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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. J

    Is Gmk Ok?

    What happened? Did the beer try to kill Kenny?
  2. J

    Score Of The Century - Autoclave!

    Al good advice. This sucker has a digital control panel on it though to set the temp and time, so i figure i can set it, go for a walk around the block, and come back to either some strerilised plates, or a big hole in the house :-) Also, the door looks like something off a submarine, i can...
  3. J

    Score Of The Century - Autoclave!

    Got a new client the other day, it's a doctors office. In their kitchen was sitting this large stainless box that looked like an old boiler or something similar. Anyway, i asked what it was, and they told me it was an autoclave. I looked around the "back" of the box, and sure enough, it looks...
  4. J

    Beer And Bowel Cancer

    Remember when googling for Sodium Metabisulfate to spell is "fate" not "phate" as most sites are yanks.
  5. J

    eBay Items II

    Perth Pickup only - autoclave
  6. J

    Rice Hulls In Brissy?

    Darren, i wish you were at my brew day. All there will testify that no blowing back up the tube would clear that sparge.
  7. J

    Rice Hulls In Brissy?

    Mate, if you find them in Brisbane, let me know.
  8. J

    All Grain Brew Sculpture For Sale: Everything!

    Doc - Morebeer quoted me $500US - $1000US depending on location. I was seriously considering the B3-250 until that point.
  9. J

    Ball Lock Kegs - August Sale
  10. J

    Sodium Percarbonate

    Fantastic news!
  11. J

    I Had Dinner With Chuck Hahn Last Night!

    Did you ask him why all his beers now taste like ****? :-)
  12. J

    What About This For A Phone Install

    Hey Andrew, since you are in Adelaide, ring Internode and see if they can sort you out with a real connection. "Even worse when you get an IT guy who decides to install his own patch panels," What i love is when you see a nice 110 frame with all the proper cable trays and verticals installed...
  13. J

    The Lord's Leasing

    Ha ha. Very good. Gotta say though, it looks like a cross between a church and a Telstra exchange.
  14. J

    What About This For A Phone Install

    Really? I want to shoot the person that designed your 32port 1ru panel. Punching that sucker down is the biggest pain in the bum. As for looking like patch panels, i have seriously seen one similar to that, maybe started out organised, but was over like one of the first cat3 installs, and the...
  15. J

    Hazards Of The Job
  16. J

    19 Litre Cornelius Kegs

    Go the cheap Chinese labour!
  17. J

    19 Litre Cornelius Kegs

    On thing i've noticed at my HBS is that all the kegs they have now are really *****. They have no relief valves, and the quality is really poor. Apparently they come from ESB, and that is all they can get these days - if these kegs are decent, maybe Mel from ESB might be interested.
  18. J

    Infections, Why Are Some Immune?

    I find the quote below interesting "Every time I turned on the air conditioner I pumped the store full of black mold and other really bad stuff at high enough concentrations to contaminate the wort even with limited exposure." Out the back of my house i have these gum trees that literally...
  19. J

    New Morebeer Sculpture - 40 Gal

    Well i do know a guy who makes 50L stills who was keen to get in and make some of these (anything for a $). I'm also trying to convince a relative of a friend who happens to do food grase SS welding that it's a good idea too. The problem is neither are brewers, so the plans, costings etc need...
  20. J

    Infections, Why Are Some Immune?

    Well it seems that i may have to move (involuntarily) so we'll see what happens after i move. Probably won't brew till then as it's a pain moving beer.