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  1. N


    Done the search but found nothing - appologies if I have missed a relevent post. Anyone using or looking at using the Better-Bottle that is being advertised in the back of Issue 3 Beer & Brewer magazine? Any comments re: suitability / value for money etc? Cheers nt :icon_chickcheers:
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    AHB Wiki: Balancing A Draught System

    Noticed the large 'stick on' thermometers on the sides of your kegs. I've used the search engine but can't locate anything. Where did you get them? cheers nt :beer:
  3. N

    Co2 Gas Bottles

    Well here in sunny Darwin it is $155 for 1 yr 'rent' + $67.00 for the gas each re-fill (including the first) - not happy my 'backyard' supplier has left the territory. nt :beer:
  4. N

    Co2 Bottle Weight

    Thanks guys, My bottle is a 'territory backyard type' :ph34r: that has no markings on it at all other than Co2. It hits the scales at 12.9kg so I have enough left for a few more sessions before visiting BOC and handing over my $'s. cheers nt :beer:
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    Co2 Bottle Weight

    G'day all, Done the searches without luck - can anyone tell me the weight of: a full CO2 cylinder (size D) an empty CO2 cylinder (size D) Cheers nt :beer:
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    Ball Valves

    Busboy, How many are you after? I'm sure I have some 2 piece 1/2" full bore SS ball valves (very similar :ph34r: as listed on G&G site) tucked away in 'the shed' that are left over from my journey into AG. I'll try and dig them up tomorrow and post a pic so all can see. I'd only be looking at...
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    Glass Carboys - Where 2 Buy

    Looking :unsure: at moving from plastic fermenters to glass carboys (23lts +) - any recommendations of suppliers (to the NT) that can support this idea. I've looked towards MoreBeer but freight is a killer. Cheers nt :beer:
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    Stainless Conicals

    Mmmm - thinking the same here. Was all looking good there for a while then nothing. Perhaps access to the eng. shop was stopped when all the prototypes started appearing each morning. nt :beer:
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    Ash's Brewery Progress

    Ash, I'm also setting up a kettle similar to yours - what do you mean by "the base has already been inverted"? My kettle, apart from the top cut out, is still as it left the factory, concave base when viewed through cutout. Are you saying your base is convex? If so, does this have an added...
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    Gallery Pics

    So am I just getting tired, ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz ,cause it's past midnight :blink: or is there some trick to adding images to the gallery? Over to the experts. cheers nt :beer:
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    Grain Mill Motor

    For those that have build their own hopper - should the bottom opening be the full width of the mill rollers or much smaller / narrower, concentrating the grain feed into the centre of the rollers? Cheers nt :beer:
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    Stainless Conicals

    It's been over two months since the last post. Any updates from all those out there that have tempted and teased us with the thought of affordable Aust designed and made SS conicals? Cheers nt :beer: (who is about to upgrade small fermentation fridge to chest freezer, something a SS conical...
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    Grain Mill Motor

    Cheers Warren, Did a search for hoppers but didn't get to that post. nt :beer:
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    Grain Mill Motor

    Anyone had any luck constructing a hopper to Warrens' design using perspex? I have a sheet of 5mm (maybe slightly thicker) perspex sitting in 'the shed' just waiting for a project. If no dramas using perspex I might give it a go this weekend. Cheers nt :beer:
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    Wort Temps

    All, Thanks for the replies. I will forget the 'whirlpool' set up, use the CCFWC that I have, build an aeration system to Doc's specs and leave it at that. Darren, Yes I have a small bar fridge that I use as a fermentation fridge but am in the process of upgrading to a 360lt chest freezer. I...
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    Wort Temps

    Appologies to the Moderators for the vaugness of my subject title. I guess I was trying to get answers to a number of questions all in one hit. With water temps of 25.7C, from oustide tap this morning following 15C minimum overnight, I always expected to have to add some form of pre chiller...
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    Wort Temps

    Thanks to all who responded and to Doc for the explanation regarding the in line aerator/thermo. I'll be making one of those soon. :beerbang: Now after 2 days of reading posts on this site about wort cooling I'm left a little confused :blink: - it has been suggested not to pump / recirculate...
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    Wort Temps

    You guys are champions. Glad I waited before I cut the hole. I searched for everything on this site about kettle temps and thermos but not inline aeration - thanks heaps. Doc - any update on your re-design? Would be interested in any new pics / hints. Cheers nt :beer:
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    Wort Temps

    bump No comments / replies yet. Am I wasting my time fitting a thermometer to the kettle? cheers nt :beer:
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    Who Rides A Motorcycle

    Started off on a Suzi DR250 many moons ago, stepped up to a 750 Katana (pop up headlight) early 90's and got smashed up pretty bad by a hit and run driver - nearly lost a leg out of that one. Stayed off bikes for a while then got a Kwaka ZZR1100 mid 90's. Sold it a few years latter and stuck to...