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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. S

    Coopers Mexican Cerveza

    Thanks tangent. I will rack it to 2ndary and CC I did this with some of my lagers and there is a hell of a difference compared with some of my first few brews. :lol:
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    What's Santa Bringing?

    Looks like mrs santa (Girlfriend) is bringing me a BBQ , Might even try a few partial mash brews using the sideburner,See its still brew related. :lol:
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    Coopers Mexican Cerveza

    Cheers Sluggerdog, I think I will just do the kit and brew enhancer 2 , just need to decide on what yeast to use. Thanks for the info Slugger. Sab.
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    Coopers Mexican Cerveza

    Purchased one of these myself today. The can recomended to use coopers brew enhancer 2 with it so I picked one up also.Not trying to hijack the thread,I thought it was better I asked here rather than start a new thread with pretty much the same question. Has anyone made one of these with just...
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    Eastern Suburbs Brewclub?

    How you doing DrewCarey82, Im a very inexperienced brewer myself,but I would like to see a A/G demo,I dont think mikem108 would mind if inxeperienced brewers like us would tag along,allthough I better pm him and ask if its only for experienced A/Gers. Sab.
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    Strange Ferment

    T.D, I have had a taste and besides tasting bitter it tastes ok. Cheers. Sab.
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    Eastern Suburbs Brewclub?

    How you doing mikem108. Im a local myself so If I can make it I will try to get down there. :D Sab.
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    Strange Ferment

    Thanks Darren,I know what you mean but the gravity stayed constant for that week untill it started to ferment again. Sab.
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    Strange Ferment

    How you doing Darren,Yes the temps did go up a bit is that the reason for the strange ferment. Cheers. Sab.
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    So What Else Do You Like To Drink?

    I Love my JD & Jim Beam black. :D
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    Strange Ferment

    How you doing T.D just modified my post and added that the temp was never below the low 20s and the gravity was at 1014 for the week untill it kicked off again. Sab.
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    Strange Ferment

    How you doing guys. I put down a wheat beer extract brew on 22/10/05, within 3 days it fermented down to 1014 from og 1042,then it stopped fermenting and started to clear , rang the local hbs and I was told to leave it in primary for a while longer. So a week later while still in primary I...
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    Morgans Blue Mtn Lager Tastes A Little 'green'

    Have made two of these myself. One with a Dex/brew booster mix & one with a morgans lager malt ,saflager yeast and cluster finishing hops & CC for a few weeks.The second of the two is a much better brew . The first one had that green taste for a couple of months, the second tasted heaps better...
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    Country Brewer Wetpak

    Cheers Doc.
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    Country Brewer Wetpak

    I put down a country brewer wheat beer wetpak brew on saturday night. Does anyone know what yeast is supplied with this brew, I was told its S-33, would like someone to confirm this. All I know is its a bloody quick fermenting yeast I made a mini starter and it took off in around 4-5 hours...
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    A German Home-brewery Ii

    She also has a lovely set up, Love to see the rear end. :P
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    Will This Be A Good Brew ?

    Thanks for the info Joe. Sab.
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    Will This Be A Good Brew ?

    Ok - cant read - og of 1044... you could have boiled the hops instead of at flame out.... Generally - when u add extra malt you need to add extra hop bitterness to keep the beer in balance. Cans typically have 25 IBU's - so if u add extra malt then the bitterness drops.. so u need to add more...
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    Will This Be A Good Brew ?

    How you doing Ken, I did list the can it was a 1.7 kg beermakers old OG was 1044 Cheers.
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    Will This Be A Good Brew ?

    How you all doing. This is my 8th brew. I put down a dark ale brew last night , would like some feedback on how it may turn out and if what I did was ok. I boiled 1 kilo of liquid malt & 250 grams light dry malt in 3 litres of water for 15 mins and stirred constantly. At flame out I added the...