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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. davo4772

    Herald Sun -vb Cops It In Taste Test.

    I personally don't care what people drink but It would be nice if there was a popular mass produced lager that emulated say a German Pilsner. One of my locals has Bitburger on tap, nice tasty inoffensive beer. Unfortunately it makes an expensive session. Then there are the Brewed under licence...
  2. davo4772

    Top Cropping Yeasts

    Hello All, How long could the yeast be kept in the fridge under sterile water? I would guess no more than a couple of weeks?
  3. davo4772

    Vacuum Sealers...

    Hi, Can you use any brand/type of vacuume bag or are they specific to the model ? Cheers Dave
  4. davo4772

    Epic Pale Ale Clone

    Not brewed it as yet but that recipe is directly from the brewer. Here is the link to the episode. Just fast forward until you hear a kiwi accent. cheers Dave
  5. davo4772

    Brissie Floods (object Found)

    Think I saw one of those on Breaking Bad.
  6. davo4772

    A Pint A Day Keep's The Doctor Away

    I love beer but I am mindful of not drinking too much. The Australian standard "safe" level of drinking has recently changed. Previously it was 4 standard drinks a day with one alcohol free day a week, which is 24 units a week, not too bad. The new "safe" level is now is only 2 units a day and...
  7. davo4772

    Building a Semi Cpbf

    Hello, Nice looking unit Are you still using this design? How does it go bleeding the pressure from the bung. Am trying to rig one up as simply as possible This one looks pretty straight forward The air needle I have is too...
  8. davo4772

    Epic Pale Ale Clone

    Cheers, let us know how you go.
  9. davo4772

    Epic Pale Ale Clone

    Has anyone no chilled this recipe? That is a massive amount of late hops, I would think that no chill would screw with the bittering in this recipe. I will chill if necessary but adds a couple of hours to the brew day with my crude method, that is I plonk the whole boiler into a large tub of...
  10. davo4772

    What's Decomposing My Spent Grain?

    You may get another sparge out of it.
  11. davo4772

    9 Litre Corny's 'cheapish?' And Mobile Setups

    All my 19l pepsi cornies are ball lock. Plus the pic look like the ball type.
  12. davo4772


    Yes, women are strange beasts at times but I admit I prefer to have her around. Hence a happy wife is a happy life. 30L of boiling wort drippping onto the new cooker does not entail a happy wife. Dave
  13. davo4772

    RecipeDB - Vienna

    Link not working here? Here it is
  14. davo4772

    Rehydrating Dry Yeast - Conflicting Advice

    Just been reading White/Zainasheff. I must say, never thought I would buy a book on fungus and then feel the need to post about it on the internet. Anyway, They make a couple of points. Sprinkling yeast directly onto wort will kill half of the cells. As to rehydration, follow the...
  15. davo4772

    Aging, Conditioning And Lagering Beers

    Hi New to kegging Will the beer condition equally whether it is force carbed or not ? Cheers Dave
  16. davo4772

    Mountain Goat Yeast

    Did a tour there a while back, brewer said she uses us05. Dave
  17. davo4772

    Cheap Hdpe (2) Jerry Cans At The Big Green Shed!

    4 Left at Thomastown. Have been considering fermenting in these containers as they fit into the fridge more compactly. Now that I keg I make min 20L batches, Difficult if the jerry can is exactly 20L but if it is like my cubes then it will be at least 23L. Anyone know the real volume of these...
  18. davo4772

    Fridgies: Help Needed! Please!

    Hi all. Doesn't help anyone but my parents have had the same GE chest freezer since 1967. It's never missed a beat. I plan to inherit the thing. Dave
  19. davo4772

    Late Hopping And Nochilling It Can Be Done!

    Hello All, How does it work as far as hop utilisation with throwing the aroma hops into 4L of wort. Would more hops have to be used in that relatively small amount of wort? Seems like a good idea, had good results when I used to use fresh wort kits. Same concept as far as I can see. Cheers...