2 Dolla Cleanskins At Murpheys

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Yes there back .

2 dolla cleanskins at dan murpheys. not many left. they had a coupla pallets last week.

92.4 standard drinks per carton of 12. for $24

compared to 33.6 standards per carton of local brew for $35ish

3 cartons of piss in a carton . not bad to keep one going if there brew is lagering for a few weeks.........
LOL. yeh its wine. but if you fridge the red its almost a lambic or maybe not.
Wow, that's even cheaper than goon.......

This is the reason the alcopop tax wouldn't have worked........
It comes and goes quite regularly. I wouldn't go near the stuff.

Cask is a better option.
I reckon the bottles would be great for homebrew.

PS. Pollux that moving ant thing is driving me nuts!!!!
I once drunk a bottle of something call "sweet lips" from dan's as a dare from a mate who paid $1.50 for it....It was metho and gom.......

The next morning, I was in SO much pain......not sure if it was the bad booze or the sugar crash.....
Seriously you have to be rather desperate if you are going to bother buying a $2 bottle of wine....seriously!!!!

Considering the cost behind making good wine is much higher than that of beer and you can't really even get a good stubbie for $2 each this should ram home the fact that a $2 bottle of wine is going to be ....well lets say *********!!.

Geeze stick to your home brew or try some decent wine.

Life is too short to drink bad booze!!

Seriously you have to be rather desperate if you are going to bother buying a $2 bottle of wine....seriously!!!!

Considering the cost behind making good wine is much higher than that of beer and you can't really even get a good stubbie for $2 each this should ram home the fact that a $2 bottle of wine is going to be ....well lets say *********!!.

Geeze stick to your home brew or try some decent wine.

Life is too short to drink bad booze!!


Seriously. I know it doesnt make any sense but dont knock it until you try it. The $2 chardy is respectable. No headaches. Well above cask quality. It would go against any other chardy up to $10.

Yep Ive tried some really good cleanskins had some crap ones as well, but at 2 bucks a bottle its like a lucky dip can be good but if its crap cook with it or tip it out its only 2 bucks.

Cheers Brad
This isn't $2 wine. This is wine being sold at $2. Selling a Ferrari for $300 doesn't make it a sh!t car (it makes you a poor man without a car).

There are plenty of cleanskin bargains to be had. Benefits of a Australian wine market flooded with good, cheap product. It is a lucky dip though. The trick is to buy a few different singles, then go back for cases of the ones you like.

There is however, opposition to this pricing - the government isn't keen, since it has just tried to curb excess drinking by raising the prices; and the wineries themselves: many of the smaller ones just aren't able to put out a bottle for cheaper than $8, and that's before the middle-man adds on their margin.

Oh, and the bottles for homebrew - search the site. Wine bottle seals aren't made to hold pressure, so you'll have a lot of fun trying to do that. Plus normal 'crown' seals don't fit IIRC.
Who cares if it's tasteless crap so long as it got plenty of the silly stuff, yeah that's what I like, now off to find a bridge to sleep under. :)
i couldnt imagine drinking $2 vino... talk about low grade *****...
The headache that stuff gives is enough to make even a seasoned drinker curl up and want to die in the morning
You get what you pay for..do the crime..Do the time.. :icon_drunk:
Bugger those cleanskins, I made a Beef Bourgignon yesterday, only called for half a bottle so I drank the rest, had a few more beers, bottled a strong Hunter Old and had a few glasses from cold-crash, beautiful. God the hangover, shouldn't have had that cleanskin... B)
Bugger those cleanskins, I made a Beef Bourgignon yesterday, only called for half a bottle so I drank the rest, had a few more beers, bottled a strong Hunter Old and had a few glasses from cold-crash, beautiful. God the hangover, shouldn't have had that cleanskin... B)

MMMMM a BribieG casserole and Hunter old ale. Mate the hangover would be worth the experience.

Cheers Brad