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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. I

    Frozen My Beer !

    Well, my Pilsner which has been brewing for 15 days, then I made an attempt to cold crash it, I put it into a bar fridge which doesnt quite fit it in, then taped it all up and left it for 3 days on a medium setting, thisafternoon Im all ready to bottle but I find the fermenter had frozen!!! Its...
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    Strange Sample.

    2 weeks ago I put on a ESB Czech Pilsner Kit, with 500gm of dextrose. In the wort there were Hop pellets, Never seen this before in a kit, nonetheless in it went. Brewed 10-15C for 2 weeks, Just took my first sample for hydrometer readings, Its come from about 55 to 10. The issue it, the...
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    The Test

    Well, Its been a while. Black Rock Export Pilsener, first brew ever, many many many to come. 13 days in primary, pretty decent Temp control at 18C. Bottled and stored at room temp for 2 weeks, then chilled for 4 days at 2C. I was a little worried, as I tried one of the beers about 2 days...
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    Worried I May Just Have Made Many Many Many Bottle Bombs

    Part of me wants to chill down a glass now, but Im worried that a few days in this heatwave will have ruined it
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    Worried I May Just Have Made Many Many Many Bottle Bombs

    I dont think its off in the slightest. I simply dont have enough bottles to put it all in, I Bought a case and many a six pack to help get enough bottles but Still didnt have enough. Its coming up to 34C on my thermometer and climbing, Is this not too high for bottle conditioning ?
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    Worried I May Just Have Made Many Many Many Bottle Bombs

    I ran out of bottles, Im walking away with just under 40 from this. But I imagine it will be an experiment more than something I will be wanting for more of. It will make room for me to start on an exciting new beer (Something darker)
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    Worried I May Just Have Made Many Many Many Bottle Bombs

    Good Advice. I think Im going to pour out the remaining 12L and give it a cleaning, Before it drives me insane. As for bottle conditioning. I left them in the fridge last night and didnt set the timer correctly, they would have been at about 13C Should I try keep them at 20C for a few days...
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    Worried I May Just Have Made Many Many Many Bottle Bombs

    Thank goodness, Ive heard it go off a few times now and thought maybe fermentation was simply stalled at the 18C I was using
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    Worried I May Just Have Made Many Many Many Bottle Bombs

    The Horror!!!! Having bottled last night I still have 12L left in the carboy, Which is now at about 29C I imagine, I was just siting down and I heard what I thought was a bubble from the airlock. Is it possible there is still some fermentation going on or is it more likely A wild yeast...
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    Worried I May Just Have Made Many Many Many Bottle Bombs

    Make that three broken bottles. The rest will have to go down the sink Im afraid. :( Such a sad waste of beer. On the bright side it makes room for a new exciting brew !!!!! But yes, Im still rather concerned about the bottle bombs
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    Worried I May Just Have Made Many Many Many Bottle Bombs

    Well Its been 14 days now in the primary, TG is stable at 1011 over 3 days. I just transfered into bottles with priming suger ball things. The only concern I have is that As I was adding it, I noticed there was still considerable carbonation in the beer. Should I be worried ? I think I may...
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    Before I Bottle

    Just did another gravity reading. Its gone up to 1012, That seems strange.. The sample is also quite nicely carbonated. Im tempted to bottle a few tonight, and then bottle the rest in another few days, so I can see the difference it makes, Any opinions on that ?
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    Before I Bottle

    Its been in for 8 days now, Thanks for the advice, I might let it sit a little longer, Its just getting harder to maintain the 18c without making my planned fridge modifications.
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    Before I Bottle

    Well the time has come, the bubling has stopped a few days earlier than I imagined, after about 4, I tried heating it up to 24, no results. So, Im considering bottleing today. my Hydrometer confirms that it has stopped at 1011. As opposed to the 1005 stated on the can. The samples I have...
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    So Far So Good.

    Ahh, The only other things on my mind. When the primary is finished, Should I "cold crash". I should be able to keep it at 2-6C for a few days. but would then need to lift it to be high enough to pour into bottles.
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    So Far So Good.

    Still kicking myself for not taking the OG from the tap, It didnt even occur to me until it was over. I just opened the fridge door to let it heat up about 1-2 degrees in the air tempurature anyway, Im sure the liquid is more or less unchanged. and within 5 minutes the rate of bubbling in the...
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    So Far So Good.

    Well the fourth day of fermentation is underway for my First Brew. The black rock pilsener. I have been reading at speeds I never thought possible. And as some of the more experienced people might imagine, the things I have read have thrown me into a state of panic, soothed my reading AHB...
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    Tempurature Fluctuation

    Another question keeps coming up in my mind as the fermentation is now on its 3rd day. Ive been trying to keep the brew cold (around 18C) Although it tends to be a little hit and miss going as high as 24 and as low as 16-17C at times. For the most part it stays around 18. How will all this...
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    Fridge Is Too Small!

    Well, The brew is underway. Finally!!! Hooraah! I've taped up the fridge and so far it seems to actually be doing a decent job at keeping the fermenter at ~18C . However i tested the fridge before i put it in, and the highest temperature I could get was about 9C. So im guessing its putting a...
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    Fridge Is Too Small!

    Thats what I was hoping to hear. Ive taped it up for the night, Its quite cool as of now (11:28 pm) at 23C but Ive put it into the fridge with alot of masking tape covering the gaps in the door. Tomorrow im going to buy some insulating material and build an extra few cm onto it I was just...