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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. S

    Q Regarding Yeast Slanting

    Great stuff, thanks guys. I'll innoculate a few on the weekend and see how they go. Looking forward to getting a nice library together. Cheers
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    Q Regarding Yeast Slanting

    Hi All, I gave yeast slanting a whirl on the weekend. The process went well, thanks to the guides available here, however it appears my wort did not set correctly. There is a drop or two of liquid in each test tube. I used around 20g of Agar to 1L of wort, which was well up on the packet...
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    65 Lives Taken In The Fires

    Marysville has been my home away from home for years now... every month or two I always dropped down there for a night or two of camping and some hiking/golf. Absolutely shattered. Doesn't feel real. Such a great community of people down there... my condolences to everyone affected by this...
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    Glycol Chiller

    Hi Lads, So I was given the un-enviable job of cleaning up at my local cricket club clubrooms in preparation for the upcoming season. As unexciting as that sounds, I came across a messy back corner possibly uncleaned for years. There I found remnants of an old draught system - some dusty old...
  5. S

    All Grain Spoiling? [no Chiller Method]

    Just an update from your resident beer spoiler. Bought a couple of cubes & proceeded to make an American Brown & a Belgian Wit. Both in the cube for 2 weeks plus & pitched yeast into the Belgian Wit last weekend. Taste test number 1 today and it is tasting heavenly. American Brown has no issues...
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    All Grain Spoiling? [no Chiller Method]

    hey Pat Thats basically where I went wrong. In all honesty, I didnt really know there were two types of methods used to Nochill. I should have done more reading, but my paranoia was more concentrated on the whole all grain process, sparging etc. i read somewhere u could then nochill for almost...
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    All Grain Spoiling? [no Chiller Method]

    Hey troy, Thanks for feedback. I am definately going to invest in a couple of cubes as suggested in this thread. Pouring beer down the sink is enough to bring a grown man to tears, so if the cubes can relieve these infections it's a small price to pay. I also want the option of pitching yeast at...
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    All Grain Spoiling? [no Chiller Method]

    Hi JJ Cleaning regime is the same it's always been - straight after use nappisan soak it for a day and use a soft towel to clean it... When I am about to use it, fill it with iodophor & also sterilise the lid/seal/bubbler etc. The wort is drained via a SS tap & food grade hose, which resides at...
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    All Grain Spoiling? [no Chiller Method]

    Hey Seth Yep very careful with the santisation - fermenter / pipes all soaked for an hourish in iodophor prior to use. I must admit, i dont disassemble the taps each use - but i do ensure i run some iodophor thru them prior to use. I think i will invest in some cubes for my next brews. As for...
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    All Grain Spoiling? [no Chiller Method]

    Thanks screwtop, that sums it up perfectly. Expensive mistake. Bah, and i was worried about stuck sparges etc. I think I will have to invest in some cubes. All my vessels i've drilled holes in (except 1) as i have always had an airlock in my primary/sec fermenters. Fortunately for brew #3 i...
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    All Grain Spoiling? [no Chiller Method]

    I think I've always assumed that fermenters with airlock holes & a bubbler with water were sealed! But I guess I am learning they are not the same at all.... I could probably do some searches, but what do most people use to get their best seal? Do kegs work ok?
  12. S

    All Grain Spoiling? [no Chiller Method]

    Thanks guys So you are basically saying wort from boiler > fermenter with bubbler = infection wort from boiler > sealed cube (no bubbler) is ok? And just so we are speaking the same lingo... a cube can be basically just one of those square plastic water holders?
  13. S

    All Grain Spoiling? [no Chiller Method]

    Hey Bonj i was just transfering it straight from the boiler to the fermenter after 30 mins, throwing on the bubbler and chucking it in the back bathroom. I havent read all 50 pages of that thread for a little while - is the usual process cube it for a few hours, then transfer to the primary?
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    All Grain Spoiling? [no Chiller Method]

    Could be an option, and in the future i will ensure it is sterilised. But interesting how i've done this for two years and never had an issue... Coincidence with these last 2 perhaps?
  15. S

    All Grain Spoiling? [no Chiller Method]

    I would describe the odour as bad :P It's hard to describe - it smells similar to an infected beer - but not quite as strong yet. Like it was just starting to take a turn for the worse... i must admit i've never smelt it before in a beer, other than the one i infected. It's hard to describe -...
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    All Grain Spoiling? [no Chiller Method]

    Hi All, I have been a home brewer (kits) for the last couple of years and switched to all grain a couple of weeks ago. I have never really had an issue with my beers getting infected -> I have always used iodophor, and in my umpteen previous batches have only spoiled one. However, my first two...
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    Introduce Yourself.

    Well my mates and I are known to enjoy the odd beer or three. Mass producing is the way to go. Now only if i found a way to get the mates of mine to stop bringing a 6 pack of VB over and then proceeding to drink my HB....
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    Introduce Yourself.

    Hi All, Long time viewer, first time poster on these forums. I've been plugging together kit beers for the past year and a half and finally managed to gather the majority of the ingredients for an All Grain. My 3 tier stand just got constructed & after i get the last couple of fittings I am...