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  1. C

    Grain and Grape Closing Down

    Yes I saw that, but you'd think that a buyer could be found for a successful business. And leases can be renewed or the shop could move. Anyway, just curious.
  2. C

    Grain and Grape Closing Down

    Anyone know why they decided to close down rather than sell the business?
  3. C

    Grain and Grape Closing Down

    This is terrible news! Such a great shop and always so helpful. However, everyone has a right to call it a day at some point. So my first question is, is there anywhere else that can provide small all-grain batches for my 10L Brau? 😢
  4. C

    How many use bottles?

    I have a 10L Brau and use bottles. For a while I used PET bottles but found that some are definitely oxygen permeable and that this produces off flavours as the beer ages. I've switched to swingtops and no longer have the problem. I've attached an article that I found online that discusses the...
  5. C

    End of Boil Lid On Question

    Hi Folks, I brew in a 10L Braumeister and I cool using a coil chiller. The inlet/outlet of the coil is about 150mm higher than the top of the Brau, and of course there are two water hoses that connect to it. This means that I can't put the lid on the Brau at the end of the boil. If I want to do...
  6. C

    Foaming Sanitiser and Bottles

    Hi Folks, I have a 10L Braumeister so I bottle my beer. I recently changed to a foaming no-rinse sanitiser however I'm finding that the foam tends to bubble out of the top of the bottle as it's being filled making everything nice and slippery. Anyone else have this problem and are there any...
  7. C


    Yes, took a bottle to Grain and Grape where they had a taste and diagnosed acetobacter infection. I ditched my plastic fermenter and replaced it with a stainless steel one. Got a batch in there at the moment that's ready to be bottled so I'll let you know - so far, so good.
  8. C

    Sanitizing a Stainless Steel Fermenter

    Hi Folks, Had some problems with my last two batches tasting "vinegar-y". The problem has been diagnosed as an acetobacter infection, most likely from my plastic fermenter. As a result I decided to ditch the old plastic fermenter and upgrade to a stainless steel one...
  9. C

    Gravity Calculations for Low Temp Mash

    I'd like to make a classic ESB and Danstar London ESB is one of the recommended yeasts. The yeast isn't unsuitable, in fact, quite the opposite. It just requires a slightly different brewing process.
  10. C

    Gravity Calculations for Low Temp Mash

    >London ESB does not utilize the sugar maltotriose (a molecule composed of 3 glucose >units). Maltotriose is present in wort in an average 10-15% of all malt worts. The result >will be fuller body and residual sweetness in beer. Be advised to adjust gravities and >mash temperatures according to...
  11. C

    Gravity Calculations for Low Temp Mash

    Hi Folks, As I mentioned in another post, I'm interested in making an ESB using Danstar London ESB yeast. This yeast doesn't ferment maltotriose so it's recommended that the mash temperature be lowered so that the wort attenuates properly. What I'm not clear about is how this affects my...
  12. C

    Danstar London ESB and Mash Temperature

    Hi Folks, In my quest to produce a decent ESB I thought I'd try using Danstar London ESB yeast. This yeast doesn't ferment maltotriose so Lallemand suggest using a lower mash temperature as a way to ensure better attenuation. >London ESB does not utilize the sugar maltotriose (a molecule...
  13. C

    Refractometer - eBay vs. G&G Price Difference

    Hi Folks, I'm tthinking of getting a refractometer. I notice that G&G is selling them for $50.00 while eBay has something that appears to be the same for about half that price. Just wondering if there is any difference? Cheers, Chris
  14. C

    Safe Sparge Temperature

    Thanks for the replies. Think I'll go with 70 degrees just to be on the safe side. I'll look into ph testing for the next batch. Brewing in progress! Cheers!
  15. C

    Safe Sparge Temperature

    Hi Folks, Finally got a chance to have another go with my 10L Braumeister. The last batch I made with it came out noticeably astringent so this time I want to make sure that I don't make the same mistake. I'm pretty sure that the problem arose because my sparge water was too hot. I realise...
  16. C


    The recipe was very simple: Extra Special/Strong Bitter (English Pale Ale) Recipe Specs ---------------- Batch Size (L): 10.0 Total Grain (kg): 2.5000 Total Hops (g): 35.00 Original Gravity (OG): 1.055 Colour (SRM): 8.3 (EBC): 16.4 Bitterness (IBU): 31.3 (Average) Brewhouse Efficiency (%): 70...
  17. C


    Hi Folks, I've just done my second brew using a 10L Braumeister. Unfortunately it's come out noticeably astringent. Due to a low efficiency with my first Braumeister brew I thought I'd try sparging the second but I think I've either had the mashout temperature too high or the sparge water...
  18. C

    Braumeister Programming

    I posted my question on another forum and it looks like the software installed on by Brau predates the ability to rename recipes. The installed version is 1.0.19. I'm going to look into getting it updated. Cheers, Chris
  19. C

    Braumeister Programming

    Still having trouble with this! If the cursor is on the name of the new recipe, and then I press the Select button, the cursor moves to the first item in the recipe. I can't figure out how to rename the recipe. What am I doing wrong here?
  20. C

    Braumeister Programming

    Is this explained anywhere?