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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. N

    Keg Equipment

    Thanks for all of the replies guys, sorry about my late reply. I now have myself a shopping a list. Cheers.
  2. N

    Keg Equipment

    Thanks for all of the replies guys, sorry about my late reply. I now have myself a shopping a list. Cheers. Ed
  3. N

    Keg Equipment

    Hi all, I need a list of the equipment that I would need to set up a keg system with two taps. I need to tell a friend who has no idea so that he can get it for me cheap. Could you please tell me metres of hose for a standard set up as well. Thanks in advance.
  4. N

    Priming With Honey

    Hi all, So I am bottling a batch of wheat beer over the weekend. I want to do half just as a plain wheat but I wanted to experiment with a honey wheat beer and thought I would get more residual flavour by priming with honey. What are your experiences with using honey as a priming sugar...
  5. N

    High Fg

    Hadn't thought of that. I'll do one now.
  6. N

    High Fg

    Hey guys, So I have read threads with this title before and I've looked over the articles as well. Basically what I am looking for is a yes or no answer. I brewed a coopers dark ale about 3 months ago ( can of coopers dark ale, 1kg dex, 1kg be1, dry hopped with 12 fuggles coopers yeast)...
  7. N

    Whats Your Favourite/best Kit Can

    On the topic of favourite cans and the conspiracy theory that it is the same goop different label, has anybody ever tried the homebrand kits. They are always there in the homebrew section of woolworths but I can never bring myself to buy one. Anybody had any experience?
  8. N

    Whats Your Favourite/best Kit Can

    Coopers dark ale with kg of dextrose kg of BE1 and either US04 or the lid yeast and fuggles to dry hop. Been an absolute winner for me.
  9. N

    All Grain Set Up Questions.

    Thanks again for all the informative replies. I had heard of BIAB but having stuck to extract brewing never really investigated it, I think you could say that "I have seen the light". No doubt I will be asking more and more questions in the coming weeks as I build my set-up. Cheers.
  10. N

    All Grain Set Up Questions.

    Really appreciate the speedy replies guys. I'm going to have to do some research into BIAB I think that is the way for me to go right now. Although it would be nice to have a set up that spoke to me in a limp British accent. :P When I cut the top off the keg should I completely take the top...
  11. N

    All Grain Set Up Questions.

    Hey guys, I'm considering moving into AG but the cost of the equipment is the only set back. The LHBS was selling a complete set up for about $600 (if my memory serves me right). I have two questions, 1. Can I build an AG set up for less, sourcing gear from o/s and locally, and if so how...
  12. N

    Putting Beer In Wine Bags

    In no way am I willing to put perfectly good beer from a perfectly good bottle into a wine bag unless desperate measures are called for Tony, in this case space space is the biggest issue. It is definitely not something I want to make a habit of. I put a rum and coke into my camelbak once...
  13. N

    Putting Beer In Wine Bags

    Capacity of mine is 5 liters. The brand is sea to summit. Comes with a protective denier nylon cover that can be removed.
  14. N

    Putting Beer In Wine Bags

    That was my other thought, it's just a space issue in the esky a wine bag I can fit in-between everything else. My local camping store sells wine bladders with screw lids so it won't be to big a drama. Thanks for your help.
  15. N

    Putting Beer In Wine Bags

    Hey guys, I am going away camping for the weekend and I want (need) to take some homebrew. Problem is space is an issue. Would it work if I decanted my already matured beer into a wine bag (new) to be drunk within 12-18 hours. Or will the beer oxidise or do something weird? Cheers.
  16. N

    Malt Shovel (james Squire) Kits

    I have never had a look at the big W range will have to make a trip. Cheers for the recipe going down the hill am keen to try both the kit and full extract and compare the results.
  17. N

    Malt Shovel (james Squire) Kits

    Hi guys, Just wondering if anyone knows where I could get my hands on any (or all) of the James squire malt shovel range, either from a retailer in Brisbane or an online shop. I have long been a fan of JS and am keen to try their HB range. Has anyone tried these and had good results. Thanks.
  18. N

    Fg Problems

    I reckon your right pimpsqueak, still be nice for them to offer you the 'upgrade' right from the start. As for the fg's I had a summer ale (fresh wort kit all gone now) that managed to get to 1010 otherwise they are all about 1012. As for sharing I'm always open to critical reviews.
  19. N

    Fg Problems

    My original instruction weren't too bad but not great. They did tell me to brew between 20-24. What I think they should have included were the what not to do's ie dont open your primary to have a gander and don't pour the fg samples back in, two things that I have since learnt are a good way to...
  20. N

    Fg Problems

    pimpsqueak - I'm currently using safale s-04. I was going on the advice of my LHBS who said I should be aiming for under 1010 and it has been bothering me that I can't get it down. It's good to hear that it isn't my own wrong doings. I am going to try and add some mre dextrose. Why aren't...