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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. J

    Links To Decent Textbooks & Articles

    I have removed the linked post above since it contained a link to copyright material. I know its not hosted on AHB but linking of copyrighted material on AHB is not allowed. If you choose to post in this thread be sure that what you are linking is legal to download. If it isn't it will be removed.
  2. J

    Importing Hops & Yeast

    I understand that pellets are fine but am wondering what paperwork needs to be done to bring them in yourself? I guess if you are going via hops direct its all done for you but if you rock up at the airport with a suitecase full there may be some issues? Is there a point (quantity/value) where...
  3. J

    Long Time Members Who Dont Post Much

    Can't but help agree with a lot of the sentiment but things change with size I guess, makes it hard to spot the good threads amongst the noise. I still pop in every couple of days to see what I can find. I'm finding it hard to brew living in the US with beer relatively cheap and such a crazy...
  4. J

    Wtb - Usa Shopping List

    I've been over in the states for the last couple of years. There's no more sea freight so you have to do air, you can get some pre-paid style boxes which are small but have a large weight allowance (check So if you are buying small heavy stuff like beer taps they are not bad, you can...
  5. J

    Belgium Ale And Belgium Candi

    Yes you can, you just have to work out the contribution of the sugar that you added. For that you need the specs on the candi sugar (I'm assuming something like this) which contributes 32PPPG (points per pound per gallon) .... US units. As it turns out that bottle is one pound so if you put that...
  6. J

    When Lagering A Pilsner In A Keg ,is It Ok To Filter First

    Nope I run a balanced keg system, once it's in the keg it doesn't move.
  7. J

    When Lagering A Pilsner In A Keg ,is It Ok To Filter First

    Gotta say I agree, if you are going to lager why bother with filtering.
  8. J

    Mashmate/2400w Element Blowing Inline 10a Fuse

    I would agree that the likely cause is that you have a 10A fuse on a circuit which designed to hopfully get 10A so given tolerances and all that you are bound to run into problems. I would ask why you even have the fuse in your circuit? Your outlet will be protected by an appropriate breaker...
  9. J

    Beer Recipator 2.2

    The final volume is the one that you expect to have after the boil is over, this effects the OG. The boil volume haas no bearing on the OG and will likely only effect the hop utilization but I didn't play about with that to confirm it. Dunno what they have the sparge vol for .... So for a BIAB...
  10. J

    Hops Bulk Buy: Problem

    The bulk buy scene has certainly changed over the years ...
  11. J

    Good Grain Crush + 92c Mashout = High Efficiency

    Curious if you efficiency gain is more to do with the mill? Have you done a brew with just the mill and a 80C mash out? Higher mash out should reduce the wort viscosity and improve your extraction but I would worry about the tannin extraction. Something I've never tested but I am going to trust...
  12. J

    Pid + Timer ? How To Wire?

    PID is really overkill in our application, if you are using SSR's perhaps you can take advantage of the algorithm a bit but your only boiling water :) As Justin said if it retains the last setpoint then put the timer at the power source and you have no problems. If this is not the case then you...
  13. J

    Arduino Development Thread

    I have also done stuff all, mainly because I am a lazy bastard :( I have acquired some SSR's so I am ready to go a step further but am thinking about how to water proof (or wort proof) the DS1820. After my crap test run on my new HERMs system I am thinking the place for the temp will be in the...
  14. J

    American Pale Ale Gurus.

    My 2c, I would drop the Pils and just use pale not sure what it would bring to the party. It should be hoppy but not over the top which sounds like what you want. What yeast? hard to beat 1056 but I have tried a few different strains and they all turned out good. Looks like a tasty beer in any...
  15. J

    Fermentation Coolroom

    It's a nice background to be sure Doc, but its crap for making the graph easy to read :(
  16. J

    Herms Build Version 1.0

    Very neat work there mr db, I like the dual use of the hop back idea. In reality I guess you wont be using the hopback every brew so most times you wouldn't have to rip it all apart before chilling at the end. Curious to hear how the temp control goes with the extra loss from the CFC, you...
  17. J

    Temp Control Choices...

    +1, couldn't have said it better
  18. J

    Herms Build Version 1.0

    nah its 3/8" and after doing it I would want some help (or steroids) to do 1/2". Filled it up with salt to stop it kinking but I still had to use elbows for the connections as I just couldn't bend those.
  19. J

    Herms Build Version 1.0

    The coil I bought was 20' so probably about 5m or just under made it into the coil, probably very similar to what you set up.