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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. N

    Craftbrewer Service

    not sure where else to add this but micromatic has a regulator add-on for there premium model which allows you to run two pressures. just screwes inbetween the old premium reg and gas bottle. The micromatic page says they will be available mid december... Will you be stocking an Australian...
  2. N

    Boags Recipe Wanted

    St George has to be the worst beer i have ever tasted. Ive managed to get through tooheys gold and fosters light, yet this one made its way to the bottom of the sink after half a bottle. Its a shame that a smaller brewery can produce crap like this. They are the one who are supposed to give us...
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    eBay Items III

    500l chest freezer in tweed heads (NSW/QLD costal border) is going for a steal at $300 ("buy it now") if anyone's interested. Im not the seller, just thought it was cheap.
  4. N

    Craftbrewer Service

    i'll second all the good coments above.. ordered late wedensday night, shipped thursday around midday and on my doorstep in prefect order before i crawled out of bed friday :)
  5. N

    Filtering Bottled Beer

    is it possible to gravity feed the beer filters or do you need to use Co2 and kegs?
  6. N

    Esb Fresh Wort Kits... And Cans.

    Heard through my local hbs that st peters brewery is going to stop making the fresh wort kits and cans for esb :( . Would love to know if anyone else has heard this news, as if its true it will be a shame. I really hope its just a rumor, as a new kit brewer ive found there selection gives the...
  7. drip tray

    drip tray

    drip tray
  8. font


    new font
  9. new font

    new font

    the new cobra flooded font
  10. N

    Isb: Inner Sydney Brewers - Info

    the mail list signup doesnt seem to be working. or im just stupid and cant work it out... one of the two
  11. N

    Coopers/tooheys Style Kegs

    there is a thread which links to something whcih explains it. if i remember, its a matter of pushing the center bit in and turning it to unlock it, then it just unscrews.. although you dont actually need to do this to use the keg.
  12. N

    What's Good Near Darling Harbour

    you really should look at going to the belgium beer cafe (135 Harrington Street, The Rocks). Expensive as hell, but lots of good beers and pretty good food. Is great for dinner and a few drinks. would advise booking though as ive seen waiting times 4 hours long..
  13. N

    Glycol Chilling Experiment. Fridgies Advice Please.

    has anyone looked into using thermoelectric (peltier) cooling? its the thing they use in those portable electric coolers. the parts all seem really small and it seems to run on 12v dc, which is always good when dealing with liquids, metals and electricity. would love it if someone who...
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    Cobra Font

    well i worked out how to get it off... just brute force some vice grips and a bit of rubber... if anyone else has the same problem, these parts are glued on. hence the problems. cheers nick
  15. N

    Cobra Font

    yeah there was a small hex screw in there which holds in the other half of it, the snaploc bit which connects to the hose.
  16. N

    Cobra Font

    got a cobra style flooded font from a bar a friend manages.. anyway was wondering if anyone knew how i could get this snaploc adaptor off it, as theres nothing to grab. is there a special tool? heres a closeup of the bit i want to get off. its being removed so it can be properly cleaned...
  17. N

    Wyeast Not Fermenting

    cool, thanks for your advise guys... thinks i might leave it until next weekend and see what happens. if it hasnt done anything by then ill just add some dried yeast. And that pack was dated May 06
  18. N

    Wyeast Not Fermenting

    i got a wyeast 2278 czech pils, and added it to a esb fresh wort pilsner. 3 days later and the sg has not changed, nor are there any signs of fermentation. this is the first time ive used one. i think i may have ruined it. I did not wait for the pack to swell as it said you could pitch it...
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    F1 Championship

    i may not be a fan of his but he did earn that car and he is/was the best driver around. Skill will not win you a championship on its own, but it will along with the right demographics and sponsorships get a driver into the right car to take the gold.
  20. N

    Asahi Beer Dispenser

    wow... people need to lighten up these days.. this media driven society if far too sensitive. "Jap" wasn't used as a racial slur is was merely used to identify a group/race of people. Maybe you should make a complaint to A Current Affair about the racist language used on message boards in this...