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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Little Black Flies?

    prolly These. Not sure if its true but they may carry the acetobacter around with em so watch they don't get to your beer.
  2. M

    Single Hop Beers(info Thread)

    Couldn't agree more! Input from brewers of your ilk is the main reason i started this thread.All this data is too good not to share. Looking 4ward to your contributions.
  3. M

    Help: Not So Cloudy Wheat!

    Mate, don't worry about it as long as it tastes the goods. I'm supping on my last 100% wheaty(bottle conditioned) made with wy 3068 and its as clear as a bell. Flava is all clove and banana though so clarity is not an issue for me. It's weird and slightly paradoxical, but some of the clearest...
  4. M

    Tasmanian Hallertau - For Testing

    I've made it in as a late inclusion as well, Whoo Hoooo. Planning a kolsch or lager(depends on yeast at the time) and a weizen,may just make another 100% wheaty again.
  5. M

    Single Hop Beers(info Thread)

    Palisade Ale 85% Weyerman Munich II 3% Carapils 5% Maize 7% Dextrose Single infusion mash @ 66c(90 min). Palisade(7.3 AA) to 35 IBU @ 60 min 1 gram/litre @15 min 1 gram/litre @5 min 1 gram/litre @0 min. Tim Taylor LL yeast. This was an experiment with M II as a base malt also.The maize and...
  6. M

    Single Hop Beers(info Thread)

    I have been tinkering with beers made with a single variety of hop on and off for a few years. It allows me to get an idea of the true character of a hop so i can figure out if i like it,and where it might fit into a future style or beer i wish to make. From reading various other threads I've...
  7. M

    Thomas Cooper Ipa Recipe Pls!

    Sounds the goods, Couldn't be quicker'n'easier than that.
  8. M

    Hop Rhizomes/plant

    ammarillo is grown only by a select group in the USA and very closely guarded as i understand.
  9. M

    Hop Rhizomes/plant

    This post Here, has last years list from stew, but as batz has said some may be out this year .Just have to wait and see I guess.
  10. M

    Biab - Now Available In The Usa

    Hey Thirsty,or anyone else who can shed some light. Excuse my ignorance if it's obvious,but I'm more than a little curious as to the significance of those distinctly coloured sherpa type hats. Admin dude wears one,Thirsty has modded his avatar to have one ,and yet another dude has em in his...
  11. M

    Malt Shovel Cans $8.98 @ Big W Gawler Sa

    Make sure you check the best b4 dates on them ;)
  12. M

    Hop Rhizomes/plant

    Or read this Thread Stewart from tas is the cheapest option.
  13. M

    Hop Of The Week 14/3/07 - Centennial

    Yeah I'm gonna do a 1050 ish,50 IBU american IPA next up.centennial front to back.
  14. M

    How Much Water Do You Use To Brew?

    Makes my "Save water Drink Beer" Tshirt something of an oxymoron then. :blink:
  15. M

    Brewing A Coop[ers Pale Ale As A Lager? Yes Or No?

    Just to clarify you mean s23(lager) and not s33(ale ) as you have stated. Other than that the difference between a coopers pils and pale would be insignificant in an extract brew. its the yeast that make it a lager or ale.Both of those kits are pale extract and similar IBU, with prolly a...
  16. M

    Just Lost My Ag Virginity! Yee Ha!

    Good on Ya :beer: This is AG the brewing bug, and I'm happy to say he has bitten you!
  17. M

    Protein Haze Caused By Using Hot/cod Break

    my set up is very rudimentary and as I've no tap on my kettle I would have to siphon of the wort if I wanted to leave behind break material.As a consequence of this and my laziness it all goes into the barrel.In 21 AG's only 3 have had protein haze.Mariss Otter wa s the common denominator,and...
  18. M

    Talk To Me About Glacier

    Thanks for the reply(as you were there at the beginning as well :lol: ) Story of my life really.Think about it ,get inspired ,ask advice,find new idea, ask advice, digress a hundred times.Do a brew and have this nagging feeling i've started a thread some time ago.Do a search and find my self here.