2 eskies for mashing

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I upgraded to a larger, 44L esky but still have the old 34 L.

Was thinking, I can't really see any reason why I couldn't do one big brew, say 2 X 30 L and mashing simultaneously.

Anyone tried this. Not something Im in a rush to do, just figured its possible.
Cant see why not. Mind you, but sparging will make you busier than AHB engineers arguing over properties of a imersion chiller.
44L not big enough... How much you want to brew at once? :blink:

My 46L esky should be able to take 14kg of grain at a 2.5L/kg water to grist ratio (comes out at 44L)... which depending on what I'm brewing could do anywhere between 2 big (1.070) or 3 med (1.047) 23L batches.

Of course if you've got a 100L FV, or want to do 50L of a barley wine, go right ahead :D.

I'm sure it's possible, but maybe not worth the effort. It might be a PITA getting temps right if you need two different temp's for your strike water (due to vessel size, or brewery zen or whatever). Then there's the sparge... by this time I've had at least two or so, and managing both eskies at the same time might just be a quick way to get wort all over the floor.

Mae a nice water feature by re-circulating between the two.

Something like a double tier fountain where one uses gravity to run to the other then pump it back to the top to go again.

Pink flamingo? ​Pics or it didn't happen :D
elcarter said:
Mae a nice water feature by re-circulating between the two.

Something like a double tier fountain where one uses gravity to run to the other then pump it back to the top to go again.

Pink flamingo? ​Pics or it didn't happen :D
Haha, I'd actually considered this myself, like those Japanese pond fountains but with mashtuns instead .... mind starts floating through a Zen brewery design ... ommmmm mmmmmmm beeeeeeerrrr ...
Actually. Would give you that chance to make a big beer, like RIS or Barley Wine and a smaller one like a mild, bitter or 10/70 scotish.