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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. K

    Where Does A Red Ipa "fit" In Bjcp Guidelines?

    That is what I thought. When I asked, I was told different by the person running the comp (different comp). He said it would get killed if it were not to style. Dont understand why, just what I was told how it works. Enter it in the other category if they have it. Or just enjoy it and not...
  2. K

    Forced Priming Kegs Vs Sugar Priming Bottles

    One of my biggest pieces of advice on here seems to be dealing with green beer. It seems like the kit instructions get brewers thinking that their beer is ready in a week or maybe a few days longer. If they bottle it gets a bit of a chance to finish up. If they keg, they drink green beer...
  3. K

    Biab Sky Hook

    Always amazes me how much effort people put into getting the bag out. Those kilos must have greater mass spinning backwards and hanging upside down. Here in the USA where we brew with gallons and pounds, I just pull the drawstring and lift the bag by the neck. I have a leftover tent pole and...
  4. K

    Brew To Bottle In 3 Weeks?

    I would let it ferment out and force carb in the keg. They will only have one 50th wedding anniversary and you do not want them to remember it as the time they had bad homebrew. Will not take any longer to bottle good beer from the keg then green beer from the fermentor. Plus you get the...
  5. K

    Black Ipa

    Sorry I add it at mash out a little bit at a time to get what color you want. I also BIAB so my grains come out faster then if you were draining through the grain bed. I do not make fine powder, coarser like hot wheat cereal I guess (can not remember what you call it there, one is Cream of...
  6. K

    Black Ipa

    We do a Black IPA. Mostly because the wife is the one that drinks the stuff and she does not like dark beers. Use Carafa special at flame out finely ground just to get the color. Insainly biter and hoppy. The kind of beer only 1 in a 100 on the board would like. The kind of IPA the west...
  7. K

    Low Efficiency

    Make sure your Thermometer is correct. Make sure your Hydro is correct. Write down your steps and check them off. Follow the BIAB guide. Not sure where the best one is any longer. So many people have posted so many different ways. Do you stir your mash? How many times and how often? Do...
  8. K

    Leaking Keg Beer Disconect?

    Got your posts mixed up when you put the keg back together? One is different then the other and when you mix them up one disconnect usually gets stuck. Have not done it myself so I do not remember what one gets stuck. Does the gas disconnect come off or is it stuck?
  9. K

    Irish Ale Fix

    You sure your mash temp is what you think it is? Thermometers are notorious for reading incorrect. Check in ice water, at boil, and against a different thermometer at mash temp or close. I run hot tap water over mine to check close to mash temps. I gave up on dial thermometers as I found...
  10. K

    Measuring Post-boil Efficiency

    Adjust just like grain if needed. Course we add hops by the ounce or measurable fraction, like half ounces. Hops are not a big issue unless the recipe needs to be scaled by a factor of .5 or 2.
  11. K

    -= Fridge Disaster Help Wanted =-

    Just a thought. If you are using a controller to set the fridge temp. Try unplugging the controller and plug the fridge in direct. If not using a controller, plug a lamp in the outlet to see if it is working. If the lamp lights leave the fridge unplugged for a day or two and then see if the...
  12. K

    Measuring Post-boil Efficiency

    I thought you died or gave up. Nice to see you posting. I agree. Just give a hop schedule and a grain bill in % with a target gravity and IBU. If you can not figure out how to give the grain bill in % I can figure it out even if you post it in liters of kittens. Brewing with extract and...
  13. K

    Measuring Post-boil Efficiency

    The only reason we use any number at all is to predict how much wort we will ferment and how much good stuff will be in that wort. As has been pointed out different programs calculate things differently as well as different brewers use different terms for the same calculation.
  14. K

    Removing The Plastic Lining From Fridge Door

    That would have been my first choice for covering a door. Over hear they call it shower board, however, last time I was at the big box store of hardware and lumber they now have plastic sheeting for putting in wet areas. All of the old covered wood product I have ever seen had blisters from...
  15. K

    Measuring Post-boil Efficiency

    The more I read about how people use programs the more I find they all calculate things differently. That is why I like recipes that give final volumes and gravity with a grain bill in percents and the IBU goal. If you tell me you made 20 liters of 1.045 wort at 35 IBU with a grain bill and...
  16. K

    Removing The Plastic Lining From Fridge Door

    Put something over the foam? A nice sheet of metal or plastic. Solves all 3 problems. Gives something for the taps to hold against, covers the foam, and lets you attach the seal. Have no idea where to get metal? How about from the side of a dead fridge?
  17. K

    Efficiency Breakdown Help

    Can not help with your software. You need to guess and brew again remembering to get volumes. Someplace in the program there should be a way to adjust some if not all of the numbers it uses to make calculations. Grain absorption is one as well as boil off and leftovers or losses to trub. I...
  18. K

    2row Pale Malt 50lb Sack $20.80

    You sure that is malted and not just grain? Elevators are not usually in the malting business. Also lots of different 2 row grain. Not all are best for brewing.
  19. K

    Leaking Co2 Bottle

    Bottles don't (or should I say should not leak). Valves and fittings leak. Remember you need to open the valve all the way or the stem can leak past the packing. If it is the bottle that is defective and it is new take it back.
  20. K

    Please Explain

    Got to say it will have to do with water and malt bill as well as brewing method. Brewing is a complex art as well as science. Even some of the science is not fully understood yet.