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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. F

    Should I Try again??

    I bought a Sarsaparilla kit recently. After all these years I never even knew they made it. Anyway, it turned out to be a bit of a fizzer. Not much activity, so I turned the temp up and that got it going just a little bit. I gave it extra time in case it was just a slow burner. It tastes...
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    Carbonating Box Wine

    Firstly... yes I've gone there... purely as an experiment because I was told that you can't carbonate cheap flat wine. Ok so I grabbed a cheap arse box of fruity white, emptied it into my little 5L keg and hooked up the CO2. I set the pressure to 25psi and have left it for nearly 2 weeks. I...
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    Dispensing Without CO2 Bottle

    So my brother is wanting to get away from bottling but isn't quite ready to commit to the full cost of a kegerator and CO2 etc. He is looking at getting a pressure fermentor though. He was in the brew shop the other day having a discussion on option and the attendant told him that if you brew...
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    What To Do With An English Bitter

    I've just put down a coppers English bitter but trying to think of something to add to mix is up. With porters & stouts I normally like to add things that make them more sweeter & smoother etc but I'm left a little unsure on the bitter. What are your thoughts? Would a salted caramel work or...
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    Adding Fresh/Dried Hops to Brew Kits

    I know the all-grain brewers will hate me for this but I'm still happy with making beer from kits for now. I commonly experiment with my beers with all sorts of additives. I add hop pellets often to IPAs ect to give them a little extra kick but I have recently aquired some fresh hops and I was...
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    Can You Dry Hop During/After Cold Crash?

    Seeing as my brewing fridge is out of action at the moment, my cold crashing will be a bit slow going. Just using frozen milk bottles it'll probably take a couple of days at least. I'm trying to work out when to dry hop so the hops aren't soaking for too long & become too overpowering. If I cold...
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    Brew Chilling Options

    So my brew fridge has gone and died on me and due to the tight space I have it in I'm stuggling to find another fridge that's big eneough for my fermenter but small enough for the space. I'm looking into other options of chilling down my brews like the Temp Twister but was keen to hear about...
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    How To Get Stop Yeast Settling on the Cone of Your Fermentor

    Hi everyone, I am using the fermzilla and I'd like to know if there's any tips and tricks for getting the yeast down in the collectiong chamber instead of settling on the sides of the cone? Yes the vast majority of it does drop down into the cone but I just hate seeing the pick up tube suck up...
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    Sodastream Valve Pin Seal

    Hi, I picked up a sodastream cylinder from a friend of a friend and it hasn't been filled for many years. I went to fill it but it was leaking from both the pin and the base thread. I took it off the cylinder and found that the o-ring was pretty old and hard (easilty replaced) but it didnt seem...
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    Kegerator Tap Insulation

    Hey folks, Just after any tips and tricks people may have used to insulate their taps on the front of their kegerator/keezer. This will be my first summer with a kegerator setup and the other day it was warm and humid and I noticed how much condensation was on the taps. I'm probably overthinking...
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    This Is Just Cheating

    OK so I went to my local brew shop to ask about making a choc stout. The thought was to get some cocao nibs, lactose powder ect but he just grabbed a bottle of this stuff & said this is all you need. Everything you're trying to do with all that stuff is all in the little bottle. I made the brew...
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    Adding Lactose to Keg?

    I have made a choc stout and I think it needs some extra sweetness but I have already kegged it. Can I add some lactose directly into the keg?
  13. F

    Type 30 Coupling for Filling

    I have a 10kg CO2 bottle and it's the best part the size of a keg. I was considering getting a 2kg fire extinguisher so I can fit it in my kegerator. I have one the sodastram filling adaptors but can you get one so you can connect a type 30 to another type 30 fitting and fill your own CO2...
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    Worlds Cheapest Drip Tray

    I had this tray laying around after the planter pot itself got broken and the stainless steel mesh came form the scrap bin at work so it technically cost me nothing. You can get these trays by themselves for only $4.40 from Bunnings then just work out what sort of tray you can put on it.
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    Can You Make a Nitro Tap From a Regular Tap?

    I was looking up on how a nitro/stout tap works and (there may be more to it than this but) it seems that you're just pushing the beer through an orifice plate at high pressure to get the creamy affect. My first thought was can you include an orifice plate into a regular tap? I know you can get...
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    Keg Carb Pressure Vs Serving Pressure

    I tried to find something on this but nothig quite answered my questions. I used the keg carb calculator to get the my keg pressure which turned out to be 0.45bar (6.5psi) but I seem to hear a lot that people use serving pressure of 12-14psi. So I was a little curious, is there a difference of...
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    How Many Kegs Should I Get?????

    Hi everyone, I'm currently putting together a kegerator that'll hodl 4 corny kegs. I've only got 3 kegs so far and looking at getting more. I was first looking at getting 6 all up and that's roughly the equivalent in the number of bottles I used to have but now I'm not so sure I need that many...
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    Controlling Both Fridge & Freezer

    Hey everyone, I picked up a free fridge on marketplace 2 days ago that was supposed to be working but turns out that's not the case. It looks like someone beat me to it & took out the thermostat & other bits. So to get it going I bridged out the thermostat terminals & controlled the temp with a...