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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. D

    Conical Fermenter

    I was wondering how many of you have made the jump into conical fermenters?
  2. D

    State Of The Hop

    Dam Liberals!
  3. D

    State Of The Hop

    I think this is the link
  4. D

    State Of The Hop

    We wore it out!
  5. D


    I once dropped target hops into a wheat beer by mistake.
  6. D

    Fermenter Tap

    That is a good point, I have only ever soaked then in steriliser. I have noticed that some have developed yeast communities within the tap.
  7. D

    "legal" Kegs - Or Maybe Not

    Not if they have Fosters or Coopers serial numbers on them.
  8. D

    Hlt Element - Whole Hog...or Go Cheap

    One thing to consider is what the element is made of too. When speaking to the Grimwood people they suggested a different element type to the ones that you see within kettles/water heaters as their stipulation was that the solution I was planning to boil was not plain water. All the element...
  9. D

    "legal" Kegs - Or Maybe Not

    I one rang Coopers and asked if I could buy kegs and they flatly said no. They claimed that kegs do not wear out and there is therefore no need to sell them.
  10. D

    Beer Not Good For Scientists.

    Looks like we are stuffed. Who would have thought that excessive consumption of alcohol would lead to a lower about of work getting done, unless of course that work was in fact consuming alcohol. "After years of argument over the roles of factors like genius, sex and dumb luck, a new study...
  11. D

    Beer Fights Cancer?

    Could it be true? I'll drink to it anyway. 13. Have a beer tonight. Beer protects against the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, known to cause ulcers and possibly linked to stomach cancer. But don't overdo it. Drinking more than one or two alcoholic drinks a day may increase your risk of...
  12. D

    Ph5.2 Stabilser.

    I was wondering if anyone has been using ph5.2 stabilser sold by Craft Brewer? Have you had success or increased mash efficiencies?
  13. D

    Lead In Brass Fittings

    I know this might be covering old territory butt Last night I realised that I had a lead test kit from the Master Painters Australia ( and it might be a bit of a laugh to see if the new brass fittings I brought had lead on them. So I put the three fittings...
  14. Leat test kit control.

    Leat test kit control.

  15. Lead Test Kit Results for a brass fitting.

    Lead Test Kit Results for a brass fitting.

    The results of soaking a brass fitting within vinegar for five minutes and perform a lead test check on the vinegar.
  16. Lead test kit results.

    Lead test kit results.
