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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. tallie's gallery

    tallie's gallery

  2. tallie

    Oxygen Absorbing Caps

    TLDR; No noticeable difference in this particular case Last night I took the two stubbies to the Merri Mashers club meeting. The beers were presented in a blind triangle test among 7 members who had a mix of levels in brewing and judging experience. The tasters weren't told anything about the...
  3. tallie

    Oxygen Absorbing Caps

    Wow, how time flies. Funnily enough, I still have some of that beer, including two stubbies with the different caps. I'll try to remember to dig them out for an upcoming club meeting and see what a few people think. It's been one or two years since I've tried a beer from that batch. From memory...
  4. tallie

    vicbrew 2015 Any changes?

    I can't speak for Vicbrew, but this year's AABC will be using the same guidelines as last year. Given that Vicbrew is a qualifying comp to the AABC, and that the new BJCP guidelines have only just been published, I think it would be fairly safe to assume Vicbrew will also be unchanged.
  5. tallie

    Merri Mashers Specialty IPA Comp - June 14, 2015

    Thanks sharpcliff, I'll add you to the judges list. Regarding the guidelines, we were really hoping the new ones would have been published by now, but as they're not, we'll be working off the draft (Category 21B).
  6. tallie

    Merri Mashers Specialty IPA Comp - June 14, 2015

    Call For Judges We are seeking judges from outside the club with a mid to high level of experience (eg, BJCP qualified or experience at state/national level) to assist the club with the competition. Novice judges will still be considered, but preference in scheduling will be given to club...
  7. tallie

    Hello Toowoomba

    Fixed that for you ;)
  8. tallie

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    Only once when I tried experimenting with "underletting", ie, filling the malt pipe, then filling BM with water, thinking that it'd slowly come up through the bottom and evenly wet the grain bed as it use to on my 3V setup. I was thinking it'd save time with mixing the grain, but found a massive...
  9. tallie

    Cloudy Keg Cure

    If you're looking for an equipment solution (as opposed to process solution), do an internet search for "cask floating dip tube". It's a pickup that connects to the end of a flexible tube that you use in place of the standard rigid dip tube. The pickup floats near the surface of the beer in the...
  10. tallie

    For Sale/Trade: 50L Braumeister (Melbourne)

    No worries, Wolfman, I hope you get as much (and more) joy out of using as I did. Was sad to see it go, but it looks like it's gone to a good owner.
  11. tallie

    For Sale/Trade: 50L Braumeister (Melbourne)

    Thanks, yeah I saw that come through, but... Adelaide.
  12. tallie

    For Sale/Trade: 50L Braumeister (Melbourne)

    The rental property I moved to does not have a 15amp power circuit. Combined with the fact that I mainly brew 20L batches, I've decided to downsize and let go of my 50L Braumeister. The unit is nearing 2 years old and has had about 35 batches put through it. The rubber O-ring on the original...
  13. tallie


    Not to imply that they own the name or concept or anything, but Stone & Wood already do monthly Karma Kegs for local groups: <>. Just something you might want to be aware of if you go down the Pacific Ale style route. In any case, +1 good on you for...
  14. tallie

    Queensland Amateur Brewing Championship 2014

    Ignore the medal points column in the Results By Style report; it looks like that may be an old artefact. Medals are awarded based on scores - 30-38 Bronze, 38-45 Silver, 45+ Gold. There are some minor differences between the states and national comps. They all use the same guidelines, but some...
  15. tallie

    Queensland Amateur Brewing Championship 2014

    Full results are now up on
  16. tallie

    Queensland Amateur Brewing Championship 2014

    Thanks for your understanding HBHB. That being said, the results are in! Champion Brewer: Nathan Semmens Champion Beer: Andrew Mahony (Scottish Ale) Champion Club: Brisbane Amateur Beer Brewers Congratulations to Nathan, Andrew and all of this year's winning brewers! Attached is the Award...
  17. tallie

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    Ah, I didn't realise the OP meant there was extract in the pump at the end of the boil (I thought it was a problem with the pumps getting blocked with goo while raising to the boil).
  18. tallie

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    Nope, reply :) Why not just add the extract when it comes to the boil (or after whatever temperature the pump stops at)? Unfortunately I'm not aware of any option to modify the program once it's started without starting again.
  19. tallie

    Queensland Amateur Brewing Championship 2014

    24 hours to get your entries in - due at Craftbrewer Unit 2, 4 Christine Place Capalaba by 1pm tomorrow (Saturday 13th).
  20. tallie

    Queensland Amateur Brewing Championship 2014

    If you're dropping off your entries to a Brewers Choice store, make sure you get them in by close of business today!