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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. S

    First Keg Is Just Froth

    Thanks guys, great advice, I'll try slurpdogs advice first. Subsequent beers will be the slowly but surely method :)
  2. S

    First Keg Is Just Froth

    Hi there, just put my first brew down which ended up in a keg. It is a Blackrock Pils. Unfortunately I was in a bit of a rush, wanting to drink the brew the next day and now it only pours out froth. I need some advice on getting this beer back under control. I kegged it in a 20L postmix keg...
  3. S

    How Long Do I Age A Keg

    Thanks for the feedback guys, answered all my questions :beer:
  4. S

    How Long Do I Age A Keg

    I have purchased my keg setup (it's just not set up yet :P ) My question is, we all know that bottles left to age will improve the flavour greatly. I have been told the beauty of the keg system is you brew it, you gas it, then you chug it. But do kegs benefit from aging as well??? And if...
  5. S

    Cold Vs Warm Conditioning Of Beer

    I am new to HB myself, but I understand from my Local HBS that by racking at a very low temp will drop almost all of the yeast out, which is fine for beer destined for the keg but not good for bottles. This is because the beer needs a little bit of yeast still in the bottle to react with the...
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    Temprite Vs Refrigerated Kegs

    Thanks for the advice guys. Ausbd, I have no idea, before today I had never even heard of a a temprite. He said it was an older one, but serviceable. The real benefits I thought of was a. It's free and b. it would take up less space than an entire fridge. I will be using a font, not a tap in...
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    Temprite Vs Refrigerated Kegs

    Hi all, another new member Skipsta here. Just starting my third brew now. 1 brew bottled, one just racked and the third laid down today. Haven't even tasted one yet, but as Big Kev says I'M EXCITED. My questions is about the relative pros and cons of refrigerating your kegs against...