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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. johnno

    Barrett Burston Malt?

    I have used this malt a few times and have found it to be an excellent malt for my house beers which are usually APA's bittered to about 50 IBU. I have found it to be cloudy though but that may be due to the Yeasts I have used with it so far which include, 1056,1332, US56 dry and the Nottingham...
  2. johnno

    What Did You Score For Fathers Day ?

    I got a teddy bear and a carwash kit , also a beer glass. Happy Fathers Day. cheers johnno
  3. johnno

    Rip Michael Jackson

    Sad day indeed. cheers johnno
  4. johnno

    Stainless Braid Length

    I had a short one in my 45 litre tun for 2 1/2 years with not too much problems. I only had one stuck mash in all that time. I now have a longer braid and the only difference is that I don't have to tilt the tun to get the end of the runnings out. I used a hacksaw with a 5 year old blade and...
  5. johnno

    20 Percent Off Brewing Stuff At Kmart

    Funny to see they are still offering a video tape. What about a DVD?. Who on earth still uses videos? cheers' johnno
  6. johnno

    Free Malted Barley

    Glad it went quicker this time. cheers johnno
  7. johnno

    Free Malted Barley

    Due to unforseen circumstances this batch is up for the taking again. PM me if you want it. Otherwise I i may just get of my lazy unbrewing at the moment arse and make a giant barley wine. cheers johnno
  8. johnno

    2007 Hop Plantations

    Hey that is awesome wabster. Good to see you got them there ok. That is what we want to see. The progress of the babies ;) cheers johnno
  9. johnno

    Poll- Do You Double Batch Sparge

    PoMo, with my current setup I start with 40 litres of water. I use 20 to mash in with, hit mash temp and hold it for an hour then drain into the kettle. Then I use the remaining 20 to sparge out with. This batch of water is at 85C. Quick and easy. Always get my efficiency right which is at...
  10. johnno

    Poll- Do You Double Batch Sparge

    I have a 45 litre esky and have never done a double. I just cannot be bothered. I get 75% efficiency and that is good enough for me. cheers johnno
  11. johnno

    Any Suggestions For A Wedding Brew?

    If the crowd is not used to drinking homebrew I would make something quite simple. 100% ale or pils malt. Mash at 64 for a nice thin body and bitter to about 25 IBU max. That will learn them. cheers johnno
  12. johnno

    Free Malted Barley

    Tony, Don't knock what can be found at Aldi :P cheers johnno
  13. johnno

    Free Malted Barley

    I'm doing my good samaritan bit for the brewing hood. :P cheers johnno
  14. johnno

    Free Malted Barley

    Gnome, There have been a couple of other claims for it from earlier today. If they fall through I'll let you know. cheers johnno
  15. johnno

    Free Malted Barley

    I have an oversupply at the moment and would rather give it away than feed the local birds. I have about 20-25 kg of ale and there is about 3-4 kg of melanoidin(probably weyermann). You will need to bring your own container/sack as I need the one it is in now. Pick up in Werribee. First in...
  16. johnno

    eBay Items IV

    Now that is something I would love to get for the brewery. Too bad they are not for sale over here. cheers johnno
  17. johnno

    Damn No Water Filter

    Mercs Own. I just normally use the garden hose to fill up my HLT. I have no problem with that. Once the boil goes off for an hour or more nothing is left but malt, hops and water :) cheers johnno
  18. johnno

    Damn No Water Filter

    I wouldn't worry about filtering water. I have made all my brews using Melbourne water without any filtering and they have all been fine. Unless you are sourcing your water from somewhere else why would you bother with filtered tap water in Melbourne? cheers johnno
  19. johnno

    Pint Glasses - Where Is Best To Get Em?

    I get my glasses at places like the Salvo's and op shops etc. Don't know if you are in the city, but if you are they are a good place to start. cheers johnno
  20. johnno

    Getting Beer Label Onto My Signature?

    Hi cadbury, this thread here explains how to do it. cheers johnno