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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. jacknohe

    Bottles Bottles Bottles

    I've been using twist tops for over a year now without any issues. I was a little skeptical at first and blamed some low carbonation mishaps on it. However, when I had a non-alcoholic GB blow a twist bottle to bits I realized sealing and pressure wasn't a problem. ;-) I don't even do the extra...
  2. jacknohe

    Recultured Coopers Yeast For Non-coopers Clones

    Thanks guys. I'll give it a crack and see how we go...
  3. jacknohe

    Recultured Coopers Yeast For Non-coopers Clones

    Hi All I've read lots of references to brewers using the recultured Coopers Yeast for Coopers CPA or CSA clones. I've used it for a CPA once and it was great. Just wondering if anyone has used it for other styles and what your results were like. I'm thinking of a best bitter or Extra...
  4. jacknohe

    4 Pines Brewing Manly?

    Went there for my anniversary. I really enjoyed their beer! Their bitter was my fav.
  5. jacknohe

    Specialty Grains Or Dex Or Both

    Personally, a bit of both. Run it through Ianh's extract spreadsheet to see what it looks like for both finished gravity and alcohol for the mix youre after. I pretty much use a specialty grain in almost every brew now with a little dex to bring the alcohol to the level I'm going for.
  6. jacknohe

    Any Advice For A Newbie?

    +1 on that. Get a coopers kit or visit a homebrew shop. IMO stick to bottles in the first instance and work on your brew process. As you say, lots of advice here and you can only take so much in. Some things didn't make sense to me for a few months after I read it. Get brewing first before you...
  7. jacknohe

    Cooler Bags For A Fermenter

    After struggling in Sydney's heat last summer with ice and wet towels, I managed to score 2 of the actual can coolers mentioned in the article from a mate who works for Anaconda. Works a treat with ice bottles. I've used it for lagers and had it down below 10C consistently (in Winter of...
  8. jacknohe

    Just A Qiuck Question

    I see you're using US05. I've noticed in the last three brews using US05 that the ferment has paused around the 1017-1018 mark at 18c. I've racked to secondary and let it warm up over 20c and the ferment finishes off nicely close or on my target FG. No adverse tastes and a clearer beer.
  9. jacknohe

    Copers Ipa + (how Much) Brew Enhancer

    All the extra malt seems a little much depending what style you're going for. Eg English IPA, American IPA, etc. Were you planning on adding extra hops? Try running it through ianh's spreadsheet which will give you a good indication according to style.
  10. jacknohe

    Say No, To Beer Snobbery!

    Ha ha. I use this line all the time too when I have to purchase beer. I'd rather pay the extra few dollars for quality. But of course I prefer my own, well now that I'm getting better at brewing... :lol:
  11. jacknohe

    Reculturing Yeast From Your Own Beer (not Coopers)

    Thanks for your responses! I'm going to give it a crack following the same steps for reculturing Coopers yeast. We'll see how I get on... B)
  12. jacknohe

    Reculturing Yeast From Your Own Beer (not Coopers)

    Hi I've recultured a Coopers Pale Ale yeast with great success in the past. Certainly produced a fantastic CPA clone. But I'm curious, could I reculture the US-05 yeast from an American Pale Ale I've recently bottled?