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  1. TheDudeAbides

    No carbonation and cloudy

    Thanks heaps for the tips and info, guys. I've moved the crates to a place inside that I hope will be a bit warmer and will bide my time. I'll just have to enjoy the porters and Irish reds that I bottled months ago while I'm waiting. Grott, the beer tasted great, but wasn't nice to drink due to...
  2. TheDudeAbides

    No carbonation and cloudy

    Thanks for the responses! The yeast I used is Brew Cellars Premium Ale Yeast. I think I remember reading somewhere that it's a close approximation to S-04. The temperature I've listed is the range. The shed is actually a brick cellar type thing which is not prone to big temperature fluctuations...
  3. TheDudeAbides

    No carbonation and cloudy

    Hello. I bottled an IPA a couple of weeks ago and popped the bottles in the shed, where all my beer is kept. After two weeks it appears to not be carbonated (I opened one and there is no condensation in the bottles) and it is very cloudy. I have never had this issue before. I am wondering...
  4. TheDudeAbides

    Yet another stuck ferment

    Thanks for the reply Manticle. I guess I misunderstood what whirlfloc was for. I thought it was just to give a clearer beer, regardless of ingredients. I'll save my dollars in the future. I've read the article, and worked through the steps, but the gravity hasn't budged. And now that I've done a...
  5. TheDudeAbides

    Yet another stuck ferment

    Hi everyone. Made a small batch of stout with my partner as her first go at homebrew. OG was quite high - 1.073 - but I had expected that given the ingredients and Beersmith's prediction. Fermentation seems to be stuck with an SG reading of 1.034. The fermenter was kept at a good steady...
  6. TheDudeAbides

    Horizon Comparative Brew

    My 'Over the Horizon' American IPA (partial) will be ready in time for the May meeting. I had hoped I might be able to get it to someone before the next get together (which I can't make), but it's only just been bottled and should be given a little bit more time to age. See everyone in May! Cheers
  7. TheDudeAbides

    Beer tasting at club meetings

    My two cents: I'm really looking forward to getting some critique about my brews and just hope that everyone continues to be as humble with their opinions and advice as they have been hitherto. Not fussed about anonymity, and actually would prefer if people knew the brew was mine. There is...
  8. TheDudeAbides

    Recipe help

    Thanks for that advice. I'll look at doing a late addition of the Nelson. One quick question regarding whirlpooling: Is it a method applicable to extract brewers doing a small boil (6L)? Also, would steeping the hops after boil have a similar effect? Cheers.
  9. TheDudeAbides

    Recipe help

    Okay, so I know that I could pop this thread in the main forum and let everyone have a crack, but I thought I would put this to my Merri brothers and sisters in brew as you're all a fine bunch of sods. Plus, getting to follow all this up face to face is a big plus. If you've the time, I would...
  10. TheDudeAbides

    April Club Meeting - Possible Locations

    Well that's just, like, your opinion, man.
  11. TheDudeAbides

    April Club Meeting - Possible Locations

    Bugger. Won't be able to make the next meeting. Seems I miss the ones where we get to drink homebrew. I'm really looking forward to getting some feedback on my swill. Got an American IPA bubbling away with the Horizon and Select hops too. Will have to wait until next time... Enjoy!
  12. TheDudeAbides

    Kit And Extract Beer Spreadsheet

    I think others have had a similar issue as me, but I couldn't find any solutions. I put together a couple of recipes with the K&E spreadsheet and was happy with the results and how the spreadsheet numbers reflect what I actually got. And then I decided for my most recent batch to use Beersmith...
  13. TheDudeAbides

    Sediment at top of bottles

    Thanks Carniebrew. Still learning the lingo and acronyms, so appreciate that. It fermented around 19-21 degrees. Hops were boiled for 40 minutes with the Wheat DME, and the Light DME added with about 10 minutes to go. From the recipe, both the OG and FG were a couple of points higher than...
  14. TheDudeAbides

    Sediment at top of bottles

    So I bottled a wheat beer on Tuesday, and there is this weird sediment stuff clinging to the bottles at the top of the beer. A quick check online told me everything from I've got bottle-bombs on my hands, to, don't worry, it'll settle and taste great. Thing is, I had a bit of an issue with...
  15. TheDudeAbides

    Kit And Extract Beer Spreadsheet

    Hi Okie, I had an issue with this, but then I solved it! You see the section headed with "GRAINS/ADJ"? The last two rows of this section are just for adjuncts and have the things you need. Cheers
  16. TheDudeAbides

    Fermentation is consistently stalling

    Thanks for the replies. Manticle: not sure if the yeast is fresh, but it is kept in the fridge at the shop, and as soon as I get it home, I pop it in the fridge until I pitch it. I will look into the things you suggested. RelaxedBrewer: a busted hydrometer was the first thing I thought. It's...
  17. TheDudeAbides

    Fermentation is consistently stalling

    For the second batch in a row, my fermentation is stalling after about four days, with a lot higher SG than I would expect. Both brews are extracts, both use Brew Cellar dry yeast (Premium Ale and Wheat), and both fermented at around 20 degrees. I've tried some of the tricks - oscillating the...
  18. TheDudeAbides

    Using hop bags

    Thanks for the replies, guys. Ducatiboy: cheers for the info. I'm still a little miffed as to how I would know that the certain kit can did not have the enzyme in it. The guy at the homebrew store seemed to just know, but there's nothing on the can to indicate this... Menoetes: the recipes in...
  19. TheDudeAbides

    Using hop bags

    Hello all. I'm a bit of a noob, trying to explore all different types of ingredients and methods to see what they do. I want to make a Beamish Red clone, and the recipe I have calls for Fuggles finishing hops. The ones I got come in a bag, and the pack says it should all go into the fermenter...
  20. TheDudeAbides

    Any interest in a brew club to the north of Melbourne?

    Sounds awesome. I'll see you all there, although I will know no one.