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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. J

    Rossco Get's His Wrists Slapped.

    Can't wait to pick up the Morgans newsletter at my local HBS. I reckon we should all call the Morgan's Hot-line! James
  2. J

    Very True

    From a guys point of view...... I never quite figured out why the sexual urge of men and women differ so much. And I never have figured out the whole Venus and Mars thing. I have never figured out why men think with their head and women with their heart. FOR EXAMPLE: One evening last week, my...
  3. J

    Using Flaked Maize

    Sanitarium Corn Flakes or go to a health food shop James
  4. J

    The Results Speak For Themselves

    I would also like to know why the regional comps have been missed by us in the big smoke. As for Wal, I reckon he should change his name to "Showbags!"
  5. J

    Users Of The "no Chiller Method"

    Kong I have placed some Cascade flowers in a large hop bag & put it in a 20 litre cube. Dumped the boiling hot wort in on top. It was left for 2 weeks. It only lasted 1 day in the keg! The results speak for themselves really!! Great flavour & aroma from the Cascades, it was a beer that was...
  6. J

    The Results Speak For Themselves

    The Results Speak For Themselves, Country Brewer Brand Concentrates Now without an education in linguistics, I would like to point out that the salesman or manufacturer is "speaking" for the results. Now how can we find out about these regional comps so that we may enter them in the future? James
  7. J

    Why I Brew My Own Beer!

    Man to face court over glass attack Wednesday Apr 26 08:58 AEST A man will face court on Wednesday after allegedly smashing a glass into the back of another man's head during a fight in Brisbane. Police said a 34-year-old from Tweed Heads in northern NSW became involved in a fight with a...
  8. J

    Why I Brew My Own Beer!

    It is not just the quality I am looking for in a beer, or saving a few $$, there is another reason that I rarely drink in pubs. Brawls close two pubs, 11 arrested Wednesday Apr 26 07:10 AEST Two pubs were closed and 11 people arrested in two separate Anzac Day brawl incidents west of Sydney...
  9. J


    RedOak picked up 2 Gold Medals at the World Beer Cup. Honey Ale & Rauch Beer took top honours while the Baltic Porter got a bronze. I will have to save up for another trip to this over priced & over achieving establishment. James No affiliation, I have never been a fan of there beers!
  10. J

    Stainless Bling

    It was an awesome set up. I wonder if any of the cops making the bust ever say" Hey how good would this be as a kettle or mash tun!" When you see those 2nd hand places, like Falldell or Flemings, that sell tablet presses, you know the cops will be following home the guy that buys one! Doesn't...
  11. J

    3 Monts In Sydney

    Willie Simpson did an article a while back about this beer being used by a fancy bread shop in Balmain. They were going through heaps of the stuff. The Balmain Cellars always has fresh stock. Not sure on price. James
  12. J

    Thirroul Seaside Festival Comp Info

    Hey /// or Scotty, aren't you a brewer/ brewery consultant? Is the day job a new brewery? Can't wait for another micro in Sydney somewhere!ANYWHERE! A very thirsty James
  13. J

    First Post - How Not To Start Kegging...

    Frozen kegs are no great drama, just let them thaw & go again. Its all a bit of a suck-it + see job to start. If you need fridge repairs in North Ryde check out Harry in Cutler Pde, pm me for the ph number or drop into Ron's Barber shop on Blenheim Rd, he has Harry's card on the counter & Ron...
  14. J

    Porter Recipe

    Try a 1.7kg ESB Stout can + a 1.7kg ESB Pale Ale can. Steep some Crystal & Choc Malt (100g of each) and throw some Goldings pellets in as well. James
  15. J

    Ahb Sydney Pub Crawl 2006

    I am saving all of my brownie points & beer vouchers for Golden Slipper day, also known as Golden Slurpper, & a trip to BrizVegas for the State of Origin. James
  16. J

    Home Brew Shops

    Without getting long winded, the ability to rate a homebrew shop already exists on this site. I pointed it out in an earlier post & others have kindly pointed it out to me since. James
  17. J

    Hole Size In False Bottoms

    Whether the perforation is holes or slits I was told by a "brewery consultant " that around 18% of the surface area of the false bottom should be open. As long as the grain doesn't pass through they are not to big, as long as the extract can pass through they are not too small. James
  18. J

    Saf Dried Yeasts.

    I recently did a very blonde ale(20% wheat & Pils) on the US56. I was feeling lazy so I pitched an American Pale Fresh Wort Kit onto the slurry. Do I count that as a dried yeast as it looked pretty wet to me? James
  19. J

    Home Brew Shops

    Why not add these retail stores to those listed in the links page on this site & give them a rating. James
  20. J

    Ahb Sydney Pub Crawl 2006

    22nd is good as everybody usually does their cash on the 25th. James