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  1. M

    Best Torrent Software/source

    Yes to utorrent As to finding the torrents to start with: And further: I am sure it is morally reprehensible to download stuff that I have not acquired through legitimate means. And thus I would never do it. Someone told me about these sites. I am off to...
  2. M

    What Do You Do For A Crust?

    Ex-copper (thank f*ck) and now trying to make it as a financial trader.
  3. M

    Rack To Secondary, Leave In Primary Or Bottle Condition

    I'm glad you ended that one with "imagine" :)
  4. M

    Rack To Secondary, Leave In Primary Or Bottle Condition

    Im not a fan of VB, etc, at room temp. I may be slightly biased as Troopa says.
  5. M

    Stalled Fermentation At 1018

    I thought I should update this with my tasting notes. It has been in the bottle for 60 days or so. This has mostly done away with the "celery" taste, although it does appear in the odd bottle. This one is darkish, pours with a small head which dissapears pretty quick. It is more bitter than...
  6. M

    Rack To Secondary, Leave In Primary Or Bottle Condition

    Not that it really matter but I thought I would update here with the results of this brew. It has been in the bottle for 46 days. I have had a few of them and am reasonably happy. It is clear, has a good head and good head retention. The bubbles may be a little on the big side (not that I...
  7. M

    Stalled Fermentation At 1018

    Just tried a little more of this brew and found that the celery taste had gone/been covered up by chilling. A reading of the flavour identification notes tells me that maybe this beer is alright. I could not identify any of the tastes and smells suggested. I think it may just be more...
  8. M

    Stalled Fermentation At 1018

    Good point about the bottle bombs. Didn't think of that so a win finally with this brew. Thanks for the links. I had read the first one and found it helpful but hadn't found the other 2. I am chilling another bottle for a few days/week and will try again. Otherwise as you suggest...
  9. M

    Stalled Fermentation At 1018

    Its Sunday 14/12/08 and this brew has been in the bottle for 15 days. I thought I'd try one to see how its going. Carbonation could be a little better but its not flat. There is no head to speak of. Tasting: there is a definite taste of celery and a little bit of "numb" (sorry I cant do...
  10. M

    Rack To Secondary, Leave In Primary Or Bottle Condition

    Just a quick update/question: I put the brew into the fridge 0n 2/12/08, and set the fridemate at 0. It was in there until today. However after about 1 week at this temp I turned the fridge off in anticipation of bottling. I got a little sidetracked and now another week later it is still in...
  11. M

    Rack To Secondary, Leave In Primary Or Bottle Condition

    No worries. I will limit time in primary to two weeks, as long as fermentation has completed. I will post back here on the results (although I need some work on the whole palate thingy). Cheers.
  12. M

    Rack To Secondary, Leave In Primary Or Bottle Condition

    Thanks heaps everyone. I have taken the average of all the replies and will try the following: I will crash chill for the next 5 to 7 days (I will look up crash chill but I am making a wild assumption of 0 degrees c???), Bottle and carb at ambient (I need the fridge for the next brew :)), Store...
  13. M

    Rack To Secondary, Leave In Primary Or Bottle Condition

    Just a snappy question. I have done a coopers mex cerveza with the BE2 and have had it in the fridge under 20o for the last 12 days. It did get as low as 10o but continued to ferment once I got the temp right (with the help of my new Fridgemate). Anyways I will be checking the hydrometer...
  14. M

    Stalled Fermentation At 1018

    Hey Butters. OK, so the use by may not present a problem so I will cross that off the list of negatives. However, just to be on the safe side I may try and avoid this in the future. Re: the flavours. It was mentioned before that the hot fermentation may cause some "extra" flavours and...
  15. M

    Stalled Fermentation At 1018

    I was about to bottle this disaster today (29/11) but did one final check on the gravoty. It is 1.1015 at 24o so it hasnt really moved. Now this is the problem. When I started the bloke at the hardware shop who sold it to me said that the kits was out of date but that doesn't matter. Now...
  16. M

    2nd Brew - Off To A "great" Start

    Will do. Thanks Butters.
  17. M

    2nd Brew - Off To A "great" Start

    OK. With some fiddling I got my timer setup fairly good, although it was cold for a long time. Now the issue is that today (26th) some 7 days into the brew I find the gravity is at 1.012 at 19o even after all the cold spells in the fridge and not really getting back above 20o after it had...
  18. M

    Stalled Fermentation At 1018

    OK. I ended up leaving it a few more day. Now its 1.016 at 24o. The taste has changed over the past few day but not in a bad way and it is very clear. I will bottle now and follow Butters suggestions and post back here with further updates.
  19. M

    2nd Brew - Off To A "great" Start

    Thanks Butters. I was going to convert these readings using one of those online calc's but you saved me. So the fact that the fermentation started should minimise the chance of an infection. Also, Im guessing the low temps should assist in this regard. Would/Should this be right?
  20. M

    2nd Brew - Off To A "great" Start

    Thanks PostModern, will do.