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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Pinlock Disconnects

    Anyone out there have a spare second hand two pin pinlock keg disconnect they wish to sell me?
  2. M

    1st Cultivated Yeast - Did I Do It Right?

    Should be fine. I dont even add the water prior to storage, just another way of letting bugs in.
  3. M

    Ageing Beer, The Ideal Time?

    I've found, without dissecting it too much, that the last beer of the keg is the best. Probably a psychological thing though, rather than a scientific one. I've done a grain to brain AG in 3 days and had a perfectly quaffable Aussie Pale Ale. Didnt mean it but thats what you get when you...
  4. M

    Kegging Early

    Shouldn't notice a big difference if f.g. is a little high. I say get it intaya
  5. M

    Disconnects For Rheem Kegs

    Anyone know where I can source a two pin pinlock disconnect for the old 19 litre rheem coca-cola kegs. The old stainless steel ones with either a white or black band around the middle of the disconnect. I tried the plastic red ones that Ross sells but they are too big. Anyone? Cheers, Gil
  6. M

    Pizzed Off

    Wow zabond that is hard to read....have you been drinking???
  7. M

    How Tall Are Your Bucket Style Fermenters?

    Because of the initial dilution rate ie one lid of nappi wash per jerry, and the very small rate of work the chemical hasa to do to clean the jerry, I have poured the contents of one soaked jerry/keg into the next. Has worked for me without problems for 5 years. All depends on if you do...
  8. M

    How Tall Are Your Bucket Style Fermenters?

    You bet, exactly the same. I soak my jerries in woolies napi rinse and hot water for 24 hours. They come up a treat. For airlock use either normal ones at an angle or a metre plastic tube shoved into the hole and into a glass of iodophor. I reckon you are better off letting the sodium perc...
  9. M

    How Tall Are Your Bucket Style Fermenters?

    I've fermented in those blue 20+ litre Big W jerries for years. That way I can ferment two or three at a time in my temp controlled fridge. Worth considering.
  10. M

    2008 Hop Plantations

    Noice! Get em on a flyscreen to dry for a cuppla days (especially with Sydney apparently getting to 34 degrees tomorrow) and smack em into your next brew
  11. M

    Grain Mill Bulk Buy

    Remember, to get a decent hopper and crank handle - like this - will cost you $200+. This is a 2 x 2inch roller monster with aluminium handle and hopper. It is awesome though - and worth it.
  12. M

    2008 Hop Plantations

    I harvested the first of my tettnanger cones last night. They are papery and full of lupulin. I usually get two crops per plant per year, the second being the highest yield and best quality. I get cones forming right in the bit where gibbocore has photographed, and on the laterals, so it...
  13. M

    2008 Hop Plantations

    One of two things, either lateral shoots or cones. Either way - the good stuff!
  14. M

    2008 Hop Plantations

    Probably spiders or something, but a few curled leaves or whatever shouldnt effect the yield. Check inside the 'web' and see whats in there. People seem to expect perfect, insect free, blemish free plants. WHY? As I said they look really lush and green and should go well.
  15. M

    Unscented Sodium Percarbonate Brands - Definitive Answer

    Go for Woolies Home Brand Nappy Treatment Plus - its 346g/kg sodium percarbonate, its cheap and it works. There is no mention of scents on the packaging (thats not to say there not lurking). I've soaked kegs, fermenters, glassware, taps, beerlines etc for years with no dramas. Whatever you use...
  16. M

    2008 Hop Plantations

    Looks great, actually quite healthy. If you want to go organic, leave it and it should be fine. Otherwise you really need to isolate the problem by finding the culprit. Look for mites, ladybirds, earwigs, aphids etc. If you think its snails, slugs etc they are easy to see. Just use a dose...
  17. M

    2008 Hop Plantations

    My tettnanger has been growing steadily since september. I will be picking the first cones very soon. It is a five year old plant, see photos earlier in this thread. It didnt do very well for 4 years, maybe a small bag of flowers each season, and from what I can gather they dont do well...
  18. M

    March Pump 809 Bulk Buy

    Remember when you are considering setting up using a march pump that they are not self priming and need to be below your hlt to flood the impeller.
  19. M

    Chilling Hot Wort

  20. M

    Galaxy Rhizomes

    Anyone know if you can purchase galaxy rhizomes in oz? I understand that I may have to wait until winter to get some, but are they available for sale/swap/trade? Gil