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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. super_simian

    Ag 2row To ? Oatmeal

    Willamette would be good; do you know the AA%? And how cold is cold? Below 15C (59F) you will need to use the Lager yeast, but I like the sound of raw rye and either S-33 or T-58. Peppery!
  2. super_simian

    Change Ginger Beer To Dark And Stormy

    C'mon, seriously; I dropped Maths in Yr10 and even I get this. Are you able to walk and chew at the same time?
  3. super_simian

    Boags Wizard Smith English Ale

    Disclaimer: I've never had this beer. I've never done the Boags tour. BUT I will eat my hat if Wizard Smith is 100% crystal malt. I will eat a hat made of roadkill. Covered in AIDS. The guide is either clueless or hitting the meth. Also, the comment about cane sugar is just laughable. FFS, stop...
  4. super_simian

    Boags Wizard Smith English Ale

    There are so many factual errors here... Try boning up on topics which pique your interest before posting.
  5. super_simian

    Bottle Conditioned Ginger Beer

    Here is a thread detailing my experience with in-bottle pasteurising.
  6. super_simian

    Fermentation Stops Early

    I've been using a sanitised electric whisk lately. But I do it after pouring from cube to fermenter, when the wort is cool.
  7. super_simian

    My Yeast Starter Smells Like ...

    I ate sashimi style chicken in Japan. It was...interesting!
  8. super_simian

    New Brews At Local Woolies

    Smells like...pretension... That's what I saw.
  9. super_simian

    An All Grain Ginger Beer Recipe I Found

    Slight tangent - is there a commercial malt based ginger beer that isn't sweetened? I ask because I drank a Gingerbeard, from Wychwood UK, and had high hopes being a fan of Hobgoblin etc. but it was intolerably sweet and left me feeling NQR all the next day, which I am putting down to artificial...
  10. super_simian

    Not A Fan Of Cider

    It comes down to a disparity in perception. To brewers, cider makers and (perhaps) wine makers, cider is essentially a fruit wine; from turbo cider through macro cider to scrumpy. But to drinkers, especially in the current domestic market, cider is more akin to beer. In colour, in ABV, in...
  11. super_simian

    Start Of Footy Season Brew

    Well, I got served...
  12. super_simian

    Start Of Footy Season Brew

    By attendance, participation or television audience? I'm being facetious anyway, because you're wrong on all 3 according to the 2011 data. P.S. No need to drop the C-biscuit on the forum. P.P.S. I actually don't mind rugby (well, union) but why is a game based on throwing called footy? Apart...
  13. super_simian

    Coopers Green. Really That Good?

    Is Old available on tap elsewhere? I don't think I've seen it in Melbourne...
  14. super_simian

    Lil Creatures Bright Ale Clone

    Those Brewcraft directions did for one of my first K+B brews too - who wrote them, and why do they think you can boil grains?
  15. super_simian

    In A Rush And Stuffed Up

    A bit OT, but can I just point out that unless the Amber is diastatic, the torrified wheat won't have been converted by anything....
  16. super_simian

    Coopers Green. Really That Good?

    If you like Carlton Draught (not draft!) over Coopers, check in the mirror - you may be missing a tongue! In case you don't get it, I'm all for CPA. With or without yeast, cold or cellar temp. Stubby or keg, it's all good and all better than megalager. Decent Aussie session beer, drinkable by...
  17. super_simian

    Start Of Footy Season Brew

    WTF are these teams you are all going on about?
  18. super_simian

    Aussie Lager - Questions

    Given the replies on this and other threads about creating an Aussie "Lager" (along VB/XXXX lines) but using US05 (or 1056 I guess) perhaps we need to delineate an Aussie "Cream Ale" style! Low bitterness, rice/sugar adjunct, and POR or Cluster. Any input?