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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Robbo2234

    Sold FREE Sydney Sutherland Shire FREE all fridge.

    it was a fermenting fridge, there is a temp control and heat mat too if you want it! needs a wipe, but works great. only one wire rack pick up Bangor, this weekend or its going in the council cleanup
  2. Robbo2234

    Sold For Sale 5 tap beer fridge ferment fridge 5 19lt kegs 1 9ltkeg PRICE DROP!

    So the time has come for me to hang up my brewing boots. i am selling 5 tap fridge. has lived under a deck so there is a bit of surface rust. still works great ferment fridge + heat / cool temp controller 5 19lt kegs 1 9lt keg 3 gas bottles fermenters heaps of hops and accessories Pick up in...
  3. Robbo2234

    Where to get a hand pump in the uk

    The Missus is of to London next week and mentioned that she could get me a hand pump for real ale! I can get it delivered to her hotel as she is there for 2 weeks. any tips or links? what should I look out for? Thanks yes i have googled ;)
  4. Robbo2234

    INKBIRD Special Giveaway for Thanksgiving!

    IBSTH1 (Temperature & Humidity Data Logger) Would love a bbq one but all my roasting is done on a rotisserie
  5. Robbo2234

    INKBIRD Present for next week GIVEWAY

    Guess what? Number 5
  6. Robbo2234

    Intertap vs perlick taps

    I have lost kegs and gas from my perlicks before I upgraded I had cheap ones that came with the fridge for 2 years never had a problem... Don't do perlick
  7. Robbo2234

    Inline temp probe method

    You can get submersible cable glands google THOMAS & BETTS 2672 these would be too big but will start you in the right direction also search for hazardous Glands I think you should be able to get a stainless steel gland
  8. Robbo2234

    2x GABS Tickets for Sale (12pm - 5pm)

    Not sure if it helps but it's on the 27th.
  9. Robbo2234

    Unhopped cube probs

    I am using 15 liter cubes adding water to 20 liters If I can get this figured out i can get 11 cubes in one brew day and play with the hop additions when ready to ferment. 5 ibu... Thats hardley anything awesome! Gives me a starting point!
  10. Robbo2234

    Unhopped cube probs

    The plan is to make it in bulk and then I can change it up with hops
  11. Robbo2234

    Unhopped cube probs

    I use the same cubes and cleaning regime for my hopped worts and havent a problem yet.....
  12. Robbo2234

    Unhopped cube probs

    After the first few swollen cubes realy knuckled down on my cleaning. Hot water sodium perc then phosphoric acid and it stays there until the cube is needed.