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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    2010 Hop Plantations

    I'd probably plant it 1-2 inches deep or you may never see it again!
  2. M

    Monster Mill 2 Roller Gap Setting

    I set mine at 41 thou 5 years ago and have never changed it. Good for wheat and barley malts. Use a feeler gauge to set the gap and never look back.
  3. M

    Honey And Orange Lager/ale

    I dont think you will taste the honey. I made a honey wheat beer a few weeks ago using 2kg of honey, 1.5kgs of pilsener malt and 1.5kgs of wheat malt and got no sign of the honey at all. I added it only for 5 mins at the end of the boil and it made no difference.
  4. M

    Cube Plug Removal Tool

    One of the open ends of a set of pliers fit neatly too.
  5. M

    Electronic Scales That I Just Bought From Ebay

    Ive got both the abovementioned scales. Had them for a couple of months. Actually weigh more accurately than my $50, 10 year old set. The druggies - I mean jewellers - scales are great for weighing out salts when building water profile. Really cant go wrong with these for the price. Gil
  6. M

    Hop Rhizomes Cheap

    It seems SA is a good place for growing. Mine are still well asleep. Frosts still about. Should get a good crop from this year on. Enjoy!
  7. M

    Hop Rhizomes Cheap

    Thanks mate, Also dont be shy to leave them in the fridge in the supplied bag if you need to go away again...before planting obviously. Besides rot setting in, you really cant kill em. Some varieties do better then others depending on your location too. If you have any more trouble with rot...
  8. M

    Hop Rhizomes Cheap

    Yeah but Geoffi if yours rotted maybe not quite so much water..... or better drainage. They love fertiliser too!
  9. M

    Hop Rhizomes Cheap

    I have a few chinook, goldings and tettnanger rhizomes left for sale. $15 each incl postage. PM for details. Get them now for this seasons growing. Last days! God, I sound like a Hardly Normal ad. Gil.
  10. M

    Grain Mill Options

    The option I went for was a 2 roller monster mill and hand crank. Motorising seemed unnecessary as I can crush 5 kgs of grain in about 2-3 minutes by hand. I got a local handyperson to mount it on a base and build a hopper. Pretty awesome bling if you ask me. Total cost $400, so not cheap but...
  11. M

    Hop Rhizomes For Sale

    Still got tettnanger, chinook and goldings rhizomes left. Free samples of flowers still available. $25 incl postage each or make an offer for more than one. Cheers, Gil
  12. M

    Someone Stole My 40 Litre Urn?

    "..seem like nice people to nod to in the stairs???" Theres your prob dont even know the people who live in your pocket. If its worth $$$ it wil be lifted by the anonymous people.
  13. M

    Hop Rhizomes For Sale

    I'll rephrase my pricing. $20 per rhizome plus postage...which is around $7.60. Discounts apply for more than one. A bag of free hop flowers still available for purchasers. Happy growing! Gil.
  14. M

    Biab Or Full Ag.. Cant Decide!

    +1 for BIAB for three reasons: 1. Cheap 2. Easy 3. Great... no, awesome AG beer!! Try BIAB and then step up to esky set up later if and when necessary
  15. M

    Hop Rhizomes For Sale

    POR sold out, but still have chinook, goldings and tettnanger left.
  16. M

    Hop Rhizomes For Sale

    I have some hop rhizomes for sale. Tettnang, chinook, goldings and a few pride of ringwood. $30 including packaging and postage (which is usually $5-10 depending on your location) per rhizome. $50 for two, $60 for three. I include a free sample of this years flowers for all early buyers until...
  17. M

    Hop Rhizomes For Sale

    I have some hop rhizomes for sale. Tettnang, chinook, goldings and a few pride of ringwood. $30 including packaging and postage (which is usually $5-10 depending on your location) per rhizome. $50 for two, $60 for three. I include a free sample of this years flowers for all early buyers...
  18. M


    I have got about 150 clean 750ml mostly coopers bottles - all crown seal - in Tumut NSW if you or anyone else is interested. Make an offer via PM.
  19. M

    Hot Break

    Never skimmed in 70+ BIABs. How does the foam being discolored affect the beer?