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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. S

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Just the other day I was tailgated for a long time by some dickless chimp, even though I was already going 5 kph over the limit. And to top it off, he was an Australian.
  2. S

    FS: near-new 3 tap kegerator & full setup

    Here are pictures. I've included a close-up of the 6 good quick disconnects so you can see they are branded the same as those from CB (e.g., The 4 cheaper ones are shown behind/left of the 6 good ones in one of the photos. I forgot to...
  3. S

    FS: near-new 3 tap kegerator & full setup

    Good point, I'll take photos shortly and post them.
  4. S

    FS: near-new 3 tap kegerator & full setup

    Hi all, I'm selling a kegging setup that I acquired in December 2013/January 2014. There's nothing wrong with it -- selling for personal reasons. Triple tap kegerator (from Pinnacle Wholesalers). Original RP $499 6.8 kg CO2 tank (mykegonlegs). Original RP $299 New Micromatic regulator from...
  5. S

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    I think the wood would be queued halfway round the block in that case.
  6. S

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    How much wood would a woodfuck **** if a woodfuck could **** wood?
  7. S

    new wireless brewing equipment, needs our support!

    I agree. The distribution of mass inside the unit would need to be extremely precise to ensure a consistent relationship between angle of the device and density of the medium.
  8. S

    new wireless brewing equipment, needs our support!

    Recreational math on a Sunday morning: The gravity error caused by attached CO2 bubbles is on the order of 2.4*F*(r / R)/(1 - 2R/3L), where F is the fraction of total brewometer surface area that is covered with attached bubbles and r is the bubble radius. This assumes the brewometer is a...
  9. S

    new wireless brewing equipment, needs our support!

    ArgM might be interested in this. He was trying to design an automated way to measure gravity during fermentation.
  10. S

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    What drives me nuts is people who use posts from a Continuing Rant thread on a beer forum to get their daughter reading. Also people who say **** 200 times a night but delusionally believe it's not what they teach their kids. Oh yeah, and people who complain about cursing on a beer forum...
  11. S

    Difference between PT100 probe & thermocouple

    RE joining: yes, if you're using the same type of cable (e.g., copper for one lead, constantan for the other). But an uninformed user might think they could extend the wire with ordinary Cu/Cu wire. RE thermocouples in series: did you mean in parallel? If in series, the intervening junctions...
  12. S

    Advice needed re CO2 regulator

    Both leaking and stuffing the tank threads are very expensive problems, so I don't think you're being paranoid. If you need a wrench to tighten it more than a quarter turn or so, then something is wrong with the threads -- at least in my experience (which is 20 years of using gas tanks on a...
  13. S

    Advice needed re CO2 regulator

    I had exactly the same problem with the regulator that came with my kegerator from Pinnacle wholesalers. It was the right type of thread (type 30), etc., but the threads had been machined poorly, and it was impossible to tighten it beyond a certain point. I sent it back, they sent a...
  14. S

    ACCC acts on beer labelling

    Yeah, same here. FWIW, scientists do better here than many in the US. I couldn't even support a family of 3 on my salary as a tenured professor in California.
  15. S

    ACCC acts on beer labelling

    I'm also someone with a PhD in science, who struggled with the indentured servitude of a decade worth of post docs before finally getting a quasi-secure job with ****** pay. So I understand the situation perfectly. But if you think you'd be in a better boat financially if you gave it up to...
  16. S

    ACCC acts on beer labelling

    Er, maybe because they love it? Money matters and is necessary, but people go into business for other reasons than simply to make money. A lot of these craft brewers have advanced degrees in microbiology or other scientific disciplines, and most of them could make heaps more, and for far less...
  17. S

    Computer Operating Systems.

    +1 There is no "best" platform, because the question is subjective. Context matters, and what you're used to matters even more. Even if I agreed that Microsoft was evil and open-source was superior, I'd still use MS products on PCs, for two reasons. First, I've invested literally thousands...
  18. S

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Wow, that sounds crazy -- closing most of the national parks in Tasmania to campers. That would truly suck, unless it were just a temporary measure because of construction or restoration or something. Can you dig up some stories about this?
  19. S

    ACCC acts on beer labelling

    That about sums up, well, everything that's wrong with the world.
  20. S

    RIMS - do we think it's something it's not meant to be?

    I always thought both RIMS and HERMS were infusion systems (what's infused is the recirculated wort), and that the "I" was left out of "HERMS" so it wouldn't sound like we all had gaggles of concubines in our brewhouses. I did steps using steam infusion for years -- no recirculation, just a...