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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Grain Milling The Hard Way!

    Get a real mill....AG is for you....try it once and your eyes will glaze over and you will obsessed like me....and manticle ...and Ross and screwtop and thylacine etc
  2. M

    2009 Hop Plantations

    First guess...too much water. Water once weekly or if it dries out maybe twice.
  3. M

    Gilbrew's Hops = 100%

    Gee thanks for the wrap guys. Should be back on deck again next year with more rhizomes. Currently tying up my 6 varieties as they are on the climb.....
  4. M

    Ice Buildup Around Lpg Bottle

    The line of ice also indicates how much liquid gas is left in the bottle.
  5. M

    2009 Hop Plantations

    Patience O'Henry....they all have different shooting times and tend to sprout green leaves then stop for a few weeks while they send the nutrition from the sun into producing a good root system, especially in the first year. Leave the mulch on the chinook as they are generally slow off the...
  6. M

    Beware The Blue Cube

    I have been using these blue cubes for fermenting, no-chilling and chilling for 10 years with no problems...ever. Before you ask how do you chill using one....I put the whole thing in my 50 litre boiler and run cold water through the boiler for an hour or two (p.s. Its spring water, not mains...
  7. M

    Using Week Old Yeast

    I ordered a liquid yeast monday week ago and due to a combination of factors was not able to pick it up from the post office until today. Although the yeast had 2 cool packs in with it its probably been at room temp for a week. I smacked it this morning and was hoping to make a starter for...
  8. M

    2009 Hop Plantations

    Chinook usually shoots late, and then....kaboom....the most vigorous of them all!!!
  9. M

    Keg Setup Without Drilling Holes?

    A 6mm hole in the side of the fridge towards the back is both barely recognizable and very effective for your gas money says she wont even notice. Why cool the CO2 and waste valuable keg space? A tap on the front however.......
  10. M


    Why so much, in fact any, extract? Substitute it all for more maris otter and a scoop of caramalt instead. Hop schedule looks good!
  11. M

    Reusing Cubes That Contained Tough Chemicals.....

    Used cubes, schmused cubes!
  12. M

    Brewing With Rainwater

    I've only ever used rainwater. 30+ BIABS with no probs to date. I do run 20 micron and 5 micron filters to the house supply which are replaced regularly.
  13. M

    Airstone Usage - What To Do?

    Mate in my experience they make no difference, a shake before pitching will do...that is hard to scientifically prove of course and I am sure many will beg to differ. I reckon its just another infection invitation. Maybe something else is causing the attenuation problems.
  14. M

    Beer And Diet - Discuss...

    Tell that to the Africans!!
  15. M

    Beer And Diet - Discuss...

    Too much food/booze (energy) in... not enough exercise to burn it up = fatties. Look at half of the worlds population!!
  16. M

    The Last Time A Brew Really Excited You

    I was so excited that I couldnt spell and posted the topic that is excited
  17. M

    2009 Hop Plantations

    me too. Put em in soon. Mine (All 2-6 years old) have all shot underground and are well mulched with composted sheep poo to protect from frrrrost.
  18. M

    Moving From K&k To All Grain

    Do it mate, go AG!!! ......BUT...... get yourself set up. It will cost you heaps initially - grain mill, burner, reg, pot, BIAB bag, fridge(s) temp controllers etc etc Gather required equipment early. Even if you stuff a few of your first beers up slightly whilst gathering gear, you are that...
  19. M

    STEP BY STEP: DIY AG on the cheap

    You forgot to burn yourself in the process. I did! Legend!!
  20. M

    RecipeDB - Golden Voyage

    Mmmmm carared! Sounds like a great recipe...will do that one next!