Fish - very nice and clear ale. my intial mouthful had some of bigga's SJ in it so falavor could of been muddled but had a nice fruity/floral taste. Again undercarbed but it did hold a small head for a while. very smooth and easy to drink. agree with cd brown on this one.
JYO- Fantastic light golden colour. Is it EKG? Is there a touch of wheat here too? I'm with everyone else on this one. Very quaffable beer. I'm sitting here doing a boil at the moment on a 30+' day wishing I had another bottle of this. Great work, NME. Really enjoyed.
keifer33 - Unfortunately I cant really comment on this beer as something was up with my bottle (even has a bulging bottom of the pet bottle). Very carbed and had an aroma that I cant quite describe without sounding negative
12. Mikey - Belgium Temptation 8%
JYO- Amazing ruby colour and great clarity.
Bottle was "soft"
Such a shame that the lip of the bottle where it meets the seal had a slit which had allowed gas to escape and beer was nearly flat as a result.
Nontheless, great rich plum esters and typical 'Belgian" flavours. With carbonation, this would have been an absolutely amazing beer.
Cheers to Mikey for the offer of another bottle. Though not necessary, mate. Legend.
Bizier - Ditto on amazing appearance, the lowest of compliments, but as with Seedy's this was 100/100. I really enjoyed this beer. The overwhelming aspect is that it is dry and the alcohol is hidden. I had a sip and scoffed your 8% claim, though 5 mins later was in complete agreement. If anything the beer is a little munich/melanoiden heavy, but nothing drastic. Very drinkable, very enjoyable, very good work says a boozy Biz.
Fish - Lovely red colour slight head and it laced all the way to the bottom of the glass but i wasn't getting the plum flavour reminded me alot of rye, very pronounced through out the glass. i enjoyed it as a sipping beer. like drinking a really nice port. Wonder if it would go good warmish/room temp. agree with bizer and jyo a very enjoyable beer.
13. markymoo - Irish Red Ale
Fish - hmm first mouthful and its like mine but with out the wateryness i was talking about. very smooth to drink and very nice head. not to carbonated too. nice fruity aroma and after taste coming through - Seems like a bit of glacier or even amarillo hops used?
Could have a nice session on this one thats for sure
NME - Unfortunately when I poured this, I got a bit of a vinegary smell to it, and the flavour matches :/ I get a bit of a malty backbone, then that taste I can only really describe as wet cardboard. I used to have a similar problem with beers I bottled back in the day.
cdbrown - poured a beautiful ruby red colour. Found the flavour very deep and complex. Hints of roasted malts, perhaps a little smoke and some bacon - alot like a rauchbier. This is something that would be great during winter. Carbonation was spot on with a nice off white head lasting till the end. Good work
JYO- Deep red, fantastic colour. Persistent head. Earthy, slight fruity esters. Slight vinegar smell. Muted hops. Sorry, Mark, there was a flavour that I couldn't put my finger on that dried the beer right out and it finished with a tartness. Cheers, John.
14. Bizier - (glass bottle 'Biz') Brown Eye Ale
Markymoo - nice maltiness, I'd like this all through winter, lightly carbonated, clear mid-copper colour, lingering bitterness. Wouldnt call it a brown ale, rather a brown porter in my opinion due to the malt profile.