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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. H

    What To Do With Packet Hops

    Have a look on the sponsors sites for hops & yeast. I really don't want to know what brewcraft charge for 50g of hops or a packet of us05, I'm pretty sure it would make me angry. More important than the price, in the days when I didn't know there were better home brew shops around I'd go to...
  2. H

    Everyone Should Also Make This

    It never ceases to amaze me how many people on forums these days seem to be there to have an argument. Seriously guys, this place is all about making your own beer, and if it wasn't for members generously posting their favorite recipes, my first 2 batches would have been nothing better than the...
  3. H

    Q's About My First Wheat Beer

    like the sound of this mix if it is a true wheat beer. I'll be interested to hear how it tastes. Did you use the kit yeast mate, and would anyone suggest a more suitable yeast than the kit one? cheers
  4. H

    First Brew - I Am A Moron

    Guys you have all been beyond helpful. My other half is grateful to you all also as my mood had gone from rage to depression to outright suicide. I'm sure its happened to everyone early on in one form or another, I put it down to enthusiasm and finding a hobby that is right up my alley - making...
  5. H

    First Brew - I Am A Moron

    Thanks guys, I will try and relax and possibly spend the night in the garage singing lullabies to my fermenter. Appreciate your responses, and I will learn. cheers again
  6. H

    First Brew - I Am A Moron

    Hi all, I've been living on this site getting an awesome amount of free tips and info for the last month and tonight I attempted my first brew. I even snuck off early from work (claiming stomach cramps) as I was so eager to get into it. I have searched around for the answer to my question so...