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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    The Brewing Network Show- A Reintroduction

    Yeah, I have found out a thing or two about you Aussies as well. For instance, I've learned that you like to take a drink now and then. :lol:
  2. B

    The Brewing Network Show- A Reintroduction

    Hey kids, It's been a while since the launch of The Brewing Network Show, so maybe it's time to let those of you who may be unaware in on what has to be the best deal in homebrew history. The Brewing Network Show is a weekly internet radio webcast about home and craft beer brewing. The hosts (or...
  3. B

    The Brewing Network Show- 9/18/05

    This week, The Brewing Network Show is back with its full crew and ready to bring home the action to you once again. Dr. Scott is back from hiatus, Justin has returned from whatever the hell he was doing, and Jon's got a finished batch of most excellent wine to talk about (traitor!!). Our...
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    The Brewing Network Show- 9/4/05

    Well brew fans, we've got a bit of a surprise for you this week! Due to a conflict in scheduling with Moonlight Brewing, who was supposed to be our guest this week, but has been rescheduled, we are pleased to bring back Jamil Zainashef, one of the most award winning homebrewers on the planet...
  5. B

    The Brewing Network Show- 8/28/05

    Yeah, somehow I don't think that'll be big enough to fit over your ego, mate... :P Besides, I'll be scoring a shirt this week!
  6. B

    The Brewing Network Show- 8/28/05

    Hey kids, just a friendly reminder to check out The Brewing Network Show this Sunday, the 28th at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time. This week we will feature Triple Rock Brewery from Berkeley, CA. We'll find out all about their beers, and get to the bottom of what makes an alehouse sustainable in the long...
  7. B

    The Brewing Network Show- 8/21/05

    Hey kids, After a couple months of live shows featuring numerous brew topics, it's finally time for... THE DRUNKEN SHOW!! That's right brew fans, all professionalism will be thrown out the window this week as the Brewcasters get totally hammered for your listening enjoyment. But that's not all...
  8. B

    The Brewing Network Show- 8/14/05

    Hello again Brew-Fans. Last Sunday's show is now in rotation on the stream if you missed it, so be sure to catch it. It was a long one, 3 hours, due to the fact that we had two great guests, Chris Graham of B3 and Colin Kaminski of Downtown Joe's in Napa, CA, and we were just having too much fun...
  9. B

    The Brewing Network Show- 8/7/05

    Now that this past Sunday's hangover show (as it has come to be called) is over, it's time to look toward another great Brewcast. If Brewcaster Justin has recovered (that sissy!), and the rest of the Brewcaster Crew can bring back the beer love this week, we're gonna have a really packed show...
  10. B

    The Brewing Network Show- 7/24/05

    Hey gang, Don't forget to tune into The Brewing Network Show today at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time. This week your Brewcasters Justin Crossley, Jon Plise of B3 and DOZE president Doctor Scott will discuss carbonation levels (how to get it and carbonating to style) and also beer storage. Then, instead...
  11. B

    The Brewing Network Show- 7/17/05

    Hey gang, Don't forget to tune in today at 5:00 p.m. Pacific for another fun and informative Brewing Network Show. Hosts Justin, Jon and Dr. Scott will be discussing everything wort, from flameout to the pitching of yeast and beyond. Check out all the action at:
  12. B

    Brewing Network Poll

    Sunday's The Brewing Network Show is replaying right now (12:45 p.m. Pacific)
  13. B

    Brewing Network Poll

    The Brewing Network's new web site is very close to being completed. When it is, all past shows will be available there for downloads as mp3 files. Podcasting is definitely something the Network wants to do (and you Aussies seem especially keen on the idea) but bear in mind the Network is being...
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    Brewing Network Poll
  15. B

    Brewing Network Poll

    Podcasts are sort of on the back burner for the moment. There is the new web site to get up and running and the archiving of past shows to be made available for downloading there. Once all that has been acheived, then podcasting can be looked at.
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    Brewing Network Poll

    Well, it would be even harder than that. The webcast originates from a studio in the San Francisco Bay Area.
  17. B

    Brewing Network Poll

    Hey Oz, Matt here. I was the chat room moderator during the show yesterday. Thanks for all your great input during the show. It was a good one, wasn't it? "Dickcheese Lambic" Man, we got a laugh out of that in the studio! ;-)
  18. B

    Brewing Network Poll

    We are trying to gauge how many Brewing Network listeners we have in Oz. If you do or have listened, please feel free to comment or criticize. Thanks.
  19. B

    The Brewing Network Show- 7/10/05

    Hey kids, what time is it? It's time for The Brewing Network Show! Time for another hi-larius and informative online brew session with your hosts Justin, Jon and Doctor Scott. Tune in to at 5:00 p.m. Pacific today to catch all the fun and prizes.
  20. B

    The Brewing Network- 7/3/05 Show

    This week on The Brewing Network the topic of discussion will be homebrew competitions and style guidelines. Past Homebrewer of the Year and 2004 Ninkasi Award winner Jamil Zainasheff will be in the studio to answer your calls and online questions. Also, we'll play a beer style trivia game in...