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  1. booyablack


    If you want your cider carbonated, then yes, you will need to add 2 carbonation drops per long-neck. My GF recently used the Blackrock cider kit with 1kg of dextrose and replaced 6L of water with 6L of apple juice. I think next time I'll get her to add some lactose like the Doc has done above...
  2. booyablack

    Kilkenny Clone

    I made cdbrown's Who Killed Kenny from the recipeDB a few months ago and it turned out to be a ripper. Like others have said above it was a lot bigger beer than Kilkenny but IMO that made it better. I poured a WKK and a Kilkenny and sat them side by side. Except for the creamy nitrogen-produced...
  3. booyablack

    Anyone Tried Little Creatures Single Batch?

    Thanks for the link argon! There's some good info in there. I did actually do a search for any threads on the LC Single Batch before I posted but somehow missed that one... Cheers again. I think my next brew will have to be a Cascade IPA!
  4. booyablack

    Anyone Tried Little Creatures Single Batch?

    A few weeks ago I dropped into The Clarendon Hotel in Newcastle and noticed they had Little Creatures Single Batch on tap. I'd never heard of it so I asked the barman what it was and he said it was an IPA. Of course I got a schooner of the stuff and I've got to say, it's pretty damn good! Has...
  5. booyablack

    Empty Bottles Fast!

    We call that a strawpedo. Had a few at a mate's place a couple of weekends ago. Certainly gets the beer out of the stubbie at a tremendous pace. I'm glad we stuck to the 375mL bottles though unlike deathwish Bradley....
  6. booyablack

    Vb-under Attack From Tasmania

    +1 to kahn and PostModern. I had converted from Tooheys New to Boags Draught before I started homebrewing. For a standard commercial beer I think Boags Draught is OK and it was always one of the cheapest cartons at the bottlo so that didn't hurt either! I actually bottled my latest brew last...
  7. booyablack

    2010 Footie Tipping Competition

    Still not good enough to beat the Waratahs though....
  8. booyablack

    Beginner To Brewing

    Yeah my bad on that one. At the time when I bought the kit I thought that the Coopers kit didn't have a hydrometer but I see now that they do. I still bought another hydrometer anyway because the one with the Brigalow kit didn't go above 1040. I had to guess that my second brew was about 1044...
  9. booyablack

    Beginner To Brewing

    Hey Ralphi, just thought I'd weigh in on the bottle debate. I use a combination of stubbies and long-necks when I bottle, usually about 12 long-necks and 35 or so stubbies. I also have both screw tops and crown seals. I deliberately use more stubbies than long-necks because I find them so much...
  10. booyablack

    Orchard Ale In Newcastle

    OK, so google just helped me to answer my own question. For anyone that's interested it turns out it's a Saison with crushed apples introduced to the ferment. Maybe I'll head over to the Northern Star and give it a go.... (although my recently ready-to-drink DrSmurto's Golden Ale is looking...
  11. booyablack

    Orchard Ale In Newcastle

    Cliff What is the Orchard Ale? Have you tried it? Is it an APA or what? Booyablack
  12. booyablack

    How Much Sugar?

    +1 to the carbonation drops. I use them every time because they are so easy and are a standard amount. 1 for stubbies, 2 for long-necks. Simple! And NO BOTTLE BOMBS! (at least I haven't had any yet.....)
  13. booyablack

    Big Infection

    Well it wasn't intended to be a Lambic beer but maybe that's what it's turned out to be. I'll be honest and say I had no idea what Brettanomyces were but a quick google search found this relevant thread on another forum (am I going to get burned for posting this?)...
  14. booyablack

    Big Infection

    Ok, well that gives me some reassurance because this brew was nothing like that. I definitely would have noticed sour milk and creamed corn! Really, the only problem with it was the white scum on top. I did also take the precaution of storing the bottles of it in an esky in case they were...
  15. booyablack

    Big Infection

    OK, so the other day I was reading this thread and I saw the pictures and thought, that doesn't look too good, I'm glad I've never had an infection. Then a few days later I go to throw some finings into my latest batch and BAM! deja vu. What the hell?!?! Why does my beer look like the surface...
  16. booyablack


    I've heard of people sanitising their bottles by putting a small amount of water in the bottom of each one and then popping them in the microwave to steam them. Does anyone do this? I haven't read anything about this technique on this forum yet. Is it dangerous? Can it make the glass brittle or...
  17. booyablack


    Ok Screwtop, I've read enough on this forum to get the message that Sodium Percarbonate is a cleaner and not a sanitiser but why then do Coopers sell Sodium Percarbonate as a sanitiser?
  18. booyablack


    When bottling I've made it a habit to label the last two bottles filled with "L.B." on the cap. This means "last bottled" and that way if they taste like crap/have too much sediment/explode etc. I at least know the reason why.
  19. booyablack

    First Brew From A Beginner

    How long do you plan to leave it in the primary? You've said it took 3 or 4 days to finish fermentation but I'd say if you give it a bit more time in the fermenter it will allow more yeast to drop out of suspension and form a heavier yeast cake. I generally stick with 1 week in the primary and...