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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. 3GumsBrewing

    What Are You Brewing III

    And put this one down 5 min ago.... Belgian Bitsa Ale Type: All Grain Date: 1/01/2010 Batch Size: 19.00 L Boil Size: 23.50 L Boil Time: 60 min Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.00 Ingredients Amount Item Type % or IBU 4000.00 gm Pilsner (2 Row) Ger (3.9 EBC) Grain 79.21 % 500.00 gm Wheat...
  2. 3GumsBrewing

    What Are You Brewing III

    Finaly whacked this into bottles for aging this morning - RIS 1/2 Batch Imperial Stout Type: All Grain Date: 26/11/2009 Batch Size: 10.00 L Boil Size: 11.45 L Boil Time: 60 min Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.00 Ingredients Amount Item Type % or IBU 4000.00 gm Pale Malt, Maris Otter (5.9...
  3. 3GumsBrewing

    Beersmith Data And Receipes

    There is also this page - Linky I will update the items and prices in a few weeks. DK
  4. 3GumsBrewing

    Need Help - What To Brew Next

    God I hope so.
  5. 3GumsBrewing

    Need Help - What To Brew Next

    Done and done. Thanks mate, putting that down tomorrow....
  6. 3GumsBrewing

    Need Help - What To Brew Next

    You read my mind Bribie, but any of your other english masterpieces you want to share, that 25kg of MO is just staring at me..
  7. 3GumsBrewing

    Need Help - What To Brew Next

    Guys, Here are the facts - I have on hand: 25kg Pilsner Malt 25kg Maris Otter 1kg Biscuit Malt A new grain mill A $50 ESB voucher No Yeast 7 Days till I have to go back to work. Previous brews (in order) - Hef, IPA, ESB, Irish Red, Nth Eng Brown So what do I brew next? All suggestions...
  8. 3GumsBrewing

    Crankandstein Hopper And Base Help.

    Got my mill, hopper and base all set up today, what a great piece of kit! I used just a plastic bin for the hopper and a plastic bucket for the base/catcher (all from bunnings) Managed to put 5kg through in around 10 min after a bit of stuffing around. Thanks for all the ideas guys. DK :D
  9. 3GumsBrewing

    Free Biscuit Malt

    I'm in! Thanks manticle 1. jlm 2. Stubbie 3. DK 4. 5. 6 7. 8. 9. 10. Reserve 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (edited list for Stubbie)
  10. 3GumsBrewing

    Crankandstein Hopper And Base Help.

    That is brilliant! Thanks for all the ideas guys. Cheers DK
  11. 3GumsBrewing

    Crankandstein Hopper And Base Help.

    That looks easy enough, wooden base, what is the mill housing? Is that a water bottle? (The pic is tiny on my phone!) cheers DK
  12. 3GumsBrewing

    Crankandstein Hopper And Base Help.

    Hi all, I have a crankandstein 2S mill on the way from the USA, it was way to expensive to ship the base and hopper set as well, so I am after some help! I nether have the knowhow or the tools to create a hopper or base myself so would there be anyone in Sydney that can build one for me, I...
  13. 3GumsBrewing

    Whats In The Glass

    After kegs of English Best Bitter, Irish Red and Northern English Brown I can say it is great to have an IPA back on. Even put 30gm of Cascade into the keg. Its bitter, hoppy and a little cloudy. Bliss.. :D
  14. 3GumsBrewing

    Castle Hill Show Brewing Competition 2009

    Ha, first ever home brew comp and I get a second............. with my mead. Thanks to all involved, roll on the next comp. Cheers DK :beer:
  15. 3GumsBrewing

    Grain Mill

    Just got another quote for a Crankandstein 2S + Base and Hopper for around $177 Aus delivered. Things are looking up! :D DK
  16. 3GumsBrewing

    Grain Mill

    Tell me about it! Ah well it was just a thought. I need a mill, but don't have the expertise to fabricate a hopper or base for a monster mill which would be cheaper, and SWMBO would kill me if I bought another expensive piece of brewing kit this year! (just bought a 40L urn) Anyone have a...
  17. 3GumsBrewing

    Grain Mill

    I gave that a go last night, here was the quote - Quantity - 1 USA Price: US$114.50 Shipping within the USA: US$17.50 Shipping Insurance: US$1.43 Shipping to Australia Estimate: Priority Mail | 12 - 15 lbs | US$97.40 A$/US$ Exchange Rate: 0.905 Price USA Service Fee: A$12.75 Total: A$267.81...
  18. 3GumsBrewing

    Monster Mill Bulk Buy

    Smurf, I will take either the CGM-2A or the used MM3, Do we have enough people to do this order now? Cheers DK
  19. 3GumsBrewing

    Castle Hill Show Brewing Competition 2009

    Stuster and co., sorry in advance for the silly question (this is my first comp). When filling out the entry form is this correct so far ?- - E.g. Entering a Doppelbock. Cat. No. - - 6 Style - - 6.4 Style Description - - Doppelbock [b]Additional Info - - ??? What should i put in...