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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. D

    Botulism in Homebrew??

    Can you get botulism from no-chill beer?
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    Any bulk buys happening?
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    H2o2 To Increase Oxygen In Wort And Reduce Bacteria

    Interesting, The agricultural grade sanitiser Ross sells from a dealer (not a professor) is probably not food grade and hence would not meet food grade standards. cheers darren
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    H2o2 To Increase Oxygen In Wort And Reduce Bacteria

    Adding H2O2 to wort is just plain stupid. Hydrogen peroxide will do nothing other than oxidise your wort. I'm sure Ross's professor friend will comment further on this issue?? cheers Darren
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    Crossing Yeast Strains

    I have a laminar flow at a good price if anyone is interested? cheers Darren
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    Liquid Hops - Any Experience?

    And the aroma is substandard in my opinion (unless you like a "perfume" smell to your beer). cheers Darren
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    Can I Use Little Creatures Yeast?

    S05 is a dirty strain when compared to Wyeast 1056 (or whitelabs 001) S05 is for lazy sods with little or no taste perception. cheers Darren
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    What Brewing Software Do You Use And Why?

    Kook, As did the other posters with kegs in the gallery?? cheers Darren
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    What Brewing Software Do You Use And Why?

    Kook, Is this your picture? If so, did you pay for that keg? Do you have receipts?. Seems there are pages and pages of photoshopped kegs in there? "Stolen" software is bad and requires mamsy pamsy moderation (unless it comes from...
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    What Brewing Software Do You Use And Why?

    I reckon Browndog and Pete and Kook and AndrewQld should post pics of their breweries? cheerrs darren
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    What Brewing Software Do You Use And Why?

    OK, well why are pictures of many homebrewers set-up which contain obviously stolen kegs (unless of course receipts are posted too) moderated and deleted? Seems a little mamsy pamsy at the least and at worst selective sensorship ;) cheers Darren PS: I hope you dont have yourself or...
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    What Brewing Software Do You Use And Why?

    I thought it was offering updated grain and hop databases for the software. Isn't that like offering a .rec (promash file)? The developers DONOT upgrade data bases of various malts/hops/yeast that a brewer may use. It is up to a brewer to add these items by themselves!! It is surely also OK for...
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    What Brewing Software Do You Use And Why?

    I use promash until about a year ago when I changed to Vista. Couldn't get it to work but it didn't really bother me as I know my system fairly well. However, I downloaded the trial version as GLS suggested and wholla, promash works again (for how long Im not sure). Thanks GLS
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    What Brewing Software Do You Use And Why?

    Kirem, How do I do that? cheers Darren
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    Which Is Which Is The Picture: Yeast And Trub?

    At the HB level, harvesting the bottom will ensure that the low flocculating yeast (at the top) will almost exclusively be removed. I you have access to sterile pipettes then also collect the lower to middle layer as shown. There are of course more extensive procedures that can be employed...
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    Which Is Which Is The Picture: Yeast And Trub?

    Yeah thats right, The stuff at the top of the layer wont flocculate properly in your next beer. The stuff at the bottom of the yeast layer (middle) will perform better (clearer beer). cheers darren
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    Which Is Which Is The Picture: Yeast And Trub?

    You want the bottom part of the middle layer. cheers Darren
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    Vinegar Flies And Acetobacter

    Manticle, Probably i would say. Chances are that you also have little maggots squirming in the "high-krausen line" cheers Darren
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    Merry Christmas Everyone..

    Merry Christmas to all, friend and foe :D . cheers darren
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    Coopers ... Why Bother?

    still waiting to hear what was wrong with it apart from it was "crap"?