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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    Coopers Lager

    I had a couple the other day, and it's definitely different from the "old" regency draught / lager. Less colour. Less flavour. In other respects though, it's quite similar; no hops, no malt flavour. They even put on the label that it is all malt. I think they must have used that new albino...
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    Keg Repair

    Good Tip Matt, Cheers
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    New Papazian Book

    My copy of the Dogfish Head "Brewing up a business" arrived today. Purchasing it direct from dogfish head got me: - hand signed by Sam the man "cheers" - a really cool dogfish head pint glass for free :) Only problem is they have to go under the tree for the next month .
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    New Papazian Book

    I haven't been following this thread, but just noticed that the dogfish head book was mentioned. I orderd it at the start of the month, direct from the Dogfish Head Brewery. It's about USD$4-$5 more espensive than through amazon, but you get a free Dogfish head pint glass :) Ordering...
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    Soft Boil Brewery

    This is pretty interesting. In a commercial scale brewery, this company has designed a boil system where the wort is not actually boiled! The wort is kept just under boiling and agitated with a stirrer for sanitation, isomerisation, and protein coagulation. It is then pumped through a vacuum...
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    Adelaide Visit

    After breaking a chair before we were even drinking much, I had a really good night. Some top beers to drink, good to catch up with BigD, and always good catching up with the Adelaide AHB'ers ... top turnout by the miniflocs too :beer: Was feeling pretty average this morning
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    Phosphoric Acid

    I wouldn't want to drop a glass bottle full of acid ... although, come to think of it, i guess dropping anything full of acid is a bad idea
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    Phosphoric Acid

    Jye, I bought a 20L of pure (well.. i think it's actually 86ish percent) orthophos not long ago. Just go to your closest plastics wholesaler (i went to Menzel's). They have all kinds of really usefull stuff, and you'll be able to buy a proper chemical bottle with safety cap, and "Poison" molded...
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    Adelaide Visit

    It's looking like i won't be there so early after all. I'll actually probably be a bit late ... but i WILL get there :) Seeyas there.
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    As a celebration for a great grade in my exam yesterday (Vmware Certification) I was looking for a bottle of something special to celebrate, and found a bottle of Unibroue's La Fringante. I vaguely remembered reading an article on it in BYO ages ago, and it interested me, so I ignored the $22...
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    Ahb Yellow Pages?

    IT here... Specialising in Vmware mostly at the moment.
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    A Russian Imperial

    Thanks for posting that recipe Snow. I was lucky enough to try that RIS on tap at the Wigg and Pen last year while in Canberra (shared a few with Pedro). It was a knockout beer - gave me indigestion all week, but couldn't resist going back for more every night. Will have to brew it one day...
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    Adelaide Visit

    Hey BigD, It's looking good for me to make it to the Wheaty - I'll probably get there for around 5:30, as it's not worth me driving all the way home and back in again. I'll make sure there's fresh beer in all the taps for the latecomers :) Look forward to catching up with ya
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    SA AHB Xmas Case 2005

    I really appreciate everyone's generosity, feeling like a bit of a charity case tho :unsure: I may yet get a beer in to it, will definitely be green though.
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    How Do You Drink Your Beer?

    If i had to use one glass for the rest of my life, it would be my James Squire, straight sided pint glass. Top glass for all ales, and does a fair job with most beers. I have quite a few glasses, my other favourites are my erdinger 500ml weizen, schoefferhoffer weizen, and a couple of 500 ml...
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    Do Not Download Promash Free Edition

    You haven't let GMK near your PC have you? I'd say you more than likely picked up the virus earlier, and when you went to save / run the installer for promash, your AV happened to scan the directory you were working in, and found the virus (well something like that anyway).
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    Cfc Sterilising

    While the boil is happening, I fill a 10 -15 Litre container with ortho-phos solution, and just put the inlet hose, and outlet hose for my march pump in it. It cycles the water non-stop for however long I forget about it. This then sanitises my pump, hoses and cfc. I used to stuff around with...
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    SA AHB Xmas Case 2005

    Thanks for the gesture guys, I appreciate the generosity, but I really wouldn't feel right doing it without anything of my own to offer. I might even be able to sneak one in after the exam - which is the bigger roadblock at the moment. With Mrs Boots still working full time, she's pretty worn...
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    SA AHB Xmas Case 2005

    Well, the day for me to brew my christmas case beer has come ..... and ... gone.... I spent most of the morning waiting for an appointment for my daughter (bloody surgeon was an hour and a half late) :angry: - so by the time I got home, I didn't have enough time to brew due to commitments...
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    Ventmatic - Where To Get A Good Deal

    Ross, I'm keen to see how they go then, as I'll be placing an order for a couple of ventmatics before christmas - if they're as good as they're sounding I'll probably add a few on. With ten of them on the way, I'm sure you'll be able to do some indepth testing :beerbang: cheers