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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. The Village Idiot

    PID Controller wanted.

    That looks pretty flash hotmelt!!
  2. The Village Idiot

    PID Controller wanted.

    I want to control my mash better(electric single vessel) and step mash would be nice so I was wondering is there anywhere you can purchase a PID Controller ready to plug and play at a reasonable price or maybe an electrically proficient AHB Member that might be interested in a project?? I would...
  3. The Village Idiot

    Custom CNC False Bottom

    Thanks Mark, that's what I was getting my head around. Used to have a round cooler with domed bottom and the outlet on top. PITA to stir and kept moving the falsie. Toying with the idea of feeding the mash from the bottom like a BM. Early days and a few headaches to come.
  4. The Village Idiot

    Custom CNC False Bottom

    Cutting a keg tomorrow and am very interested in views on this subject. If channelling down the sides is an issue, as Palmer suggests, should a full width false bottom have an edge or an unperforated section around the edge to minimise the side wall channelling?
  5. The Village Idiot

    What Are You Brewing - 2014

    Cubed and cleaned up :super: Balgownie Bitter 90% Low Colour Maris 2.5% Heritage Crystal 2.5% Dark Crystal 5% Wheat Malt 45g EKG @ 60 20g EKG @ 10 20g EKG @ Flame out. 1.047 & 39.6 IBU (no chill) Probably use Wyeast 1318 London III
  6. The Village Idiot doesnt want to carb

    Cold beer @ 300 for 24 hrs should be good to go..... regulator?
  7. The Village Idiot

    Big head powder

    Head is good. :)
  8. The Village Idiot

    making smack packs go further

    Where can you get those little vials Batz??
  9. The Village Idiot

    Woo Hoo - First AG BIAB Done!

    Looks like you made beer, great work. I usually start with 33-35 litres of water depending on boil time and grain bill. That would have filled the cube more. If you are pitching soon it shouldn't be a problem. It's all down hill from here mate. Peter
  10. The Village Idiot

    Subbing pellet hops for dried flowers, how much?

    I would leave the hop amounts the same as the flowers have a higher AA which probably balances out an increase in overall weight.??
  11. The Village Idiot

    Subbing pellet hops for dried flowers, how much?

    Just plug the new numbers into whatever brew software you use and it does the calc for you.
  12. The Village Idiot

    Which yeast?

    Used POR Flowers... I do have S189, worth a thought, but **** I hate waiting for lagers.
  13. The Village Idiot

    Which yeast?

    I am doing a Andrew QLD pale recipe(Pilsner malt with sugar) but don't necessarily want a Coopers clone. I have 1272, 2112, Notto or maybe an oldish starter of Coopers Pale yeast. Chasing a nice clean finish... easy drinker for the boss. Haven't used 2112 before but leaning that way, or...
  14. The Village Idiot

    Sodium Perc or infection?

    It certainly has a strong scent........ friggin' band aids!!!!
  15. The Village Idiot

    Sodium Perc or infection?

    I have a brew that has the dreaded band-aid/medicinal taste and smell. Can leaving Sodium Perc in contact with the fermenter or cube too long cause a problem? Lazy bugger didn't rinse it out for a week or so. Or do I have an infection of some sort?
  16. The Village Idiot

    Adding orange peel/zest to secondary?

    Can I safely add to secondary ?? If so, for how long?
  17. The Village Idiot

    Adding orange peel/zest to secondary?

    I have attempted a Wit for the first time with a little coriander and orange zest added in the last 10 of the boil. It has been fermenting for 9 days(Forbidden Fruit yeast) and is very happily chugging along. Tastes a little "peppery" but can't detect the orange. Suggestions on when and how...
  18. The Village Idiot

    Transferring beer from fermenter to Keg

    Is that re-usable filter??? Mesh inside??
  19. The Village Idiot

    Which yeast?

    No Manticle, was just after opinions or other suggestions.
  20. The Village Idiot

    Which yeast?

    Already in the cube so I will have to go with what I have. I was pretty conservative with only 10g of coriander and the same of fresh zest. The coriander smelt outstanding when crushed ... Forbidden fruit sounds interesting.