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  1. choppadoo

    Plambic, Wild Yeast, Spontaneous Fermentation!

    I believe the low hopping rate of lambics (i.e. almost complete lack of alpha acids) would also lend the wort to 'spoilage', more so than a highly hopped APA for instance. anyway it certainly lends an edge of authenticity to the brew. i hope it turns out to be a happy accident for you....i guess...
  2. choppadoo

    Nut Ale?

    i recall drinking an italian (i think) amber lager brewed with hazelnuts in it. cant for the life of me remember what it was called, but a very nice drop in a pretty bottle. caramel malts and hazelnuts are a pretty good pairing, methinks. cheers
  3. choppadoo

    2007 Sa Christmas Case

    I dont think that one is mine adam! mine would be the bottle where the label has probably fallen off, and (on tasting one last night) is vaguely reminiscent of a belgian blonde/dubbel but not nearly as good! no black malt, a little chocolate though. i was a little dissapointed with my effort...
  4. choppadoo

    Supergas Swap And Go

    if thats for CO2 then its not bad at all. did he mention bottle rental contracts or anything? could be the incentive for this bottler to become a kegger.
  5. choppadoo

    2007 Sa Christmas Case

    Hi guys, count me in! peas and Corn Nedelz - APA or Robust Porter RustyC - Oatmeal Stout Domonsura - Boh Pils or Un-named mystery brew smile.gif BenH - ESB, eIPA or German Lager... still deciding KHB Adam Homekegger - Hefeweizen or Belguim Ale (Not sure which one yet) wee stu - Bonfire Bitter...
  6. choppadoo

    Ss Pail From Mitre 10 Adds Bling To Your Brewery

    Hey pumpy, how much did this piece set you back? cheer, chops
  7. choppadoo

    Adelaide 2007 Malt Bulk Buy

    Gday Darren, Sign me up for; 1 BB ale 1 Maris Otter Cheers.
  8. choppadoo

    International Beer Festival - Arkaba Hotel- Oct 21st

    couldn't ask for a better way to celebrate my birthday ! :D should be a cracker of a sunday arvo! cya all there
  9. choppadoo

    3068 Vs Saf Dried Wheat Yeast

    I've got one in primary at the moment. I decided to jump in the deep end; it was my first wheat beer so why not do my first triple decoction mash as well! anyway after a long and pretty hiccup free brew day i got 21litres of tasty wort and pitched the dry yeast Wb06 at 22C. It been fermenting...
  10. choppadoo

    How To: Modify A Marga Mill.

    i'm in the process of 'tuning' my new marga at the moment. i found that the crush differences between hand cranked and drill cranked were significant. in the end i ended up drilling 3 holes in the adjustor cap quite close to each other; they allow the widest possible feeder gap with 3 slightly...
  11. choppadoo

    The Worst Commercial Beer!

    I'll have to come to JSGA defence here as well. I think its a top beer. It is a lighter style, not big on IBUs or malt, but its got a bunch of amarillo on the nose and i'll applaud any commercial brewery that bothers to produce something with a hint of hop aroma, rather than iso-hop the arse out...
  12. choppadoo

    Free Bottles - Adelaide

    I'd happily take some of the longnecks off your hands, Have PMed you my details Cheers mate
  13. choppadoo

    Raspberries In A Wheat Beer

    i made a raspberry wheat last summer using a mixture of fresh/frozen berries and raspberry essence. I heated the berries up to around 70C to sterilise without producing pectins, and chucked them into primary with a kit, wheat malt extract, a couple of vanilla beans and a sprinkle of hallertau...
  14. choppadoo

    Bottle Options

    Yeah all the 1lt bottles have proper crown seals, green tinted glass and contained carbonated mineral water, which was what led me to consider them initially. Probably a good idea to do a test explosives run. I'll prime a couple up and quarantine them. tick...tick...tick... like a lazy molotov...
  15. choppadoo

    Bottle Options

    Hi all, Assessing alternatives to commercial beer bottles and PET; Thru work I've got access to glass mineral water bottles and was wondering, can they take the pressure? They are reasonably thick glass (750ml and 1lt) bottles from Santa Vittoria sparkling mineral water. Any ideas what pressure...
  16. choppadoo

    Sourcing Brew Kettles In Adelaide

    Thanks guys, i've had a look at Gaganis brothers- they've got a good range of cheap accessories (airlocks, paddles, etc). i ended up getting a 40litre ss electric urn off a grays online auction. probably paid a bit more than i'd planned - $200, but not too bad. i'll see how it goes as a brew...
  17. choppadoo

    Sourcing Brew Kettles In Adelaide

    Hi all, I've been sniping off the wealth of information available here to assist in the forthcoming move to...(drumroll)...all-grain. Very exciting times but my one sticking point is budget, or lack thereof. I'd like to find a cheap source of brewpots in adelaide. If any of the adelaide based...