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  1. ryanator

    My Beer Is Dead.. Or Is It?

    When it comes to yeast, I have a bit of a "Spread it out on top of the wort. She'll be right mate!" kind of attitude. Lately though, I've discovered that some yeasts just won't budge if you do this. Every Cascade kit I've done has needed the yeast to be stirred in. Delayed start in fermentation...
  2. ryanator

    No Wonder A Man Drinks

    Have you ever had one of those brews that was nothing but trouble? I recently put in a Choc-Honey Porter and it has been the most frustrating brew ever. Firstly, the yeast just didn't want to start. It was about 4 days before the action started. I had to open the fermenter and give it a stir...
  3. ryanator

    So Whats Brewing Next?

    At the moment I've got a Pilsner and a Choc-Honey Porter brewing. Putting down a festive beer next. Thinking of doing a Coopers Dark Ale kit with some dark brown sugar, chocolate, lots of malt, cinnamon, nutmeg, and some rum essence. Should be interesting.
  4. ryanator

    Cascade Lager

    Cascade have their Golden Harvest Lager kit. I'm pretty sure that's what it's called. Maybe try using that with some Cascade hops. Also, instead of using dextrose or sugar, try using 1kg of light dry malt as a substitute.
  5. ryanator

    Amsterdam Mariner

    Lately, it's the only beer I've been buying. It's good value and doesn't make you feel too bad the next day (better than the cracker of a headache that Toohey's Extra Dry gives you).
  6. ryanator

    Amsterdam Mariner Lager

    Here's the topic: Amsterdam Mariner Lager :beer:
  7. ryanator

    Amsterdam Mariner Lager

    There we go. Didn't come up when I searched for "Amsterdam Mariner Lager". Tried a search with "Amsterdam" and found it.
  8. ryanator

    Amsterdam Mariner Lager

    This weekend I've been hammering Amsterdam Mariner Lager. I picked up a carton for $30.00 from Woolworths Liquor. For a $30.00 carton, I reckon it's ace! Has anyone else tried it? If so, what's your opinion on it? Cheers! :beer:
  9. ryanator

    Golf And Law Collide

    I found this to be rather amusing. :) A golfer hooked his tee shot over a hill and onto the next fairway. Walking towards his ball, he notices a man lying on the ground in great pain. The man on the ground says: "I'm a lawyer! This is going to cost you $5000." The concerned golfer replies...
  10. ryanator

    Yeast Durability

    Thanks Hoops. I didn't think of that. It could be possible because it did have some fizz, indicating that some fermentation had taken place. Just as the other guys said, I'll leave it another two weeks and crack one open. :beer:
  11. ryanator

    Yeast Durability

    Thanks for the replies. Sorry I've taken so long getting back. It's been a long, boozy weekend. Here's how I bulk primed: 1. Mixed 150g of dextrose with boiling water. 2. Started transfering the brew into the bottling fermenter. 3. Once it got about half full, tipped in the water and dextrose...
  12. ryanator

    Yeast Durability

    Hey Kai, It was a 19 litre brew and I used 150g of dextrose. The temperature has been on average about 20 degrees Celsius, though has sometimes dropped to around 15 degrees Celsius.
  13. ryanator

    Yeast Durability

    Hi everyone, I recently made up a batch of English Ales and sampled the first one tonight. It tasted pretty flat (not entirely flat, but not really fizzy). I primed it with a sufficient amount of dextrose and let it condition in the bottle for two weeks but didn't get much fizz! Is it possible...
  14. ryanator

    Molasses In Beer

    Thanks guys. Always a big help. I'll probably go with 150g. Edit: 150g of dark brown sugar (not 150g of Theakston Old Peculier). :D
  15. ryanator

    Molasses In Beer

    Hi everyone, I'm thinking of adding some dark brown sugar to a stout or a dark ale. I was just wondering how molasses affect beer taste. Does it give beer a sweeter taste? Cheers.
  16. ryanator

    What are you listening to

    Rammstein are a top band though I didn't rate their new album as well as their previous few. Live Aus Berlin is one of the best live albums ever.
  17. ryanator

    10 Beers

    An old one but a good one. A man walks into a bar and tells the bartender to line up 10 glasses and start filling them with beer. The bartender starts filling the glasses. As he's filling them, the man is right behind him, knocking the glasses down in a few gulps. The bartender says: "What's...
  18. ryanator

    Free Beer Challenge

    I found this rather amusing. :D A new guy in town walks into a bar and reads a sign hanging over the bar: FREE BEER! Free beer for the person who can pass the test! The guy asks the bartender what the test is. The bartender replies: "First, you have to drink a whole gallon of pepper tequila...
  19. ryanator

    Glass Stress Lines

    I've been using a bench capper for all of my bottling.
  20. ryanator

    Glass Stress Lines

    Brush marks? As in marks left from using a bottle brush? I didn't wash the bottles with any type of sanitiser. Only used hot water. Now that you mention it, I don't think I've ever noticed these when sanitising my bottles for bottling.