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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. newguy

    Finally Out Of Hospital

    Great news that she's back home, I sincerely hope for a full recovery. My 9 year old suffered a "severe" (doctor's words) concussion at school a little over a month ago. That was very worrying, particularly with how "loopy" she behaved for the week following her incident. I understand what...
  2. newguy

    Florida Arrests

    Privately run prisons - in other words, the govt doesn't run these institutions, private companies do. Google a bit. Was a story not too long ago about a judge that would throw people in jail for anything. Guess who got a kickback for every head in prison?
  3. newguy

    Belgian Pale Ale

    Recipe looks fine as is. 1. Leave out the coriander. Coriander + high hops can be rather turpentine-like (in my experience anyway). 2. Saaz & Styrians do go nicely together. 3. Grain bill looks fine. Brew as is this time, then adjust next time you decide to brew it. I've brewed a BPA a...
  4. newguy

    Beer Advent Calendar

    Beers 19 - 21: Beers 22 - 24:
  5. newguy

    Beer Advent Calendar

    Beers 11 & 12: Beers 13 - 15: For those of you that have brewed Ross' schwarzbier, the one on the right was a dead ringer for it. [Thanks Ross!] Beers 16 - 18:
  6. newguy

    New Micro Brewer

    :icon_cheers: :super:
  7. newguy

    Beer Advent Calendar

    Just for comparison's sake...the retail price of the one I bought was $109 (and I'm in Canada). .....And the store where I got it this past Saturday was out of them Monday so they seem to be a popular item. You know what you could do....Advent calendar case swap. It would be fun.
  8. newguy

    Beer Advent Calendar

    Beers 6-10:
  9. newguy

    How Many Ahb'ers Are On Facebook?

    You're right. Could have sworn it was before I moved away from home, which was 11 years ago. 'Twas wrong. Sorry! ;)
  10. newguy

    How Many Ahb'ers Are On Facebook?

    Many years ago (can't remember how many, but I know it was more than 11), some genuine friends of mine started signing up on facebook and I started getting the auto-generated "Todd wants you to join him on facebook" emails. And they annoyed me. Couldn't help but think of how many...
  11. newguy

    Beer Advent Calendar

    This is the box. These are beers 1-5.
  12. newguy

    Beer Advent Calendar

    I had never seen an advent calendar before I met my wife, but since we've had kids every year she'll buy a couple. If you don't know what they are, they're a calendar with little pop-out sections marked 1-24 that hold little chocolates. A local liquor store had beer advent calendars in stock...
  13. newguy

    Moving - Need To Dig Up Hops

    Cheers for the advice. I thought it would be more difficult but then again I've never done it before. ....My wife said last year "we're never moving again.....there's no way you're going to leave your hops." I guess I showed her. Yob, I'll be taking them all but I really don't know if I'll...
  14. newguy

    Moving - Need To Dig Up Hops

    Where I live I have anywhere from days to weeks until the ground freezes solid, so I have to act fast to dig out my hops because I'll be moving this winter. Anything to watch out for? Tips/tricks from those in the know?
  15. newguy

    Dusseldorf Trip

    Forgot to mention, definitely take the train to Koln (Cologne), as it's only 20 or so minutes away.
  16. newguy

    The Drink You Have When You're Not Having A Beer.

    When I have to stay awake: Quality coffee & espresso. Actually starting to consider roasting my own beans. Tea. When I don't have to stay awake: Single malt Scotch. Irish Whiskey. Bourbon. Good quality rum (not the cheap crap). Port.
  17. newguy

    Dusseldorf Trip

    Congratulations! Take lots of pictures! This site helped me when I was planning my trip.
  18. newguy

    Ot: Weekend In Munich - Where To Go?

    For the most part, just wander around. You'll find more pubs than you'll be able to handle. If you want authentic Bavarian food, eat at Zum Durnbrau, I can highly recommend it. Crappy picture of it here. If you tire of beer, check out the Englischer Garten, Schloss Nymphenburg, or even the BMW...
  19. newguy

    Burnt Beer...

    +1. Rauchpils. If anyone asks, say it was intentional. ;)
  20. newguy

    Funny Videos.... Any Topic

    Funny - that's exactly like 4 years of engineering. ;)