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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Chris Roscoe

    Any brew clubs in East Melbourne near Yarra Valley

    Anyone in the Yarra valley Brewers club near Healesville? Doing a lot of brewing atm wouldn't mind some company if anyone would like to do brew session! Plus I'm thinking of joining the club.
  2. Chris Roscoe

    Rhizome Give away - Vic

    i know im late on the rhizomes train, but im planning on putting some in the ground this weekend, Any chance that there's some Chinook Rhizomes or EKG... or anything for that matter? I wanna buy some galaxy off you to if you have any in stock. Cheers!
  3. Chris Roscoe

    Need help with Smurto's Golden Ale on Beer Smith

    Yeah for sure thanks for the help guys! I will play it safe and re-hydrate some new yeast and go from there - might try and start a yeast harvest from the one that was on stir plate!
  4. Chris Roscoe

    Need help with Smurto's Golden Ale on Beer Smith

    The guy at the brew shop said that it will make it more resilient and less likely to die off... will it not?
  5. Chris Roscoe

    Need help with Smurto's Golden Ale on Beer Smith

    yeah its a 3v system - yeah I figured it wasn't going to be a decoction. The system I use is similar to the one on the link I posted, it recirculates the wart through the HLT in order to maintain the temp.
  6. Chris Roscoe

    Need help with Smurto's Golden Ale on Beer Smith

    I'm new to brewing and I'm planning on doing this recipe tonight (Dr. Smurto's Golden Ale), I've had the US-05 yeast on the stir plate for the past two days and I'm currently putting all the information into beer smith - I had a little trouble finding the Weyerman grains but realized you had to...
  7. Chris Roscoe

    I need some help and advice - raising the alcohol content once in ferm

    Yeah I've been super lazy and probably should of done so much more research into it! But I'm having an absolute ball with it all! I have been watching a whole bunch of youtube videos on the mash process - but like king kong said I should really just get off my ass and read this Palmer book AKA...
  8. Chris Roscoe

    I need some help and advice - raising the alcohol content once in ferm

    Oh that would be super helpful if I could... Let me see if I can sort out a car (mine is getting worked on atm) and I will certainly take you up on the offer! cheers mate!
  9. Chris Roscoe

    I need some help and advice - raising the alcohol content once in ferm

    Yeah ok I will give the golden ale a whirl! cheers mate I will let you know how I get on!
  10. Chris Roscoe

    I need some help and advice - raising the alcohol content once in ferm

    So does this mean that because my temperature was below the 100 degrees mark, its probably not going to work...? I've decided that I'm going to BIAB for a while - although the idea of brewing giant beers does sound awfully appealing! :drinks: I will definitely do either a Dr Smurto's Golden...
  11. Chris Roscoe

    I need some help and advice - raising the alcohol content once in ferm

    That's certainly cleared up a whole bunch of queries I had! very useful info so thanks heaps for that Frothie!
  12. Chris Roscoe

    I need some help and advice - raising the alcohol content once in ferm

    Thanks for the tips! Yeah probably shouldn't have gone all out on it, but I get a bit carried away on things like this haha (certainly don't regret purchasing it - loads of fun!). I'll be sure to do a bit more research on the equipment side of things and get the mash tun insulated. Just one...
  13. Chris Roscoe

    I need some help and advice - raising the alcohol content once in ferm

    Oh thanks! Yeah I was just using the hydrometer to gauge out the alcohol levels (it has it written up the side of the hydrometer which category you want it in - I know you are meant to take the OG reading from the FG reading and multiply it by 131 to work out the ABV(or something like that)...
  14. Chris Roscoe

    I need some help and advice - raising the alcohol content once in ferm

    Hey guys, I'm currently in some trouble with my brews that are currently in the fermentation process. I have been all grain brewing for only two weeks now and in that time I have managed to do two 23L batches (one IPA and the other an American Pale). With the first batch (the American Pale), I...