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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. normell

    The Reason We Broke Up

    Sorry FNQ, my bad, MODERATORS, please shift this for me, sorryagain Normell
  2. normell

    The Reason We Broke Up

    She told me we couldn't afford beer anymore and I'd have to quit... Then I caught her spending $65.00 on make-up !!! I asked how come I had to give up stuff and she didn't ??? She said she needed the make-up to look pretty for me... I told her that was what the beer was for... I don't think...
  3. normell

    Any Breweries To Visit In The Uk?

    C'mon Kook, ya bugger :P , offer him a meet-up, and down a few pints together :beer:
  4. normell

    Beer For Kegerator

    Try yellow pages, let your fingers do the walking. :P Normell
  5. normell

    Dry Lager Yeast - How ?

    Check here for the recomendations from Fermentis, makers of the yeast
  6. normell

    Trouble @ Grumpy's

    "Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apache/1.3.27 Server at Port 80" Have I ticked somebody off, or are they going to fix the problem :blink: And if I have been...
  7. normell

    Trouble @ Grumpy's

    Good point Jimi. but Thomas really should have done something a lot sooner with the spam problem
  8. normell

    Trouble @ Grumpy's

    My other HB web site, Grumpy's, now has a spam problem, which some idiots, manly one called Adam, is blaming it onto us AHB members. :blink: Even said that he got a virus sent to him from here :angry: Boy am I glad that I don't have an attitude like him. But it's sad that one of my favorite...
  9. normell

    Dry Hopping

    Don't just drop loose pellets into keg, done it once, 1/3 thru keg, pick up completly clogged with hops. One wasted keg
  10. normell

    Birthday Drinks

    Thanks Lukes, Best thing is got today as a RDO, so a early start on HB before a 2 hour, happy hour :blink: on carlton Draught (with a dash of green ginger, too make it drinkable) :party:
  11. normell

    Home Brew Beer Keg

    So what would you do with it :blink: Only good for decoration :huh: Best bet, put it on eBay :P
  12. normell

    Introduce Yourself.

    And helpful if, like me you a doing up a kitchen & want some plumbing done :party:
  13. normell

    Introduce Yourself.

    Welcome WilBier, wherez ya from, I'm from Castlemaine, central Vic.
  14. normell

    Ales Or Lagers?, Which Do You Prefer?

    Yeah, Doc, can we have a "Both or either"
  15. normell

    Hahn Pale Ale

    But Drew, taste buds are like A*seholes, everyones different,'cause I quite liked both of these brews, along with the JS Bright Ale
  16. normell

    Muntons Gold

    Great post Saturn, absobloodybeut post :blink: :blink:
  17. normell

    Turbo Yeast 24h / 48hr

    From your linky page, its a yeast from the SPIRITS section
  18. normell

    Getting Old Kegs

    Not to mention firken heavy to move around (empty or full) :blink: hard to clean Etc.Etc.
  19. normell

    Got The Fridge.... Now To Keg It Up;#entry136466
  20. normell

    Beer Labels And Logos

    So is that your label Millet man :blink: